Relaxing's Followers
chara legondery
here's some things you should know about me. 1. my favorite color is red. 2. my favorite video game is undertale. 3. i can't see very well in my left eye. (i'm not kidding.) 4. i don't have that many video games. (sadly.) 5. i watch youtube. 6.,
madnose popcharles101
name-charles age- 13 favorite games- pokemons, marios zelders, nintendos friends- joel,daniel,paul i post super mario maker levels and pokemon stuff i love smm more i host competitions i am smart i love clash royale in arena 8 no legends clan troops of light i am sometimes weirdæïîïîîïíöïðïõôâììñ
Brenda ClanMonty
Hello! Im good a smash and mario kart 8. And I would be happy if you follow me! also at least one play journal entry per day. bye! Oh, and my 4 mains are mario, dark pit, villager, AND MANLY PINK CAPTAIN FALCON! Also I play splatoon! Also check out my friends and look at their profiles! And be welcomed to try to friend me, I'll accept them. Till then, have fun!!!
いわはら たくま soutajapan1234
こんにちは、ぼくは、かわさき とうごといいます。ぼくのうまれたところは、かわさきびょういんです。これからも、よろしくおねがいします。
Лдш Лшщ Жд kandiss954
ßøàAlphà clhubb21
1. Your thinking oh this is that type of thing again. 2. You can't say Moo what out your lips touching. 3. Your trying it. 4. Your start laughing or smiling. 6. You did'nt notice I skipped 5. 7.You just checked. 8.Your gonna copy what I did and put it on your bio. Bye...... No more left.. Ooo the single lady's O_0 You did'nt hear that. Bye!!!!!! Stalker
:| slickeb2005
my name is boogman im like fnaf but nice and if you are re- don get your leg out th- no! one minute ................................. good job you made a f- what are you doing!get your pe- we are going to have to try tomorrow bye. don what in the world why did yo- OH COME ON DON YOU TOO BAKER I NEED A NAP(in a room) ahhhhhh that hit th- why do i here a beep.......
Blye DntWorry_BeHappy
Welcome to my profile! Plz follow me, since you're already here... Games I play- *Splatoon *Yoshi's Woolly World *Mario Kart 8 *Smash I love to draw, so check out my drawings in my posts! (I'm not that good...) [★] Out of posts [ ] Not out of posts →I don't Wii U chat, plz don't ask.
Cool Stone StoneisAwesome11
Hey, what's up yo? Got me them black shades, cause cool people (like me of course) can't be cool without black shades. You should check out my other cool clone! He may not have black shades but he's cool. Just type in diamondboy10 and it'll appear right before your own eyes!
Bryce Bryce07
Hello my name is Bryce i like a lot of games i like mario super smash bros the legend of zelda nintendo badge arcade pokemon shuffle pokemon rumble world pokemon X Y Sapphire Ruby luigis mansion dark moon dragon ball z please yeah my drawings and post please follow me i will follow you back if you follow me please yeah my drawings and post i hope you like my drawings and post. yuH We tech those!
natacia natacia1011
i this is my new acount because i couldnt get on miivesre and friend list all my friend readd me plz
ZDOG comiye
hell my name is zanayah and i like to play soccer if you like soccer friend me and i'm 10 almost 11 and don't hate appericate
Quavo Fan Xeno14
My name is Stanley. I have a Pokèmon RP on every sftwr. Yes Wii U chatting! Dabb once if you see my profile! Please follow me! I need 300 followers! Favorite Musician: Quavo I'm 17 years old and not single if you were asking. My top 5 fav songs are: 5. Despacito by Luis Fonsi 4. Honest by The Chainsmokers 3. Strip That Down by Liam Payne 2. I'm The One by DJ Khaled 1. Baby by Justin Bieber
«ταησσκι» Pepper313
Hoi everyone! It's me Chara! X3 Plz comment on my posts i like to talk with you guys! ♪Things About Me♪ ~I have spatoon, minecraft, smash, and mario kart 8! ~My splatoon clan is Team Nexus (ηχ) ~I ♥ Undertale! ~I ♥ RWBY ~I ♥ all cute animals That's about it! Can u help me get to 700 followers? Stay fresh all my fellow squids! ;3
trey treyandnick
im trey and i love klonoa and starfy and ty and rayman and parappa and the mother series
★Sτανяоς★† Stavrostav23
•ηαмε: Stavros •αgε: 15 •ġƒ: Claudia ♥♥♥ •сųļтųяε: Gяεεк/Aмεяιсαη/Israeli • Jewish Christian •hoввιεs: кųηg ƒų, νιδεο gαмεs, ğόíη òη ιητεгηετ •ρετs: British Shorthair Cat... SMOKEY! •sуsτεмs Ι οωη: GameCube, DSI XL, Wii, 3DS XL, Wii U, Switch •ƒаν νιδεο gαмεs: ACNL, MK8, GTA 5 •ƒаν ƒооδs: Any meat, pie, cake, fries, yogurt, Kosher food :D GET DA STONEZ!!!!!!
winter lilly56945
Aus†in persona4456
My name is AnimeDude and i like to play video games is my hoopy, look at AnimeTvNews Kiss kiss <3
JazzMan91 JazzMan91
Im back and better than ever.My main account is DiscoMan67 my Clan account is BluesMan72 1.I have a 3DS and SSBB. 2. You follow me i follow you. 3. I accept most Friend requests(add message please)! 4. I post challenges on this account for New Super Mario Bros U, New Super Luigi U and Nintendo Land! 5. You need screenshots to win my challenges. 6. Check out DiscoMan67 for a list of games I have
Stone diamondboy10
Hey guys, I'm Stone. I just want to let you know that I am a awesome gamer. I am also cool. Check out my cool clone's file. Just type in StoneisAwesome11. I am so cool! :3
tyler Tyl2012
I am a dancing jock/nerd
Layzie Dalayzie1
Im Layzie and.......umm..........hmm.................uhh.............well?........................thats about it Age: Twenty-something In Las Vegas Want ARKHAM KNIGHT / FALLOUT 4 Follow me as I lead a path of happiness and delicious waffles HAHA :D If you want me to follow you, just YELL AT ME I also own a XB360 and 3DS
ビッキー syusuke
hi im toxicmix but i do change my name i lot and im sometimes i can be englandish what im saying ...
hi im toxicmix but i do change my name i lot and im sometimes i can be englandish what im saying is im a nice guy i can draw good but not on games i draw on paper im also a youtuber not a famous one but one day i been playing on the wii u for 6 years and the 3ds for 7 years so that means im really old im in my 20s i also play on xbox one (FTW) well thats me plus im out of word spleches