yang▲Ж's Followers
Hello. My name is Jonah. I'm going to work with Nintendo and nobody's going to stop me. Games I enjoy: BOTW Pokemon Mario Tomodaci Life Kirby Kid Icarus Splatoon Minecraft Beginner at coding. What's that you say? You want a follower? Then follow me. Member of Μмк, Eclipse, and the Star-Heart Evee Trainers. Check out @lukenerve my Μмк pals and my friends. I think I'm done. Peace Out.
Ryan abceasyas123Ryan
*Love anime espesially Dbz and drawing also i'm a huge P!ATDfan. *Also i'm 13 years old *I'm Fillipino *If I make any friends that are female, please don't find me attractive I have a 3ds account Birthday is actually 9/19
だれあす♪。 KS2253
顔ポチ♪ありがとーございます~【'▽'ゞ 大体~東方の下手な絵ばかり投稿してます~♪ Miiverse終了するとの事でとても残念です~ 今まで多くの方に共感、コメント、フォローして頂き本当にありがとーございました~♪♪(出来る限り最後まで続けたいと思います~;;) 前の活動を見てみたいと言う方はここのフォローのところに居ますので~どうぞ~です♪(*初期化してるので活動不可能ですけど…【^^;】
•★€няί§2 SMM-Chris
Hi im SMM-Chris! Welcome to my profile! Want to know was ↑ on it? Just keep tuned to it! Stay Fresh #Herobrine_Is_Fake_In_MC! B y e !
oce oce160
bonjour je m'appelle Océane. j'ai 14 ans. si vous voulais m'ajouter en amie vous pouvez. si vous vous abonner a ma chaine je m'abonnerai a la votre. merci si vous me mettais des ouais je vous les mettrerais aussi. merci et si vous me metter des commentaire j'y repondrerais. mes objectifs arriver a 100 abonnés. merci pour votre conprehention et a bientot
beaster alkmaar1952
hello i am beaster i am a fan of mario kart ,disney infinity and pokkén tournament. pls follow me.And i am trying to hit 200 followers.and i follow back everybody that follows me.
Laura Grelily
Shiro y Kento Algún día espero ser una buena mangaka, o dibujar bien Pokémon Unión ( un manga lleno de aventuras y misterios) una amistad de siglos!
Jazzyj ciaramiller
Just some random girl that loves to play video games. My favorite games are The Legend Of Zelda and Mario. I enjoy meeting new people and my dream is to become a YouTuber one day. Thanks for stopping by have a great day! Bye! :-)
Hailey 178cheeselover
Hi! Welcome to my profile! Here's some stuff you should know about me: I'm a Christian, I don't Wii U chat, I love Star Wars, I sometimes do drawing requests, but one per person. I also do art trades!;) BFFs: Gracie, Anime, and Skylar (You should check them out they're super cool, they're: GodsGirl225, ShadowMist_Dark, and freedyvr). Thanks for coming! Come back soon! »-♥->
Galaxia491 fireman2005
♪Kenzie♪ Roseythecat66
Hey it's Kenzie i'm a Meme XD and a Artist that loves doing my talent, i love Doing Youtube,and watching anime Favorite anime is: Death Note Soul Eater Attack on titan Toyko Goul Paryste and more.. Realtionship: Dating Also Check out SZ★Chris Hes my boyfriend,but his Art is Amazing!!! ♥♥Hope you all like my art♥♥
Tомοκа ShinoTomoChen
#################################### _(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_bye || バイ #################################### ともかチェン//Tomoka-chen
maria dole missiey9
hay everyone i am a game gamer sints the 80s and i love games and i love to play games and i love games so much i play games 10/7 so yea
シャーロッQ↑? nakano1231
はじめまして! おはよう! こんにちわ! こんばんわ! ワッショーーーーーーーイ・・・シャーロッQ参上!!!!!!!! えーーー、わたくしは、とにかくシャーロック・ホームズが好きです! あと、ワンピースも( ゾロがN〇.1)でっす!!! 前まで、サッカーやってたので、ソコソコ出来ます!! リオ五輪も楽しみです!!!!!!!! わたくしの友、イナリズシもヨロシク!!!!!!!! とゆーことで・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ おやすみーーーーーーーーー(寝るのも好き)
mayrin dreeangel
my name is mayrin or maymay i like blue and red pink
Ryan Rytenisgood
Hi my name is Ryan, Ryten is my oc's name that I created. I'm 13 loves video games drawing anime, manga, you name it. I'm going through tough teenage things like school, girls, responsibility, ect. But that it bye.
AnimeMan flitz11
This is my first console in years so I'll try to make it last as long as possible and My interests include Watching anime and reading books necessarily fiction or fantasy
Blank-Doug supergamer5713
Hello everyone, I'm mostfully on after school days pretty much, may come online in the weekends if I'm feeling like wanting to play, so, have a sit down and some cookies if you like, enjoy. Oh yeah, please do chat with me please, I'm not much of a talker, but I do like to have a chat though, puts me in a likeful mood. seeya. :)
かばん setters7
???・我が名は、「MEGUMIN!」 アークウィザードを生業とし、 最強の攻撃魔法、『爆裂魔法』を操る者…! カズマ・冷やかしに来たのか? めぐみん・ち、ちがわい! アクア・その赤い瞳。もしかして、あなた紅魔族? めぐみん・いかにも!我は紅魔族随一の魔法の使い手、めぐみん!我が必殺の魔法は山をも崩し、岩をも砕く…! カズマ・その眼帯はどうしたんだ?怪我でもしているのなら、アクアに治してもらったらどうだ? めぐみん・……フ。これは、我が強大なる魔力を抑えるマジィックアイテム。もしこれが外される事があれば…。その時は、この世に大いなる災厄がもたらされるだろう…… カズマ・封印みたいなものか めぐみん・まあ嘘ですが。単に、オシャレで着けてるだけですが。 カズマ・ん! めぐみん・止めて下さい引っ張らないでください!やめ、やめろーー!! カズマ・からかってるのかと思った。変な名前だC、変な事UC。
ClaireCat! claireandsydney
Favorite Anime: Naruto, Attack on Titan, Noragami, Free, Yuri on Ice, Fairy Tail, Tokyo Ghoul, Parasyte, Future Diary (Mirai Nikki) PIT SUCKS Meoof
すりめ surime_nnid
2DS赤でポケモン遊んでます。 ☆\ヤドンだいすきクラブ/☆ I am Surime. [su-ri-meh] | 2DS Crystal Red ☆Slowpoke (Yadon) Daisuki Club☆ I love Slowpoke! ;-)
Wolf B. 765sorbeipeidwep
Hi, I want to give a special thanks all of my miiverse friends, follower, and supporters. Thank you guys so much for some good memories. I would like to give a shout out to some of my special friends on here: Angles XD Miles Dominic Marley Bailey PkDreemurr Chandler Louis Naoxhymal Lewcuhs
Freddy COOLKID0908
Marie will you like to go out what me my name is Freddy
^RMAND[] sc0rpi0nKI1LER
i have ps4 btw and visit my lil brother his account is _TARBLE_ part of the _dbz_ clan member count:2. WE NEED MORE dont be afraid to ask to join peeps :] 'lifes a risk carnal'.
bubbles Maintenance45
owens kalendon
kashi tabbieleemims
my name is kashi and i am 9 years old im in 4th grade and im nice to people
★Bay★ MandMturtlegirl
i love watching walk throughs Here are some of my favorite things: ★ Dance/Cheer ★ FOOD ★ PewdiepieDaz gamesJacksepticeye ★ My pets ★ Youtube ★ Tomodachi life ★ All my friends ★ fromWashingtonandMontana ★13yrsold ★fav candy mandmsandsourpatchkids&carmelapplesuckers ★ TURTLES! fav animal ★ Stitch!!!!!!!
Bg11 leotmnt2005
my favorite game is supermario bro and mario kart8 and all of the wiiu games but i just got my wiiu so the only game i got is mario kart8 i love naruto and tmnt my favorite character on tmnt is leo and my favorite character on naruto is naruto . Also my name is brandan my last name is newton . am 11 years old my birthday on february 27
Shadow tubbo99
Hello and welcome to my profile! i am shadow and my favorite games are minecraft for pc and splatoon!!!!!
Jay jbeast314
This user's profile comment is private.
antonio ams0623
hi miiverse my name is antonio and i like miiverse! and i love splatoon and super smash and minecraft! :-) i have a wii u and a 3ds xl so i could play with people on my wii u and 3ds! and i could be friend with whoever wants to! friend me if you play minecraft and friend me if you play splatoon. pease out miiverse! i have the nintendo switch!!!(and i have a ps4) [i don't do wii u chat though]
Danny shocktrigger7
Pokemon Sun!!! Team Litten!!! Does anyone want to battle?
Lochlyn LochlynXavier
My name is Lochlyn, here for all your gaming questions
π€κ¤ hannahsi
starΔЖ reywwe619
Join ΔЖ clan its called Loz fans and more info is we have 3 members ownes bob zelda theres 2 leaders me and Annie :33 shes so nice and my cat baby is a very sweet cat he cuddles up on my bed pretty much every day he throws up pretty much everyday i say hes my brother he is wanna my favorite cats well he is when he dies he will never be forgotten by me i will cry much when hes gone ive Been in4Clan
hello everyone i want to tell you my best friend juan is drawing manga hes the best drawer and i ...
hello everyone i want to tell you my best friend juan is drawing manga hes the best drawer and i hope you like his drawings to and if your still reading this thank you and if you have pets like dogs take care of them because my puppy is gone but im going to keep on smiling▲Ж