Users DUBSTEP!!! Is Following
AnimeFreak luigilover0955
i love anime and games love school lol nah love my best friends and love love LOVE anime Kpop is also in my dictionary Bts Blackpink Twice Got7 Red Velvet 2ne1 Apink GFriend Kard ECT.
Jax DarkZero13
miiverse needs to allow sharing of usernames and other console gamertags. Its 2017 get with the times nintendo. Microsoft and sony put their players first, unlike what miiverse does.
★~Lυηα~★ MeowsticLuver
Hm? Oh, I wasn't expecting you. *awkward silence* Uh, lemme tell you a few things about me: Age: 12 Likes: Drawing, Harpoons, BatIM, Eddsworld, Tattletail, Hello Neighbor, Fanart, Science, Music Dislikes: Loud noises, talking, hate, bad graphics, Rule 34, Cringe, tomtord Okay that's it. If you want, you can follow me. HARPOONS HARPOONS THEY'RE BETTER THAN SPOONS
BlackStar DarkZ2002
This is My Drawing Page. I'll mostly Draw ShadowZPA, Sarah, and maybe Pikachu. Btw my Pixel Art, I learn from thesxeone-35 He's my Teacher tbh. Please follow him. Our Friendship shall shine on and never fade.
DARK landonlauren1443
hey everyone, its your friend DEATH KING or DARK, one of the most powerful beings in the universe! check out my Minecraft series! Now, dont join me in any games unless i allow you to. i know miiverse is ending on November 7, i wont be able to mention the days when i let anyone on my MC world. but i'll be writing those dates on my friend list message. so enjoy yourselfs, see ya.
hi everyone just to let you know im 10 years old and also i will be following you if you follow me [: i love canada
$mokieJack Smokey-Jackpot
Komm$e rinn Komm$e rann…ich bin grad am zocken drann…nehm$e $ich nen $tuhl und halten$e die Backen…apropo$ Backen…Kek$e $ind im $chrank über der $püle,Getränke $tehn im Kühl$chrank e$ $ei denn $ie mögen$ hei$$…Kaƒƒeeta$$en $ind noch in der $püle…tun$e doch $pülen $o wenn dann alle ver$orgt $ind kann$ ja lo$gehn $chnalln$e $ich an e$ i$t mit Turbulenzen zu rechnen…
Chandler ToonLink444666
Hello, world! My name is Chandler! Favorite game is Wind Waker! Toon Link is BAE! Im a music lover! Tyrone and I will make sure you're happy and loved! Plz feel free to follow me! It means a lot. ^\\\^ NO WIIU CHAT UNLESS I SAY SO PLZ Follow my BFs Misha, MiltonWolf, Selena, Wolf B., Aaron, Thunderψ, Big Boy, and DaHuskyGuy! Thank you! :D TERAFOX IS MY BFF ♥♥♥♥
★autumn★ng aaAutumnMc
hi im autumn age 15 grade 9 *fav color purple *luv animals *i luv rp *im nice untill u hurt my friends *im very competitive especially in soccer *follow 4 follow *a huuuge thx u to my 450+ followers @every1: hi, how r u, im soo srry i haven't been online in a while, i didn't have any wifi T_T
Xterminus menlaidy
ναιιεγ SweetGra56
.·•Hi, this is Valley, I follow you if you follow me!! Here are some games I love: Yoshi Games Kirby Games Minecraft Disney Infinity 1, 2, and 3 And many more! Please Follow: Reshraim63 Jewels HappyMii#1 Aoife LOL! Na Pupster Status about the week: Vacation!! I'm trying to reach 200+ followers! So help! Thanks!! Question of the month: WhatismyfavoriteMariocharacter? POTATOES!!!! :p :P ;p ;P
Jacob mayGodprotect
Im Jacob i like Smash Bros. and Legend of Zelda i like music, mainly rap Favorite artists Eminem,50 Cent,Chingy i do Tae Kwon Do i like basketball and hockey #DirtyLilWhiteBoy
Nicole BigEyeBeagle
Hi i am Nicole but you can call me BigEyeBegle or Fire fox both of them are my favourite ucernames so yeah. By the way if you are following me you will be in the Fox Fam as i am calling it.Also if you follow me i will follow you back, good for if you are low on followers. Have a good day:› Hi Kyle it is Nicole from school (~ ~) :-)
AЯ†Ałε†A2† AleAaron87
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Lindsey lindsey838
Hi! Welcome to my profile!!! I'm 17 years old, i love to draw. I love playing: Super smash bros. 4, Hyrule warriors, Splatoon and Mario kart 8 the most out of all my other wii u games... My top favorite game characters are Cloud Strife, Midna, Daisy and Callie. I don't accept ''BLANK'' friend requests, i also DON'T WII U CHAT!!! But you can message me :) have a great day my loves!!! :3♥♥♥
SV▲Rοmρορε ronxd01
welcome to my profile nωn SomeFactsAboutMe↓ -I'm 15 -I speak spanish -I Draw 4 Fun -0/0 T o o M u c h W a t e r (Favorite VideoGames Franchises) ★The Last of Us ☆Final Fantasy ★Jak and Daxter Trilogy ☆Metroid ★Legend of Zelda ☆Metal Gear ★Ace Attorney ☆Super Smash Bros ★Pokemon ☆Kingdom Hearts ★Mario Kart *Hot as hell,Dark as night, that's how Cοffε ιs õωô I♥Cοffε-ω-
【7/17更新】 現実のキャンパスライフを充実している美大生です。たまにミバスの様子を見に来ます。 名前:スズラン ※仮名です 年齢:大人 性別:♀ 誕生日:6/18 住んでるところ:関東地方 性格:超マイペース、気まぐれ 「ONEPIECE」「進撃の巨人」「東京喰種」「NARUTO」大好き!!!!! 他にも好きな漫画がまだまだいっぱいあります。好きなゲームはほとんど任天堂でどう森、スプラトゥーン、カービィ、ポケモンなどなど…カプコンでは逆転裁判です。 ストレスがなく気持ちよくコミュニティをご利用したいために、不快になるコメント・中傷行為等を行うユーザーを削除もしくは通報、ブロックで対処させていただきます。ご了承下さい。
Calvin Fallen_Wing
Still active If anyone likes my things, My birdo and cordless discs are going to be in this place. See my follows for systems for games[Top to bottom]. Calvin#0863 Follow parenthesis for birdo (FallenAngel)just for you(3) know what(6) since mallets(4).
Ðαяк Иight plumocito
Thank you for your support throughout my stay on miiverse! I've met really awesome friends in these 3 years of a long journey that I won't forget. I'll always carry in my heart all the amazing experiences I had in this place! I'm truly grateful to all of my followers. My name's Gisela, 16. BlυеBird: gise28rodriguez Au revoir et merci beaucoup à tous! <3 -G.M.R.
Aiden AJR2006
Ok. Hi, I'm Aiden, or AJ. An enthusiastic boy who loves video games. I try to be as funny as I can on the Internet and even in real life. Thanks for 500+ followers! My goal is 600 followers. When I get 600 followers, now I haven't done this in awhile, i'll do dares. Ok, have fun reading my posts. Also, I do yeahbomb, just wanna get that outta the way...Bye!
Miyuki Rikona_Isagami
Hello! My name is Miyuki! Nice to meet you! I love watching anime series, and reading their manga. I love to read, write, draw, color, (mostly shading) and sometimes being alone. I am an introvert, an ISTJ, to be exact. My favorite is black and dark blue. I prefer to play on portable devices, like the New Nintendo 3ds XL, and phones. But anything you guys recommend is fine with me!
maia cheeessebuggurrs
hi im maia. im an 18 year old girl who is a HUGE fan of attack on titan. my favorite games so far are monster hunter, pokemon , animal crossing,and resident currently banned from miiverse for 2 weeks so i cant post anything until then(which suxs:c) im also looking for friends 2 register.sooooo.....thats all i hav 4 you.
TrusTa whitepaws1983
hi why u here MEOW o shiz waddup
MemeSenpai TheMemeSenpai
Anmut~$PSF GraceS04
Hi my name is Anmut (means Grace), I'm a teen, I'm Homeschooled, love to play the Ukulele & a Christen I like: Running, Drawing, Animals, Kayaking, Star Wars, & Music. Thank you to everyone I have been through so much with all of you and I love you all! BEST Friends! Kyle SPSF Zachman3
John qqqq0ui
Hi,I play Super Mario maker,and I love to create traditional platformers on it,I also watch a variety of youtubers,those being:Jacksepticeye & 8-bit ryan Just a little advice: NEVER Answer questions about wether you like the Switch or not & say no on miiverse because its apparently mean (according to the questioners.)
ςκγ★Dανΐоη 998733
Heyyy its Dανί Basic 19 Year Old. :P »Retired member of ƒΐς★ »Owner of ςку★негоеς Bestii's: »Ghostie☆ »Joseph☆ »Shane☆ »Liam☆ See ya :D
BlakPhenix TheBlakPhenix
Helo everyone T.B.P. here and this is my miiverse page. ↓I Like↓ L.O.Z. Doctor Who music Terraria Minecraft RolePlays Star Wars Being Weird Yu-Gi-Oh M.T.G. HearthStone Gundams Nerf FNaF Mcr Fob I do not except friend requests peeps to follow CosmicGem KitCat14 please follow you can go now FINE *gives you cupcake* will you go now
Auli'i MilaLuvsPuppys
Hi! Im Auli'i or Mila in English. I live in Hawaii. I am 14 years old. I know both Hawaiian and English. I am very nice,so dont be afraid to chat with me. Bye!~
★Яøχας★ AlphaDelta12
Hi people, I'm ★Яøχας★! ★THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT IN THESE 3 YEARS★ My name is Javier :) ◆@javi_lopez50◆ Self-proclaimed "Master of Artstyles" ;) I started in Miiverse in November 2012, with my old account ID: Roxas99 I'm 17 years old ÔωÔ ★Check her out!: Ðαяк Иight, she's an amazing artist!★ R.I.P Miiverse ↓More Information↓
Łΐł΄Ðęмøπ VaLhAlLaSpEcTeR
†◆▲▼▲◆▲▼▲◆ ★•°˙º•.•°˙°•☆ ¤ ψ(φώφ)ψ ¤ ☆•°˙°•.•°˙°•★ ◆▲▼▲◆▲▼▲◆† ♥ Goodbye Everyone!! Thank you so much for the amazing experience. I will miss everyone I have encountered here. Hopefully I will see you elsewhere. ♥ ♡Love♡ «• Łΐł΄Ðęмøπ •»
Lewis TheBlackGear82-X
This user is no long available. Go check my actual user (NNID: SkeletonKnight82) I can be here in case of ban... Which is probably never...
Hydroxybot Eliminatingboss1
Cameron PokeMasterWiiU
Blushing faces covered in pink Rushing bombs, exploding ink Faces blush, a rush of ink Bombs explode, no time to think Says I only have a Wii U, but I have a 3DS and I have a Switch.
Hello my name is DUBSTEP!
I love DUBSTEP (obviously)!
I am here to spread new music into your l...
Hello my name is DUBSTEP!
I love DUBSTEP (obviously)!
I am here to spread new music into your lives and make the world of music better than it is.
Things about me!↓
Im a 15 year old male!
I love anime, comedy, and horror.
I love video games and yu-gi-oh!
Thats all, if you wanna know more then comment on one of my posts and ill get back to you as soon as possible.