Users -°Meyoku°- Is Following
SNESguy963 SNESguy963
irie marycrangel88
*.нιуо.* Darshimaken
皆さんこんにちは。最近はYouTubeしか 見ないんですけど、前よりは、3DSでの活動が 増えました。これからもよろしくお願いします! 活動休止の間にたくさんの人にフォロー されてました。本当にありがとうございます!! 色々と事情もあって、お返事が遅くなる場合も ありますが、私の投稿に共感したり、 コメントしたりしてくれたら嬉しいです♪ ☆フォローよろしくね★ ☆ミバ友募集中★ 投稿日 H.29 11月5日(日)
ゆうま yuumashoboi
小5でーす。フォローくださいちゃんと返します。 あとフレンドリクエストもください!! 好きなゲームはマイクラです。よろしく!! ライバルはココナッツです。いまは負けているけど頑張る。 三重県出身です!! 好きな食べ物は2つ鰻とステーキです。(どちらも高い) 嫌いな食べ物、食べ物のほとんど(好き嫌いが多い) 好きなこと、ごろごろしながらマイクラ
Nαnα I.Love.Corea
•Hi :3 •I am Nana :D •I'm very big fan of: Bang Tan Boys (BTS) •~~~~~~~~~~• I Love: •Bang Tan Boys (it's my life lol x3) •Splatoon 2 •Manga~Anime~Otaku •~~~~~~~~~~• •Sister: Yumi (GiroroEMalala) •SBFF: Chi~Chi (monzardina) Ludo (LudovicaeSuga) •BFF: Neko~Iman (ILovetheJapan) •~~~~~~~~~~• Me: *Eat a pankakes and one from Yumi* Yumi: Thank you! Me: You welcome! •~~~~~~~~~~• •Nya x3
Elijah Dissected0Squid7
Hey Guys! I am Elijah and I like X-Ambassadors, Fall Out Boy, One Republic, TOP and Post Malone. Some of my favorite movies are Kong: Skull Island, Jurassic World, Europa Report, and Land of the Lost. My favorite show is THE OFFICE and Stranger Things. My favorite game is Splatoon, Mariokart 8, Super Mario 3D World, and Nintendo Land. So yeah, I'm done. Please Follow me! Goal: 400 followers. †
●W•H•A•T● springtrapgirl01
Henlo there miiversians, I post lots of high-quality trash on here for some reason. Leggy is my son I've been on here since 2015.. Fandoms: Steven Universe :`) Eddsworld. BATIM >:)))) Does the NSLU community count? Gravity Falls :0 Leggy. DHMIS FNAF `^` Voltron............ I have a precious pet pug. He is precious mhmm fRiCkItY fRaCk
P2.0 RarunZ
Hiya! I'm P2, nice to meet you! ^-^ I own a 3ds and Wii U. ( Don't FR me if I don't know you. ) I'll accept one only if I feel like I think we know each other enough. I sometimes do requests if I'm in a good mood. I do mini comics to entertain MYSELF, but if you're interested, I'll tell you about it. :3 Only Yeah Angel can yeah-bomb me, cuz she doesn't overdo it. :/
Chloe CMoon890
THX SO MUCH FOR 100 FOLLOWERS!!!! goal rearched 9/13/2017 hi hello i'm Chloe i play the flute and watch Youtube my favorite youtuber is Jordan Underneath :P
Mika djchoxie2
[Me] Hi! I Mika & WELCOME!!! (You clicked my face...) [Temmie] HoI My NaMe Is TeMiE [Me] ok... ●_● ОνΟ *Gives Tori's butterscotch & cinnamon pie* [Me] BYE!!! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Muffin Coolness5686
☆MUFFIN★ ☆Join the #DON'TENDMIIVERSE Club! ★I follow the people who follow me too!:D ☆I play Mariokart7, code for my community:43-2117-0849-0305 ★Follow Emma the wolf & Skylar! ☆Animal Crossings New leaf dream adress- 5D00-0037-F19E Not like anyone's going to check it out anymore. So, I guess this is goodbye. Hopfully not forever.
Nathan DiamondJESUS1590
Hello, my names' Nathan, and I like to play... -Minecraft -Punch-Out! -Super Mario -Super Smash Bros. AND MORE! See ya' round!
Jade bouiqua4life
H-hi I'm Jade the chikmunk My other account is banned[Bianca] so sahid, swirlhex, and others plz follow meh! º~º I'm Bi-romantic.-. I LOVE HATSUNE MIKU MY WAIFU ›w‹ FURRY HATERS STAY AWAY!!! *pulls out Sailor Mars's paper thing that says 'begone evil spirit' in japanese and puts on a furry-haters head and he disappears* ok bai :3 follow nova potato
{Мк}Mimic Sweet_Chuu
Hey, I am just your average miiverse user. I am an artist and I hope to improve along my way to becoming an animator. I like alot games and the internet is basically my life. Heres a list of games I like, pokemon, mh4u, battle cats, batim, minecraft and cuphead. I have alot of interests but games and art/animation are my favorites. I'm also the leader of team mimik. I'm also co of diamond dialgas
Myanko Rocky40
Nyan!...ko! こんにちわー! It's Nyanko! I am posting less thanks to school ;w; Some words by Myanko: Anything's possible, so don't you dare give up yet! |\__/| | / ∧ \ | ( = >ω< = ) ⊂ニ| |ニ⊃ P.S. #darkpitsquad!!!
Loading... silverbackSS
Hello. I am nobody. Who are you? Are you nobody too? Just got off being grounded for a month or so Sorry...Still Loading my identity.
«Atarsto» Atarsto
I'll miss this place, despite the fact how weird it can be. Then again, every media has a weird/negative site. Although so many just focus on the negative site and don't even mentioned the good things about it. Oh well, that's their problem, not mine.
Orbulon 0rbulon
Do the Kirby dance! (>'.')> <('.'<) ^('.')^ v('.')v <('.'<) ^( )^ (>'.')> ^(^.^)> Stay tuned for more gaming randomness and some pixel art + Art Academy stuff every now and then. Things you can expect here: - Cartoon Characters - Ghosts - Kirby - Legend of Dark Witch - Paper Mario - Pokémon - Puyo Puyo - Shantae - Wario Land - WarioWare ...and some random stuff. 2nd account: EvilOrbi
КÐ Richard OCT4V1U5
Hi, guys! Welcome to my profile. I accept drawing requests but I'd prefer them to be related to Smash. By the way my favourite game series are The legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros and Kirby (and I like FE too). ¤–]=====> ˘\_(˙˘˙)_/˘ U2b: Star Wanderer Please, no random friend requests or follow4follow.
Dumbo DumboK
"Apples rule. If it weren't for a conspiracy of the fruit manufacturers, we'd all have apples." ・ Sorry, I can't follow anymore (1000 limit). ・ May get lost in notifications/activity feed. ・ May run out of 30 comments. ・ May not manage to keep track of all yeahs received. ・ May not accept random friend requests. ・ May often not be on the Wii U. ・ May like April May. ・ Thanks for the support!
GLƒ★ςω¤®ď☆ elispardelle
salut je m'apelle gaspard j'ai 10 j'adore Zelda™mon manga préféré est dragon ball™ abonne toi je m'abonne a toi! désolé j'ai 10 ans (X^X)XD abonne toi ça me ferais super plaisir et mes un like a mes photo<3
Lancelot pasokon_0320
[自己紹介] ずっとやってる事 スプラ 性別 男 年齢 10代 性格 6年からヤンキー化した 好きな人 さうざんちゃがしさん じゅんさん カネモチさん 好きなYouTuber ポッキー みやゆう ぴくと ねが まえすけ ぉヴぇ 自己紹介はこんぐらいかな? まぁフレリクは自由に送ってね! 無言フレリクは多分拒否ると思われる(気分しだい) 人によればコミ障になるかも・・・・ 一応スプラなら何回も合流するからやってほしいときはメッセでも何でも良いから言ってね!! ミバが終わるまでヨロシク!! フォロー600ありがとう!!!!!!!
MemeSenpai TheMemeSenpai
★Яøχας★ AlphaDelta12
Hi people, I'm ★Яøχας★! ★THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT IN THESE 3 YEARS★ My name is Javier :) ◆@javi_lopez50◆ Self-proclaimed "Master of Artstyles" ;) I started in Miiverse in November 2012, with my old account ID: Roxas99 I'm 17 years old ÔωÔ ★Check her out!: Ðαяк Иight, she's an amazing artist!★ R.I.P Miiverse ↓More Information↓
Smol☆Demon sky88888
heya im kate I love to draw and make friends everyone of my followers are meh fronds if you make them sad you dead boy or gal also I love BATIM and I hate angels im so lonely ok bye bye
awsomelvis awsomeelvis
ドリー machibari-3
Neko★Gal AnnabelleTheGirl
Best Friend: τκz★Star☆ I'm 13 and I love music. I'm new here and I already got a lot of followers! Peace out!
Ngakau Ngakaupita
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やまと∞9↑→↓← oyamao
YAMATOです フォローお願いします[必ず返します!] 仲良くしたいです 小6です!!! 野球ならってますキャッチャーです 日ハム ロッテ 阪神ファンです がんばー ミニオン大好きです!! 追記フォロワー120人突破ありがとうございます!!これからもよろぴくぴくです。♪♪♪目指せ150人!!! 更新日10月6日
bella bellasidnetwork9
why hello there! my real name is bella and you wanna know about me so i have two brothers named luke and eli i also have a pet named jazz and hes pretty old and... my mom and dad are named carolina and tofer or christopher im a big kid and today i went to school... and thats it! if you wanna follow me or friend me go ahead ill see you later bye!
zach 2017 xbrads007x
silver greyfamily7
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alvaro Franchesco4
Hola me llamo fran pero me llaman franchesco o dream(si,sueño en inglés) mejores amigos: maria estebita mleal carlitos Y por supuesto no se me olvida mis verdaderísimos amigos: alan lobogamer tampoco se me olvida la meta de seguidores: 200Ä_Ä superado 250!_! 300#_#
☆Silkena★ Silkena
Heya how it going if you want to learn facts about me[like the creeper u r] look below▼ [Crush]SODA CRUSH [Gender]. . . Kinda easy to know [BFFS]FF Sans,Kawaii Kat,RoseParis,Derp,Fresh,Kelis, Jessy Follow the people I follow their awsome!
lee maxijazzmx
♪I seen all I wanted say but I'm green when I see all those day♪by Cafune Hello Everyone! My name is Wendy. I am a girl. I love posting drawings about pokemon and Super mario 3D world. My favorite character is Rosalina.♪ (Sorry for my mii. It is a girl but I can't change it) Anyways please yeah my post because I work my best to draw. Thanks for visting my profile! ^¬^
Ioannis LeGo_BaUeR2002
Hallo ich heiße Ioannis, Ich spiele zurzeit viel Splatoon und Mario Kart 8 um mit meinen Freunden zu spielen. Also wer mit mir spielen will der schreibt mich einfach im Miiverse an. Danke für eure Unterstützung !!! Von Ioannis ♥♡♥ ★☆★ beste freunde: Max.RH, demian. Meine besten brüder ever: Luki, SC Juli, ich mag euch so doll ♥♥♥♥♥
Oh hi!!! Im -ºMeyokuº-.I speak English, japanese, Well... A little bit... and spanish!
and i lov...
Oh hi!!! Im -ºMeyokuº-.I speak English, japanese, Well... A little bit... and spanish!
and i love Everything in the wiiu world!! well... i'm not good at games. The turky is ready! *sniff* I san smell it!!! Well... Im gonna get it out of the oven. And Bye!!! OωO
I also Forgot!
Warnin- Suggestive themes-mild blood-Mild languge- And Fantasy vilonce.