Users Kelvin Is Following
☆POP★ K01Ilm
ミバ終了まで楽しみましょう! こんにちは(・∀・)ノ 主に 星のカービィシリーズ コミュ中心に様々なイラストを見る事楽しんでいます! 時間がかかりますが、たまに絵を投稿する場合があります。 ほぼカービィキャラは好きですが、 カービィ マホロア マルク タランザ メタナイト デデデ大王 スージー リボン ワドルディ セクトニア が特に好きです。 コメントは 悪コメ、荒らし以外は 大歓迎です。 無言フォローOK フォローの貼り剥がしはご自由に。 チキンでコミュ障 語彙力がない為 あまり自分から フォロー・フォロバ・コメントすることが少ないです…すみませんm(_ _)m 最近リアルの都合により更新が不定期中(--;) ボソ…コトリちゃん飼い始めました‼
ルナ heritage0369
ケイ様、素敵なモザイクアートをありがとうございます! 私の絵も使って頂き、感激致しました>< この思い出は、一生の宝物です*^_^* 本当に、お疲れさまでした!!! フォロワーの皆様、こんにちは! 初めての方は初めまして、ルナです!以後お見知りおきを( ‘-^ )-☆ ★弟子★ ゆらじょう さん おおにし りさこ さん ♪ayane♪ さん ☆プレイ経験のあるカービィゲーム☆ *本編 「初代」「夢の泉の物語」「夢の泉デラックス」「2」「SDX」「USDX」「3」「64」「鏡の大迷宮」「ドロッチェ団」「wii」「トリプルデラックス」「20周年スペシャルコレクション」 *番外 「コロコロカービィ」「エアライド」「毛糸」「デデデ大王のデデデでデンZ」「カービィハンターズz」 *Miiverse開始日:2017/7/31 *歳…20代/学生 最後に・・・マホロア、超、大好きです!!!
Brandon MrTrac
Thanks for the memories! Let's cherish our final months! :') <3 Stuff V V V Dee Aye! Mr - Trac The Cord! Mr Trac # 3 5 1 7 (no spaces)
King King-X
Miiverse continues at MV Haven! - Christian. - Adult. - London, England. - Musician. - Into Zelda, Final Fantasy, Tales of and similar. - Anime: Studio Ghibli, SAO etc. - Listening: Classical/VG & film soundtracks/80s/upbeat stuff. - Into astrophotography, Photoshop, YouTube, drone aerial photography... - Official backer of Yooka-Laylee. - Joined 2012. Thanks for reading!
TrashMan penn228
just another intermediate chicken
George geoluigi
Salutations, visitor of my profile. I am the strange being known as George, and on this site, I am a semi-popular pixel artist. Things you need to know: I'm a Jehovah's witness. My favourite games are Super paper Mario and Super Mario galaxy. Thanks for all the great times I had, and people I met, miiverse. It's sad to see you go.
Kelvin 3DS DarkaceZ2
This is my alt. New 3ds XL account. Main account is Kelvin, Id. darkacez. I doubt you'll find anything of interest here but make yourself at home.
Alan 2.0 abadtom
I'm Alan(ruizastico)'s alt,so I guess if you like my posts you should check the other profile c:
Chris InnerDecay
Drawing requests are closed. Thank you for sending in requests, everyone, I hope you had fun! Passionate Nintendo fan since early childhood, grew up playing SNES and N64. Game-crushing hard on Paper Mario: Color Splash and Kirby: Planet Robobot. 100+ followers! Thank you, everyone, I hope you enjoy my silly posts ^^ Dream address: 6D00-0044-A784
Jam-Jam PlzdontbanJammy
Same old Jammy with a fresh, new WiiU alt account. No, I'm not really Jammy. Dr. Bæ♥
;-; NekoMetaKnight
Thanks for the follows and yeahs everyone. And also, thank you Miiverse. [I might be leaving here.] (Since Miiverse is ending someday, I'm very sorry that I will not continue to draw requests.)
The stick figure cartoonist which really isn't amazing that makes puns and amazing awesome run on sentences so yeah enjoy my corn dogs, Follow P1Austin like now. He's like the best. And like always will be...his work is like..ooooh mama
Gioconpoco StefanoSmily
Hello folks! Here's Gioconpoco, an italian guy who loves SPAGHE...*ahem*... drawing and playing videogames. I'll post funny stuff on games that I'm playing currently... Whenever i can... (School fault σ_ σ ’) Follow me for being updated on my crazy drawings. Bye! <(^.^)/˜˜
JonRetro retrog97
† Welcome to my profile! Not much time is left for Miiverse... So let's the most of these last days!
Ħσρε hersheycookie
Hαjίmεmαshίτε, ωαταςhί ησ ηαmαε ωα Ħσρε dεςυ. ·•★•.·☆·.•★•.·☆·.•★•.·☆·.•★•.·☆·.•★•· •I lίкε dяαωίηg •I lίкε lίςτεηiηg τø мμςίс. •I lίкε τнε ƒøιιøωίηg gαмες: Αηίмαι Сяøςςίηg Νεω Lεαƒ Aηίмαι Cяøςςίηg Ħαρρу Ħøмε Ðεςίgηεя •I'м ταкίηg vίøιίη ιεςςøης. •I cяøcħετ •I'м ιεαяηίηg to кηίt •I'м ιεαяηίηg Jαραηεsε I'd lίкε τø ιεαяη: Кσяεαη Fίgυяε Sкατίηg Sτυdίσ Għίblί Кρορ †.·•★ Ģσðς ηοτ ðεαð ★•·.†
Virgilio☆ ST4NCE
I sniff gum b4 I chew it >.> Haii everyone! I are Stance, and whalecome to my profile! \(^▽^@)ノ I'm shy, but I'm always looking to add a little pizzaz to everything! Nothing makes me more happy than making my friends laugh! :p Chill dood by day, hyper diaper by night! ( ★∇★ ) Nintendo & TF2 fan. Woohoo! I have a very sweet Cookie Pie, Priscilla♡ taht iz it now skedadle, shoo :}3
GreyFox FoxGamer22
I like to draw, got a problem with that? No? GOOD! Then you'll like it here. When im not drawing i'm playing video games or doing school. FAVORITE GAME: Katamari Damacy for PS2 FAVORITE NINTENDO GAME: Super Paper Mario FAVORITE 3DS GAME: Animal Crossing: New Leaf FAVORITE TV SHOW: not that it matters but it's Psych. FAVORITE WII U GAME: Super Mario Maker.
Zedd Xeerawth
Pokémon humor is a dying art. I am not Anton Zaslavski. I take suggestions, but i don't do requests.
«βoωsεr» richietitan
I am not nice. Chipp- i mean...Starlow is too bossy. I don't trust any kind of shrooms. (I'm obsessed with a game that came out 8 years ago and i'm proud. 3DS alt, for those who care: Kehilyn06)
george X luigiorge
Behold, the great and magnificent George X! You shall all tremble before me! Follow me or pay the consequences! I also now run the Evil is our hobby series of pixel art comics, currently known as the Revengers, as a little extra 'insentive' But don't follow my archnemisis. Just so you know who to avoid, his NNID is geoluigi. #mustachessuck #orangeshirtssuck "Why make, when you can take?"
Sauce Mr.SauceALT
Hey man! I'm Sauce. I'm a dude who's loved Ninty my whole life. I used to be a very avid Miiverse user, but now I only post here and there sadly, mostly for the friends I have or have yet to meet. I like to draw whenever I can. My posts can be kind of opinionated at times, so fair warning. My mains in Smash are Ganon Samus and Palutena. I still want Ridley in a Smash game. ;> Thanks for reading!
Garret Frenchtoaster
Hi there! This is my first, older account. Want to see Part 2 of this account? Check out 'Nostalgialad' under the same name! Hope you enjoy!
おきらく enjoooy
息抜きに絵を描く... しばらく来れませんでしたが WiiU2台目を買いました! 「むしゃくしゃして買った、 後悔はしていない(^-^)」 これからは別のアカウントで活動して いきますのでよろしくお願いします 絵柄でわかってくれたら嬉しいです... Thank you for looking at my illustrations :-) このアカウントでの投稿期間[7/23~8/23]
Welcome to the Trav- Zone! GET READY!! Hope you enjoy my scribbles and what-have-ya. I want to thank all those who yeah, comment, and follow! THANK YOU!! Also be sure to check out my main account: The Trav (Megablurx) for all my WiiU posts and other random cray.
K1★ K1.Crash
【大学2年目になりました 17/4/27】 閲覧有り難う御座います。以下、スペック的な ・道産子の学生 ・2013/3/16U購入 ・アニメカービィ好き ・マリカ8はガチ勢です ・スマブラ4はデデデ使いです ・東方に絶賛どハマり中 ・共感、コメやフォローはお気軽に ・上手い絵、分かる投稿、返せなかったコメントなどに共感します ・テレビ電話不可 ・人をよく選んでフォローしています。 ・l can speak only easy English. I'm 19 years old. 絵のリクエストは受け付けられません また、都合上コメント返しは基本遅れます>< フレンドはよく吟味します [個人的なカービィ神曲ランキング] 1.マスクドデデデのテーマ グリーングリーンズ 2.コルダ 常夜の星ハーフムーン 3.激突!グルメレース SDX,Mt.DEDEDE 4.マルク戦 洞窟大作戦
★KαωαSαкι☆ KirbyYoukai1514
★°»›Kirby Gijinkas∞Touhou Pixel Art‹«°★ Kon'nichiwa KawaStar here! Welcome to my profile! Im a Lunarian Kirbian Hashihime from India moved to the U.S. Im just someone who loves to draw a lot ☆°•Class of 2017•°☆ I'm just a huge nerd of Kirby, Touhou, and Minecraft: Story Mode /)=ω=(\ ☆Manipulation of Jealousy☆ ›»Green-Eyed Jealousy«‹ ●ˇNever Stop Drawingˇ● ★°•Mentally Creativity•°★
ふくろう something910
ゲームが好きな人です。 任天堂さん発のゲームをプレイすることが多め。 マリオ、ゼルダ、ポケモン、カービィ辺りは大体買ってるかも。 最近はFEやメトロイドなどもやったりしていますよ。
Danny TamDanny
// Booting description v4.1-Final Welp, Miiverse will end soon... It's been a blast around here, and I seriously enjoyed my time here. Met so many great people, had some fun chats, and smiled like an giant idiot. So seriously, thanks everyone. Gah, I'm gonna miss this place. I'm gonna still be drawing even after this place goes, so I hope we'll meet again out there in the Internet!
やしろ kdfsysr
Orbulon 0rbulon
Do the Kirby dance! (>'.')> <('.'<) ^('.')^ v('.')v <('.'<) ^( )^ (>'.')> ^(^.^)> Stay tuned for more gaming randomness and some pixel art + Art Academy stuff every now and then. Things you can expect here: - Cartoon Characters - Ghosts - Kirby - Legend of Dark Witch - Paper Mario - Pokémon - Puyo Puyo - Shantae - Wario Land - WarioWare ...and some random stuff. 2nd account: EvilOrbi
Tonyrus CoolDude_Gemini
Louie HandsomeSkully80
IKA qwijhy
もはや絵心専用アカ。稀にもう一人います。 ゼルダ絵多め。 絵の好みは雑食系。ホラーもファンシーも好きです。 スプラ→プラ(無印)、S~A。 たまにやる勢。 vc&3DSのスクショは別の人です。(絵とスクショ中の人別!!) *みん活は追えるレベルで。 When I recieved your comment,so happy! but I hope “short”...Please don't let asking for me “Questions”-fav or hate series & characters. Of course, your fav is my fav.Finaly,3ds&VC's Screenshot isn't mine.My3ds is offline.Thank you.
Archmask Archmask
Lurking in the shadows,weilding a 2DS, Archmask disappears into the night... you can see a list of Archdan's potd drawings in the "Yeahs given" section of "Activity"
Pam PandaMiku
Hello everyone it is I, Pam. (Ptypoison's little sister) I have finally made my own Miiverse. I can't wait to meet you all. xoxo -Pam c;
★Kk★ RedKirby23
Hi, there! I'm a huge Kirby fan, so chances are many of my posts will end up being Kirby related. <(-^.^-)> I also love animals, especially birds; cartoons, Steven Universe being my current favorite; and several other Nintendo franchises. I mainly create artwork here and with Art Academy, it's a bit of a hobby of mine!
Jammy Jamjar20
Hello person! remember to stop by the 'posts' section of this profile for your daily dose of humorous doodles! Dededelightful! Also, I'm a JW. No, I don't have anything else to say.
It's nearing the end.....
Thanks for all the laughs and fun times Miiverse.
There will never be a...
It's nearing the end.....
Thanks for all the laughs and fun times Miiverse.
There will never be another place like it. Love all you guys!
Let's enjoy our final moments.
"Don't be sad it's over, be glad that it happened"