E$ Wii U's Play Journal

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Super Mario Maker

E$ Wii U

3 days ago

How am I supposed to get all my last-minute Miiverse comments in if you give me errors like this, Nintendo?!

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3 days ago

I HATE that!

Super Mario Maker

E$ Wii U

10/22/2017 10:52 PM


Super Mario Maker

E$ Wii U

10/17/2017 8:02 AM

Darn, only 4 seconds better than my main's time... that 1 section with climbing the vine thru the horizontal springs really slowed me down!

Super Mario Maker

E$ Wii U

10/10/2017 7:09 PM

Hey cool play surges are still a thing

Super Mario Maker

E$ Wii U

09/24/2017 9:01 PM

Please enter this level ID: F672-0000-035F-7ACC

Super Mario Maker

E$ Wii U

07/05/2017 12:18 PM

Reposting the ID for last year's 4th of July course for this year:

Super Mario Maker

E$ Wii U

04/27/2017 12:27 PM

Quiz levels are pretty tedious to make, but I still wanna do this one anyways... just, maybe later...

Super Mario Maker

E$ Wii U

02/02/2017 11:14 PM

Still getting ranking appearances even though I haven't been uploading much new lately:

Super Mario Maker

E$ Wii U

01/01/2017 10:46 AM

I've been playing this less lately... see Eeee-Money's latest drawing for the reason

Super Mario Maker

E$ Wii U

12/25/2016 6:41 PM

An appearance in the rankings for Christmas!

Super Mario Maker

E$ Wii U

12/18/2016 8:55 PM

Now I've hit the "Following" limit with BOTH accounts!

Super Mario Maker

E$ Wii U

12/15/2016 2:27 PM

I really, REALLY wish I could put keys in objects that are on tracks... any ideas on how I could make this recreation of the Oracle of Ages Head Thwomp fight work? The blocks on the outer ring shou...

Super Mario Maker

E$ Wii U

12/14/2016 12:42 PM

Ugh, looks like the last course in my series is the 3rd one of it to hit the rankings, before even my 1-2... Darn people who play newest to oldest!

Super Mario Maker

E$ Wii U

12/13/2016 7:45 AM

I was looking to see if my 1-4 from my complete game had charted, and I find... this instead?

Super Mario Maker

E$ Wii U

12/04/2016 1:58 PM

So this old allegory is making the rankings, but not any of the newer courses I uploaded as part of my complete game? Odd timing.

Super Mario Maker

E$ Wii U

11/28/2016 11:17 AM

Ohayou, watashi wa otaku desu.

Super Mario Maker

E$ Wii U

11/26/2016 8:14 PM

The gap between Regional Rankings and Global Rankings is pretty wide

Super Mario Maker

E$ Wii U

11/24/2016 8:49 PM

I thought they'd completely forgotten about these!

Super Mario Maker

E$ Wii U

11/22/2016 4:54 PM

Worlds 7 and 8 of my complete game have been playtested and uploaded. It's all up now!

Super Mario Maker

E$ Wii U

11/20/2016 6:43 PM

Worlds 1 through 6 of my complete game have been playtested and uploaded. Worlds 7 and 8 will come tomorrow, most likely.

Super Mario Maker

E$ Wii U

11/19/2016 10:14 PM

Thanks guys! I now have the slots I need!

Hyrule Warriors

E$ Wii U

11/16/2016 9:43 AM

Oops, I thought I had switched accounts when actually I hadn't... starting this game with a new account takes forever now due to all the update notifications...

Super Mario Maker

E$ Wii U

11/01/2016 8:24 AM

Tuesday, November 1, 2016 (rabbit rabbit!)

Super Mario Maker

E$ Wii U

10/30/2016 9:05 AM

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Super Mario Maker

E$ Wii U

10/28/2016 11:15 PM

Friday, October 28th, 2016