Mr.Weird's Friends
CoolSam CoolSam112-2
"Hello Fellow Citizens My Name Is Sam I Am Not Gonna Give Out Any Privite Info But My Birthday is June 16.I Love New Friends and followers so friend me if you want to. Ps.Might Not play Game Cus Im Going Though Hurracane Harvy And I DO WIIU CHAT BUT DONT CALL Rapidly Plz....................Hope You Follow me or Friend reqest me And Bye!See You Amazing People.
kirby★ carbro11
ethan EthanL26
hi im Ethan
Ethan ethanevanl
hey come join my game and say hi
PEKO peko.a
This user's profile comment is private.
bro&carcar 242329car
hello am car and I am two people car and captian toad. Toad is always hyper so watch out. when you see capital letters thats captian toad.
RyRy rhinohorn2006
I am a Gaming Expert! I will play minecraft sometimes splatoon and occasionally Super Smash Bros. I will play with Skite453 CMcIntosh and lambertmetab12. I will accept most friend requests and I play very often. I come up with lots of creative ideas. See ya later. GAME ON!!!!
Sansa Zanii7
Hiya cuties! My name is Sansa . I am 8 years Old I like drawing , Mario Kart ,Anime Fnaf Fav character Mangle and foxy, i love drawing, fav musice artis, imagine dragons! I love Springtrap and bendy!, Im looking for friends who live,See ya later dounut fans! huehehe
True Gav Gavietalk
What up what up!
Ethan L lambert12metab
Hey i have watchdogs text me if you want to play with me = )
Dane Dellong11
hello my name is Dane im 15. im a softmore in highschool and i play minecraft on the wii u . i really enjoy minigames and building. note i cant use my mic in the game somtimes
JOHN CENA! queen0908
dont care stop it plz stop reading this why are you still here got 10 secs to leave 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 :( i got nothing bet u 200000000$ that u wil read this wheres my money at give it
h chonito2014
raneger Ranger413
king90756 rendanth
i feel dom sum times
Kev KingKid128
Hi my name is Kev. I like playing Mario games, they're my favorit
jor jjack2005
Hello I'm Jor/Jack/JordOn (People spell my real name wrong -_-) I'm currently 12 years old. So I heard miiverse was shutting down huh? Well that's fine by me cuz I been ban over 6 times and don't care and besides, their is an app call miitomo. Oh and I hope this bio doesn't get taken down because of this >_<
almazan fidelgonzalez123
hey lets play together
the pro oladipupo
Shaun shaun0530
Hello guys!!!!!