Users daniel Is Following
ZXRTUHIJJ docter115
Miki ubercocgroc
¡Hola soy Miki! Bienvenido a mi perfil! Si quieres comunicarte conmigo puedo hablar: Español , Inglés , Francés y Alemán. Estos son mis juegos: ·Splatoon ·MinecraftWiiU ·SuperMarioMaker ·SuperSmashBrosWiiU ·FIFA13 ·LegoJurassicWorldWiiU ·MarioKart8 ·SuperMarioBrosU ·DonkeyKongCountryTropicalFreeze ·MarioParty10 ·SuperMario3DWorld Si tu me sigues yo también te seguiré =3 ¡Hasta otra!
Sh Angel Thomascaillet
AIE ! je suis Freddy ne rate pas mes message et me demande dans un des mes message qu'on soit amis et je joue a mmk et mk8 et splatoon enfin bref si tu veux des etoiles mario maker demande moi et je les ferais avec grand plesir aller salut
zi-zi zions02
********* irihanna
********** How2MemeAGAIN
Sηοω☃сατ j.boettiger
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Georgey Turtlez182
ħěÿ fav colur:neon fav food:donuts fav restaurant:jack-in-the-box wok box (chines) fav place:Boston fav store:a zoo how old i am ? where i live Canada do i have a gf yes are you a gaming person YES ßýé
Connor Electro1500
I love all games from retro classics to modern blockbusters. I love online gaming and story games. I also like to listen to game soundtracks of my favourite games.
Chy0 Corewin
Hi i am Chy0
Ari Francis4th-MK7
kingboy poptropica142
Some one please follow me please$$$
Lεslуε♪ dewott631
Beloved Friend Saki♥ Find me ↓↓ (Discord:) Milla#0818 Twitteя: JustynJohnson5 :3 ☆Farewell miiverse★
MLG23 Marioluigiguy23
MarioLuigiguy23 here and I'm 15 and Mario and Luigi are My two best in the world gaming characters and WWE is my favorite sport and I love making comics and drawing! :) Mario & Luigi rpg series rocks & I make stories plus Super Smash Bros is My favorite,Nintendo is Awesome!
gabparker bibundeurboss
salut c'est plus bas j'ai 13 ans gentille oui mechant non
★ģħőśțу☆ rafaladeras
Here are all the faces i know: :) ): :c c: ;-; ;_; <>.<> >.< 0: |: P: (>: c>: :<c :<( [: ]: [:< ]:< (:< ):< )>:< (>:< c:< >:c ._. .-. $.$ @.@ *.* ^.^ ^-^ ^_^ ~.~
tita tita_127
hi friend:)
Derek AlkteriosGames
Hi, my name is Derek Rumpler and I am the CEO and lead game designer for Alkterios Games LLC! Please check out our Wii U games (listed under favorite communities on this profile) and leave your feedback on Miiverse! Have an awesome day!
Suzuki NintendoSuzuki
任天堂の 鈴木 利明( すずき としあき ) です。 『Wii Street U powered by Google 』のディレクションを担当しています。 I'm Toshiaki Suzuki from Nintendo. I am in charge of direction of Wii Street U powered by Google.
June BladeSisters_J
The second eldest of the three sisters.
Cordova cordovamaster
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gaby noob gab63parker
bonjour j'ai 10 ans j'adore jouer a splatoon
Hasani racr_crafter
DaSopaBoss BryanTBeast
hey guys my name is bryan and i hope we can be friends as long as i live and as long as you live ps if i can get a 100 followers i may make my own channel;)
Jace snipz101242
I dont play much-ish Usually Playing ps4 and ma tablet. Pretty nice when u get to know me. message me whenever.Fave food:Pizza Bestest Friend is Dino Gamer. anyways, thats it (fornow). ByeBye (^-^)
mjvn kid891
Thomas Tom-Terror8
EDGE Tcarr9
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olivier08 mii_oli_08
Bryce techdude12345
If You Follow Me I Can't Send Any Friend Requests Because My List Is (Almost) Full
ΛΜ★MΔхiмe★ maxsurwiiu78
Yo ^^ Maintenant, il est temps que je dise aurevoir aux jeux vidéos! J'ai passé une merveilleuse expérience sur la Wii U et Miiverse! Mais il faut penser à l'avenir! Je remercie tout mes amis pour tout ces moments passé ensemble! J'oublierai jamais !;-( Mon parcours de teams: G&K⇒ŞΛ⇒SG⇒GS⇒ČÐŘ⇒Øς⇒Λς⇒SF★⇒NS★⇒DR★⇒NS★⇒P√⇒γς¤⇒[Tf]⇒ΛΜ★⇒N¢⇒Ħ$⇒Ð$⇒мк⇒ΛΜ★ R.I.P Miiverse et la Wii U Miiverse : 2012-2017
markus dorfaue2
D.C. DinogamerX123
Welcome to my royal space where I keep on playing the games! I'm sorry I can't be friends with anyone that I don't know. I can, however, follow best friends that I do know and friend request them. Please feel free to follow me, though. Signed, Prince DinogamerX of XMadQueenAlyssaX's Lovelies. P.S. Keep on playing the video games! Bow to Alyssa or not, iz up to chu.
Skye NintendoSkye
Hiya, I'm Skye from Nintendo. I'll be posting videos with Nintendo-related stuff in the YouTube Nintendo Channel sub community, so make sure you swing by ;)
momo morganmathis1008
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EхΤαzY♪ HUGO0476
Salut c'est Exta Mamène ! Miiv ferme donc go majouter sur Wii U et sur la Play 4 PSN Nestea-Du-76 ;) Jaime la musique les jeux vidéo et surtout jouer entre ami ! Je Suis sympa Mes Talents : Pro des accents racistes et des Bonnes blagues beauf $ Je tien a remercier les 380 abonnées :)
Tyler Tyler.Daniels976
Hello Everyone, My name is Tyler. I add everyone, so don't be afraid to send me a request on Wii U. Just as long as you respect me and do not try to Wii U chat me all the time then I'll be happy to have you around! Just FYI, The Mii that I use for my profile is not one that I created. This is ξχ☆«Tyler's Mii, an inactive World Record holder from MKWii. I asked him if I could use it.
Boss Playa damarion11
hi guys you can follow me and join my tournament Mii Battle™ 2 you can't friend me because im a 6...
hi guys you can follow me and join my tournament Mii Battle™ 2 you can't friend me because im a 6 year old