pac man's Followers
Silver SilDicap
Mario marioluv9
itsa me mario! so im gonna make a giveaway on roblox sooo my favorite games are mario pacman and sonic AND WHERE IS THAT DAMN STAR RUBY and i like sonic and even amy and tails and knuckels and IF YOU DESTROY YOUR WII U YOU WONT USE MIIVERSE ANYMORE T_T
Peach rubyhewlett07
Hello everyone Princess Peach ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom,i love my hero mario *tehe* and my sister Daisy ♥ I will try to friend you guys but toads might post if nessesery mario has his own account on new 3 ds xl because recently his wiiu stopped but yeah guys hopefully i'll see you soon вуе♥
Mario polskiinternet
Hi guys is me Mario And Go Start And This Is My New User Click In My Old User PL Czešc Jestem Mario i To Jest Mój Nowy Profil Kliknij Na Mój Stary Profil 1985-2017 © Nintendo Co.‚Lid.
little k garradhellrd05
im lily im a girl i love anything im single right now soo yeah...... gender: female fav color: pink,puple,yellow,orange and black realonship: ??? i love circus baby and funtime foxy
はくれいレイム〆S+ anryo-y
フォロー100%返すよ♪SPRKレイム〆S+です SPRKと〆S+のクランに入ってます!〆S+は団員募集中です♪ レイムのスプラデータ ランク34 ウデマエS+35(上級者?) 得意武器 チャージャー全般(自称神エイムw) S+になった武器ノバネオ、得意武器はチャージャーなのに(殴ッッッッ)失礼しました 重要なフレンド バリアマンs=建築物神 レミリアs=スシコラ神、見習いたい マリサk=リア友 ©のりたまとゆかり©k=リア友 タケノコ=PVPワールド 好きな歌 色は匂えど散りぬるを 孤独月 ヒトリシズカ まだ見てます? 命ガケで~へっへ~~あぁ~(殴ッッッッ)すいまそん もういいよ皆、せ~の、アデュー
Alex boomboy12345
the end of miiverse is only a few hours away so really not long now! I am staying on miiverse until the very end!
dylan dj.ugalde
hi my name is dylan and i love to play with people online and i love playing super smash bros and mario kart8 im 13. when people follow me i follow them back and make sure you follow me .and if you want to be friends my id is dj.ugalde
Sweetcrash Bluecat98
This is my 2nd account.
meciano meciano
the end is near... stay strong friends special thanks to: auston chara sonic dogaressa tails temmie (whos sadly banned) frisk memesampai memesensai swap paps blueberry (swap sans) and all my followers. it was nice knowing all of you :')
Daisy jantinat
hi miiverse My Name is Princess Daisy i live with Luigi in the Sarasaland My cousin is Peach My Yt Name:Maria van Gelderen Roblox Name:peachgamer12 Have a great day everyone *waves*
ilias008 belassel008
Hi. Please follow: @3dsvsthewiiuwiiu @miyukiluckystar @DogyBro @MatthewS17 @grim16 @realYeahAngel @veryscrappy @CarlyPandaCake15 @mariofan112004 @BroLookatThis @Nate123 @DMcNeil2 @Hichem_Kawaii @malatheangel @GageAwesome08 Yeah lots of my posts and follow YOU will be here. Profile updates on my favourited post. Cya!
loulou louloubilou01
salut c'est loulou j'ai 9 ans je suis fan de léo si vous étes abonné à moi je m' abonne à vous . je vous respecte si vous me respectez je suis plein de surprise, gamer , youtubeur et j'adore kirbendo, bibiTM,milu et laël,guillaume et kim
clickbate clickbateboy
I like clickbait. no wii u chat unless I know you. If were friends and you join my minecraft world i might kick you because i play privately with some friends.sorry. I also like anime! the anime I like is Naruto and Dbz(Dragon ball Z). Don't forget to yeah my post and follow me. I'll follow u back(not like that) And NEVER give up! Ignore Haters and cyberbullies. That's all. BYE-BYEZ
franco17 leonidasalexande
hi my name is franco and i just got my wiiu so do u want to be my friend
yoshiko The_Yoshi888
I love Roblox/LBP/nintendo/inai inai baa/My family/capcom/sega favorite part of splatoon: splatting on a "turf war&ranked battle" morning game(s) pooyoos 1 & 2 my "phone word" "hello? yep!.......YEP! to you later!" favorite nintendo character: mario (hes popular now!) \(^o^)/ very first starred community: mes comptines
Ness hwas2701
marinite chelleybell414
Rodri DDS ASH.123ugd
Judy Hopps SonicandTails24
~ I Don't do Wiiu chat ~ so don't ask, In less I know you in real life. I like racing games, like Mario kart and fighting games injustice, wwe games and Batman games. Favorite game systems are Wii U, 3ds, PS3 gamecube, My favorite color is Blue, also favorite games Mario, Zelda and Sonic, and I like Disney Infinity 3.0 and the movie Zootopia.
Miguel miguel0412
Mario filip_trajilovic
Hello! Its-a Me Mario! I-a live in mushroom kingdom. my-a best friends are: Yoshi,Luigi,peach,toad and followers! i-a love every games and-a i enjoy in every single one! sometimes i-a have problems and-a weird thing are happening, but-a it doesnt matter. i-a am hero of mushrom kingdom with my-a bro Luigi! im-a helpful. and sometimes i-a can't talk. So that's-a it of me have a nice day!
al briandamage18
noah noahcar888
brighton brighton7
Robert supermariobest14
Hello. Thank you to all my wonderful friends. I haven't been on for a few months. Probably will only be on Wii U to play smash once every month, but Switch will carry on our friendship. Love you all. You have really givin me a lot of hope in this world:) Ray, Dylan, Isaiah, and all other friends thank you for chatting and playing with me all these years.
go to mv Tri1stan
hello welcome to the official miiverse of kirbywordy, note: really bad internet, disconnects are common. ppl needing to be unbanned bambimelon choc chip shadoelucifan009 charityambeau octolexi! no! she's banned
..'Foxy'.. richman727
thanks u for 600+ followers and 90+ freinds, i realy appreciate your support... and if u have the time go check out my freind. unique11. he makes alot of posts per day *unlike me*. so if u like seeing posts... go check unique11's post. thanks. (oh, and if u whant to play with me i mostly play minecraft glide and battle with either unique11 nirmal123 and my other freinds. thx for everything.)!!!!!!
sky goacher
hi i love new york!!!!!!!!!!
Mason MasonJPrince
This user's profile comment is private.
jade 2008 johnnyjoy
Hi guys im Jade I want to tell you that im a story writer and i make songs
saverio Saver800
boujour je sui saverio gregoire aboné vous et je me abonerain a vous. j'aitai youtubeur mai je me sui fai bannire si vous abonner on verra onverra plein truc pour améliorée misvere jeudiess***** sosiable **** je suis belge merci pour les 100 abonner adieu
BOTW Link! jet_power.mach_3
HELLO profile viewer! I see you are interested in me, so here is some info. I am a Christian! I am 15 years old. My 2 ALL TIME favorite videogame series are The Legend of Zelda and Super Smash Bros. My 2 favorite TV shows are Doctor Who (#11thDoctor) and Lego Ninjago. My 2 favorite movie series are STAR WARS and The World of Middle Earth (Hobbit, LotR). Please Follow and Friend!
Universe Kali-Yugo
Little Jac Yacky09
Here are 5 things about me 1. I love basketball 2. Pickels are my favorite 3. My favorite colors are blue and green 4. My age is a lucky number 5. I'm a gaming girl
josh yeah! joshiyoshi123
hello my name is Josh and my miiverse or NINTENDO id is joshiyoshi123 i hope you enjoy. My favourite nintendo chareter is.... Yoshi .Oh and my sega is..... Shadow HOPE YOU EEEEENJOY!!!!if you follow me i follow you!bonus:i will be your friend:)i'm allways on my wii u at 7 and 8! thanks for the support:-) RIO 2016 IS HERE !!!
billyjay billyjay04
hi people please follow and my favourute food:pizza-pasta-dounts-watermelon and strawberry things i do:play the on the computer-clean my room-play basketball-watch tv-play my nintendo-read-like playing the piano thing i hate:bullies-mean people-robbers-stealers well that is all about me byeeeee people :D
brant err43rt43rrrdd
NewFieGuy newfieplayer
hi im ashton or new fie player wiiu is the best lets play Minecraft together so we could make stuff in my city PLEASE Don't Griff or i will kick you but if your nice anuff to not griff your awesome like friends are no saying bad words on the world
Sea Wolf Owllen
Favorite Animals: Overall: Killer Whale Land Animal: Timber Wolf Bird: Snowy Owl Reptile: Komodo Dragon Amphibian: Golden Poison Frog Boney Fish: Sword Fish Fish: Great White Shark Insect: Safari Ant Arachnid: Death Stalker Scorpion Crustacean: True Lobster Mollusk: Mimic Octopus Echnoderm: Crown Of Thorns Starfish Jellyfish: Immortal Jellyfish
Hi l'm Pacman and i'm on the Pacman fan
and Super Mario fan. and roblox fan
Well im a boy and i p...
Hi l'm Pacman and i'm on the Pacman fan
and Super Mario fan. and roblox fan
Well im a boy and i play games
and i playd mario run and pac man
but roblox is on ibox1
and i have a mario costoom
i got my 8 Bits