Dannyh09's Followers
Dylan josdyljer2015
Hola amigos
#RYDERDOG# Ryman74
hello my friends like a shooting star in the spot light im Ryder sills with my bey sharpedo thats right!!!!
Dani Jugon DaniJugon
Seguir a ID:DaniJugonazo
Link jugurtha1289
yanes mexico45
hi am mexico i love tacos and a mlg player in call of duty infinite war i best with djlinker in ps4 in you have ps4 send dj a message:-): do you have a wii u be a buddy les play heres some ''THING'' about me 1. iam a youtuber with live stuff. it a secret 2. i need friend to put them on my video, LIVE!
Alex the6boys
emobot 947 rfrenchie07
hi im emobot the cubot gamer and welcome to the emerald group [= I play terraria mario maker and all sorts I even make good drowings good buy[=
I love Super Mario Maker!!!!!
€ħαяεενα64 chareeva64
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HEY GUYS!! I am €ħαяεενα64. [Pronounced Char-e-va64] My Fav. Games Splatoon Mario Kart 8 Minecraft Lego® City Undercover Highest amount of yeahs 58 I think thats it. ('_')
でかまる dekamaruyama
HumanYoshi AJAllen18
Well i guess thats it.... no more miiverse i hope you enjoyed my posts i guess this is the end of us. Guys just take all my apples ]:
CollBreakr Yogi1313
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CatKing12 nerdypants6
Cats and dogs are the best pets ever!! They can do a variety of hilarious things to keep you entertained!! Some are even so funny you'll fall out of your seat!! I strongly recommend you get a cat &/or a dog!! But if you dislike cats &/or dogs, I respect your opinion.
Jordon pikpoketer
Hi. Welcome to the END OF YOUR DAYS! jk you can leave now. you're not getting to my profile. The gamer is here. SMM and BotW 24-7. happy now? thats enough. OMG LEAVE!!!!! LEAVE LEAVE LLEEAAVVEE!!!!!!!! Ugh... go ahead
Carlos (: Carlos.05.GUA
Bye everyone, thanks for everything. Hope to see y’all in a future Miiverse service for the Nintendo Switch. Adiós a tod@s, gracias por todo. Espero verlos en un futuro servicio como Miiverse para el Nintendo Switch. :(
Marco maaavv
Elisah Starelisah
Hey!!! Ik hou van Splatoon, Mario Kart 7\8 Animal Crossing New Leaf. KIRBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ‹(^•^‹) ‹(^•^)› (›^•^)›
Ûmbrian Kæ DarkLordofFood
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redstone redstone27
Hier könnte ihre Werbung stehen! rufen sie jetzt an aber nur bis zum 8.11 ps:twitter bedeutet auch zwitschern,also warum bannen mich die admins wenn ich ein bild mit einen vogel mit der unterschrift "twitter"poste :<
Adam MegalovaniaAdam
Goodbye Miiverse i thank everyone who supported me throughout my miiverse life i will miss you all so much goodbye everyone ;( before i removed stuff i had 400 posts
Jayla Royalty227
Hi my name is Jayla im not this small btw i love all of my friends but its nice to meet you so have fun scrolling through my page like a stalker but thx any way ;-;
Peter WPL2001
I like to say that I had a great time on Miiverse. But all I say is I will miss it. In fact, I wouldn't have a Switch until after the MV Servers are down. Nintendo Please Bring Miiverse To the Switch Instead of Facebook and Twitter. I'm Not Even At A legal Age.
sondra sondrob
Eli U EliU2005
Hi, I play SMM, Minecraft and Mario Cart on the Wii U. I download often Screen Shoots. You can follow me.
Noah[UK] dmgh1972
Casper casperparis
Au revoir les amis ! Je quitte Miiverse ! C'est un délire de passer ce long moment avec vous ! Bye et tcho !
Shadow koopantoad
I'm Shadow The Hedgehog Sonic's Rival. I have 4 play-throughs. I play Sonic Generations on Fridays. My Favorite Ride Is Rock N Roller Coaster. I'm Gonna Miss You Guys.
una★T_T ss96syun
Zed gianlumorgan
LET'S BE FRIENDS!!!!! :-D I love playng: Mario kart 8 Mario maker Splatoon Minecraft Almost 400 followers and 80 friends THANKS! :-D GOODBYE
Reid707 Reidy1205
hi my name is reid and i love playing nintendo games
★Aelias19★ yoanis19
salut! J'aime les jeux comme MK8,MARIO MAKER,Splatoon... vous pouvez demander des conseils! record 3eme régional sur mario maker!!!! Allez faire mes niveaux mario maker!SVP! Je vous conseil d'aller faire les niveaux de Leeshino,MY★RV★MLP,Shira2,Ficou Je suis sympa.Vous pouvez mz demander en ami!Vous pouvez vous-abonnez! :D sinon,BONNE CONTINUATION!!BONNE CHANCE!!ET ABONNE-TOI!
James Cheese4Me2
Just a random boy who likes to play Mario games. I also like computer coding and cartooning.
ProAtMCPE1 mkoket
sergi9540 sergil3210
hola soy Sergi
buddy rieserfm
hey guys! im happy your here!! i want to get 100 followers before the end of miiverse! can u help me!? here are things about me. i love swimming and baseball. my favorite food is muffins and i think this world should be all peaceful and to have everybody to be who they want to be without worrying about being judged. MV best friends, danyninga, diamond boy, sam+wiiu=!, victoria and cw☆xaiver!!! BYE
Cheezy ZoraFishy
さくのサブでぇすぅ↑ yosei-ys
SAKUさくのサブ垢です。フリレクはこっちでお願いします。 こっちにフリレクどうぞー!意味のわからないフリレクや、無言フリレクは無視です。(無言フリレクは話した事がある人ならOKです) 私はメインでもサブでもブロックはしないので安心してください。あまりにもうるさいとブロックします^^
JoseTuber★ jose-alex1128
Hola soy Jose se tengo 10 años se agradeze el que me siga Juegos favoritos Maincra,splatoon etc... Amigos favoritos xXSmashGamergXx,Peluches8,angelswswswsws,MIRUI7 No eres Gamerg pues dale al boton seguir+
Fab.A XamaaKid
hey guys it bestie here playing some kirby likes= Zelda,minecraft,mario,pokemon,and splatoon zelda=op at legend of zelda minecraft=not good at minecraft splatoon=level 11 squid mario=only good at mario carts pokémon=doesn't play it anymore but still likes it hates=2ds games,classical games like checkers,
sBs beachstar
MK8 9999 VR DKC Tropical Freeze 200% Rayman Legends Awesomeness 10 Mario Maker 12 medals
Simon Simon_Bl4ckquill
#1 level maker in the UK in Super Mario Maker with over 375,000 stars! 2nd in Europe and 14th Wor...
#1 level maker in the UK in Super Mario Maker with over 375,000 stars! 2nd in Europe and 14th Worldwide!
Danny Super Ultrathon Completers:
Ash K
DTM Kyle