Users z Is Following
Sean IndyCarFans2016
Asriel jerry54
Howdy! I'm Asriel! Happy Valentine's Day! now... STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY! my best friends: Mabel, Qweenie, Chicky, and Princess! online! [] offline[☆] in school[] out of posts[] faq: Am I the real Asriel? yes. yes I am. My full name is Asriel Togore Dreemurr. iam prince of the C.O.P. Empire with princess [asrrial pegasus] gender: MALE. DON'T ASSUME GENDER. THX
Cezdog NevClan
Hello I'm 25 I'm a christian. I'm a total yeahbomber:-O I love cats. Please follow one of my gr8 friends Timbo. I'm married to my wife Francis who is also 25. And I have a daughter named Vanessa who is 10 years old.I have a pet cat her name is Molly she is 2 years old. I also have another daughter that is 1 month old (almost 2 months) With grey eyes and a very light brunette hair color!
John qqqq0ui
Hi,I play Super Mario maker,and I love to create traditional platformers on it,I also watch a variety of youtubers,those being:Jacksepticeye & 8-bit ryan Just a little advice: NEVER Answer questions about wether you like the Switch or not & say no on miiverse because its apparently mean (according to the questioners.)
Dr. Mario Jakester_27_ver3
This profile is only for Miiverse, nothing else. I play games on a different account. Also I started Miiverse on December 2012 (not on this profile of course). 100K yeahs given → complete (no more yeahboming for me) If you really need to know this my name is Jake, I'm 17 years old, blue eyes, blond hair, and wears glasses. I have autism and ADHD. (Attention Deficit Hypersensitivity Disorder).
.:RETRO:. RetroTechno
*Insert edgy self deprication* .:I'm Retro Techno, but you can call me Retro, or Jocie! I'm a 14 year old girl with a love of video games, writing, and composing!:. .:STAY EPIC:.
おにぎり USAForTheWin1
Mathew ToTheMat
I am nice, a little random at times, shy, & socially awkward I'm 17 years old I like all kinds of games My gaming experience is somewhere between: intermediate and expert Favorite YouTubers: Chuggaaconroy, VanossGaming, & SMG4 (SuperMarioGlitchy4) I yeah & yeah-bomb a lot I like asking trivia questions ru (rureadybrother56) is my brother I can be a great guy to know so, hope to talk to you guys :)
Felix Felix1990-25
Hello my name is Felix and i'm a gamer. I'm 27. Things I Like: MLP, MJ, 1980's, HTF, Purple Rain, Zootopia, Prince, Equestria Girls, Star Vs The Forces Of Evil, Metroid, and Miiverse Friends. Things I Don't Like: Yeahbombers and Mods in SSB4. My Best friends are Pöisiónívÿ, JALOLBASS, My girlfriend Rin, JR, and Tyler. Thanks for the 1400+ followers. I joined Miiverse on Jan 3 2015.
sam alexzam12345
Bae B Gurl Hamstergal322
WAZZUP MY BROS!!! .My name is Lissie .I'm 13 .I am on a lot .I have a 3DS with all of the "recent" games .Most of the time on my wii U I am on SSB or Splatoon. .I have two hamsters .I can't do any kind of art which is why u won't see any but a few... (bad ones) .PEACE IT!!!
Ceyner ridgiestitch
WWWWAAAAZZZZUUUUPPPP!!!!! -I love all the games that i like are listed in favorites.- If you follow me i will follow you but, if unfollow me i will unfollow you-Also check out my awesome friends.-But before i go i also have 3DS, but i didn`t feel like connecting it.-P.S All your dank Memes will belong to me!- On Xbox now- The Wii U is now dead ._. RIP Thank you for the memories and friends :) :(
Joel Hylian_Halcyon
Give me a Root Beer, a comfy chair, a Saturday, and a Zelda game, and you've made a friend for life. A closer friend if you're a heavy theorist on Zelda as well! Also no Wii U Chat, just throwing that out there.
Eli polleyfamily
I am going to be a youtuber when im 13
Mr.Skylndr SkylanderFamily
Jojo New10 Joann2007
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Nin★cat hellopacman
hello I had 3ds but it died but I still got a wii u I use to have only 4 friends fireheart! biozin! cat light♪luigi gamer I I hope you can be one of my friends;-) please please please be my friend I don't use wii u chat im also a pokemon fan my favorite pokemon is Fedenkin,vulpix,jiggly puff,pikachu,Charizard,and lacario
***** **** h330525
やあ。 *自己紹介 *年齢 自称3歳 *好きなもの ゲーム1択 *暇なとき ワールド開いてるZOI 3歳だからフレリクNoでふ 3歳だから、こっちからフレリク送るんでふ 3★歳★√ おい。3歳DAKARAってなめんなよ フレンド様傷つけたら明日朝飯味噌汁抜くぞ。
Yeah Lady Go2Rut
Erika NintendoErika
I’m Erika, your Miiverse guide. I'm here to provide you with all Miiverse-related news and updates, so feel free to follow me! I love to play puzzle and adventure games and I'm pretty good at them, I think ;). My favourite character is Captain Toad, just because he’s so adorable! I look forward to seeing your posts and drawings, and I hope I can help you all out in Miiverse! Happy Miiversing!
:J MarioPlayer333
:J alt: :J ALT [on■] [off■] [banned] [wiiu■] [3ds] guys i have an alt its ":J ALT" you can find it in my following tab youtube: none yet, will update if i get one
two face LaurenTheFlower
she/her bigley hotel room: the one lost in the high quality rip of time and space. 13 i do bad art praise leo luster inkxling inkxling find me i need some tacos always read the first character and you will find bye :)
Seige SeigeWishMaker
Hello everyone! This page will mostly post bad art samples of: -The Legend of Zelda -Pokémon (with a preference over pokémon mystery dungeon & pokémon ranger.) I'M NOT ACCEPTING FRIEND REQUESTS UNLESS I KNOW YOU WELL ENOUGH, I hope you understand. Hope you enjoy your stay! ‹3
Kristi Krististar15
Hey everyone! I'm Kristi. I love Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach! I'm a huge fan of them, especially adventures they go on, but I don't mind Sonic. I like him too! As you can tell I'm a Nintendo Fan!!! I have a best friend on Miiverse named Kayla who loves Mario and Sans. I'm also a very good drawer. Be seeing you all over Miiverse!
Mike BlakDimunSlash
Game on.
sky girl skygirl525241
hey there my name is lexi
ケイ NintendoKei
任天堂でMiiverse案内役を担当しているケイです。 Miiverseの更新情報、知っているとちょっと便利なMiiverseの使い方、Miiverseをみんなで気持ちよく楽しんでもらうために気を付けてほしい事など、さまざまな「おしらせ」をご案内します。
ya me