Joe's Yeahs

Comment on Cristoffer's Post


6 hours ago

Such a waste of good cauliflower...

Comment on Cristoffer's Post


6 hours ago

It's DEADLY in the right hands

Comment on Cristoffer's Post


6 hours ago

Let's charge into their lair armed with cauliflower. They'll never see it coming! WE'RE FIGHTING BACK.. With cauliflower.

Comment on Cristoffer's Post


6 hours ago

Haha xD These admins can go and screw themselves!

Comment on Cristoffer's Post


6 hours ago

Whoa now, you don’t want to lose access to Miiverse in these few hours left. Whatever will you do?

Comment on Cristoffer's Post


6 hours ago

Yeah Micky! For everything they done to us! They're scum!

Discussions YouTube Community


6 hours ago

Open Closed

This is for you admins.

F*ck you f*ckers! Ban this you piece of sh*t! Screw you guys I'm going home! F*ck you admins!

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2 hours ago

This is the best post I seen on miiverse since I joined over 3 years ago. I would save and frame this post, Doesn't get any better then this. Good job buddy.

In-Game Pokémon Art Academy Community

Maddy Roze

11 hours ago

— I LOVE U ALL — Thank u for being there for me when no one else was, Thank u for being my friend. I'l cherish every memory.

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33 minutes ago

Actually we have a half hour left. See my almost latest post for the admins

Play Journal Entries Tomodachi Life


7 hours ago

★Only a few more hours until closing. How's everyone doing? ♥~ Thanks again for all the laughs, the art, the friendship...& the craziness that is Miiverse ~♥~u all

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CGamer X

46 minutes ago

I couldn't leave without saying a final goodbye to you Ivy! Live long and prosper! Take care of yourself, you are a sweet person.

Play Journal Entries The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild


7 hours ago

Forward! Always forward!

Comment on Craig's Post


6 hours ago

@Vader—report away amigo, I’m so scurred!🤣💩💀🤷🏻‍♂️

Comment on Craig's Post


6 hours ago

I think admins just don't give a f*ck anymore!

Comment on Craig's Post


6 hours ago

I'll let one's imagination tackle that one, Craig. Apparently the admins already clocked out.

Comment on Craig's Post


6 hours ago

Sounds painful either way!

Comment on Craig's Post


6 hours ago

Hahaha, this thread is brilliant! What did i start? 😂 The last day of miiverse was brought to you today by the word fannies!

Comment on мεıоδу♪'s Post


18 hours ago

Thanks so much Joe :-) I feel exactly the same way!! We have the Switch now at least. I can’t remember if we spoke about wether or not you use T?? It is useful to keep in touch and plan gaming sess...

Comment on Jules's Post


7 hours ago

For real Doug ? that means they have hearts... :) Not really the same Doug I see. What has happened to you Jules ? A glitch in miiverse systems purhaps ;) .

Comment on Jules's Post


9 hours ago

I had a word with Ninty HQ Pete, they said if i behave i can stay until the end.

Comment on Jules's Post


9 hours ago

Hi all Doug's in da house.

Comment on Craig's Post


6 hours ago

Penetrating European or American fannies? How the float is this whole post still up XD