Ah yes, selling all your items in BotW to Beedle. When you refuse the trade, but he only buys it for 4 rupees. Also cooking 4 lynel guts & tireless frog is definitely the greatest way to capitalize...

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Hey guys, I'm back! Got my favorite kart in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, a blue bear plush with button wheels. I've got to be honest, I have no talent in races, but the battlemodes appeal most to me. Time ...

If I had to take one thing from my trip to Chicago, I'd have to say, "Live life generously and you'll be rewarded royally. Drink responsibly." Thanks billboard.

Breath of the Wild played for 2 hours on switch. Doing what? Trying to ride a horse over 10 ripping fences. Whenever I think I have a good angle, the horse practically slides off like some ice wall...

Taking brake from Switch for a bit. Gained Master Sword and working through central plains, slaughtering all the gaurdian families. Destroy them all. Mwahahahahaha! Link's way indeed. Give me your ...

So in Zelda BotW, I unexpectedly came across an overworld steppe talus (however it's spelled) and was pounding it with my sledge, when it started RAINING! 5 minutes circling under his dirty armpits...

I'm so done. My head is killing me and I lost 3 straight games of pokken. I'm going to bed guys. Night. I just need to beat up the monster in my closet. Wish me good luck. zzz

No matter what we do, where we go, remember. Remember the past, the present, to walk forward in the future. We may put it down, or come back in the future. But remember, we are the Youtube communit...

I was doing nothing when I saw someone outside the bathroom. I ask what is going on. They tell me that the person was inside for a ridiculous time. I use a key to get in. There was no one on the se...

The sun, sky, and stars will eventually turn to dust once more and no longer emit their light. We are stars too, but just drastically short lifespans. So shine, be as bright as you possibly can. St...

Nurse: Knock Knock! Doc: Who's there? Nurse: Doctor, open- Doc: Doctor Who? Nurse: This is no time for a joke, Doctor. They're bleeding really badly. Doctor: Well, I thought that was funny, the jok...

If you are lost, take my hand. I'm not a guide and don't always know the way. We may even regret things. However, even if we are apart, know that whatever road you take, you don't have to walk it a...
I don't know what to think anymore.
May the light of the crystal guide you.