Big Boy's Yeahs

OK everyone. Thank you for your favorite Koopalings here. It's time for Miiverse to go. I hope we can chat next time soon.

At least I followed your Y T ... That would be fine, right? It has been a pleasure to talk with our favorite mains, Big Boy! Your drawings are full of wits, and I really liked them. I hope that you...

Just make sure to keep my sources in mind! Who know's if we might battle on the Switch someday! ^v^ But again, thanks for all the support and showing off your great art! ^^

These guys were long term and well... I've only know you for a few weeks but don't worry you're on the list for me.

I'm gonna miss seeing your amazing drawings every day. You were definitely one of the most talented artists I've seen here. I also enjoyed the discussions we've had, and I'm going to miss those, ...

Awwww! THANK YOUUU!! Gosh im so flattered by this.. oh if only i could draw out my reaction too.. You made this place so fun too dude im so glad i met you too dude! Gosh ill never forget this eithe...

Wish we can interact more, but you're a cool person. I like your art and good luck with the future. ^–^

It was a pleasure to meet you, Big Boy! I hope we can cross paths again outside of Miiverse in the future!
Just a dude that likes playing a lot of video games.
My motto: Family, friendship, and video gam...
Just a dude that likes playing a lot of video games.
My motto: Family, friendship, and video games is what brings people together!
(I don't accept friend requests with random people. I got to get to know you first before I accept any or send you one.)
(My posts is an argument free zone. So any disruptive and argumentive comments will be deleted. Further disruptions will get you blocked.)