JakeШЩ's Followers
TheEpicPka TheLitLitten
Im a gamer boy.And I love anime.I like to draw A LOT.I like the Pokemon,Mario Bros,Minecraft and the Sims series.My hobbies is to draw and play video games.I like watching ,Markplier,and Jacksepticeye.Last but not least I watch pyrocinical and dank memes.I'll also do a daily trivia for either Markplier or Jacksepticye video. I'm also a Jehovah Witness. Yeah boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
»––Kitty–> kitty1503
★~hi welcome to my profile ☆~Iam Sylvana^ω^ ☆~I'm 11 years old ☆~I love dogs ^ ^ ☆~I love pink★☆ ☆~I love music♪♪♪ ☆~Follow my for •→Tomodachi_ανοητυrεη← •Leave A Like ☆~My miiverse BFF aaliyah^ω^ ☆~My favo Games •Nintendog+Cats •Tomodachi Life ☆~I wish You a Nice Day On Miiverse. Wow 528 followers thank you so i love you all We Love and missing MiiVerse #SaveMiiverse ★~bye
FireKG Gehres
i am Keira. i am a comic book writer of un-published books. i like to play video games. i . i just follow everybody online. i hope you get lots of followers. [wish good luck to all beginners, experts and average game experienced miis] i love drawing, maybe i should draw my post,I love to play episodes and i love soccer.10 year old keira is outta here
Matthew Mazzie0406
Hi! Here are a few things about me. I am from West Virginia. I am twelve years old and I'm in 7th grade! My hobbies are playing video games, bowling, reading, and going on Miiverse. I am an amateur trombonist. I have a 10 year old sister named Lizzie. My announcements will take place in the West Virginia club. Thanks for 1200+ followers.
мαιιεrγ ШЩ TiriaHighRhulain
º•Konnichiwa! Manga artist, vocaloids, καωαιιanything, pandas, Fire Emblem, Owl City, Twenty Øne Pilots,†, ШЩ member, Japan, sweet and gothic Lolita, Sailor Moon•º Thank you all my awesome followers! I have made some really good friends here! Miss you all already, but I'll always remember how much fun I had! Byez! ●ω●
ςςкł Dł dseljkkl
hi the only games that i really play are splatoon, super smash bros, and minecraft and friend me
victoria vm403292
hello, im a christian, love to play all kinds of sports, love to bake, and love christian rap music!!!!
yoshi 101 dmb1978
hi im yosh101 i love nintendo. here my 3 favorite games minecraft , animal crossing super smash bros and tomodachi life. also i love splatoon for the swich. and most important i am a christian· and i am home schooled. hope u guys have a great day and god bless u
ΑпίRMVШЩ gamerkid1100
I'm Ani, and here's a bit about me: ·I'm 14, in 8th grade ·I love Nintendo and Playstation ·I love baseball and LEGO ·I live in Cali ·#StarWars ·Most importantly, I'm Christian Ťpts: 5 Favies: Rex432, Alli, Callie, Mads, Zorhax BFFs: Bailey, Eli, Lea, Izz, Niko, Evan, Kaylie BFs: Umaari, Gabe, Ty, Moony, Other Banana/Alli, Peyton, Luny I Follow4Follow, jsyk. Thanks for 150 followers! Goodbye :(
reece cool-boy-dub
hello friends?
Louis lou10is
Άρης9090 ares9090
Jack J98079
sleepy♪♭★☆ Peque0606
This user's profile comment is private.
Dead Shot luigi2156
Wazzup Dead Shot here iam an expert gamer most times,a big fan of luigi(GO WEEGEE!) and a huge Nintendo fan..... Nintendo your the best! And iam happy to help you on some wiiu games your stuck on doing! Alright thanks for being awesome see you in the next post. And to all my new friends, please don't Wii U chat me when I'm playing a game or if I just now meet you.
Dяαυεη× rdxrainjr623
●Sup People! Dяαυεη Here! Things about moi:●(400+ Awesome Followers)✓● ◆Fav Metal Group: Asking Alexandria◆ ◆Fav Song: Gone~Asking Alexandria◆ ■Goodbye Farewell Miiverse :'v (Online Since 2014)■ ♥@Oκα Яΰτσ: My Lovely GF♥ω♥~♡ ♡♥09/30/17♥♡ 1 Day
kennedy brianr001
hi....i'm not special don't waist ur time hear huh ur still hear sigh ok well i'm shy really nervous and....heh well in my relationship uh no one yet and well heh that's all...
gokudera gokuderahayato59
my name is gokudera hayato my fav number is 59 my fav color is red my fav games is zelda games, splatoon, pokemon and super smash bro. my fav book name magazine is the wonders and mysteries of the world my fav crush him/her name is tsuna sawada my fav movies is action movies my vongola guardian is storm guardian i'm smart, tsundere, strong and funny i love my sweet 10th for tsuna sawada
★Caine☆ CaineKnol
TheDiamond MLGhasarrived
Hello! I am The_Diamond, the one who played those Mario games...But I'm here from the 3DS, and back to pose EVERY DAY...Maybe
stormtroop StormTrooper9009
Siff Saifbean
HI!!! my name is saif (its means sword in english) ,i love making new friends and ive played loads of games like pokemon,mario,kirby,splatoon,animal crossing, tomadochi life,luigi masion,mincraft and super smash bros.thats alot right?talk to me whenever and please follow me because then i follow you, lets be friends :) you wont regret it #i like stars, cartoon animals and other colourful things
Wes 6eyesblue
Hay! I am a BIG TIME Nintendo fan! Some of my favorite titles are Animal Crossing New Leaf, and Splatoon! Also, to my followers, I am a CHRISTIAN, so sometimes I will post some religious content!
Romario RomarioDesrosier
Romario's the name and gaming's my well, game! It's only on weekend and non-school holidays though :P
goku goku456000
I like watching Dragon Ball Super and Attack on titan. My favorite game on 3ds is Dragon Ball Fusions.
owen stormtrooper185
Hi! I mostly play Mario Maker, or anthing Mario. My current favorite is Nintendo Badge Arcade. Goose Gliding for Dayz. Let's make Goose Gliding a meme..
Cyriematsu Sakumeep32
HI THERE. WELCOME TO THE SALTY SPLATOON HOW TOUGH ARE YA? Tough enough to accept that Miiverse is officially leaving. *sigh* I'll see ya'll when I see ya'll. Maybe when I get a switch I'll find people. I have a tumblr. Don't think anyone cares- *COUGH* (Its called Cyriesenpai) *COUGH* SELF ADVERTISEMENT BUT.. Ye. Guess this is it. This was fun. Lotsa. (//μ λ μ//) Still have some time.
Red zonic134569
100+ Follows!
★~Mason~★ Oceana_Mason_152
♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥ Hay its Oceana im sorry if your confused i swiched my mii many times frome Oceana to Mochi to Comic(for like 6 seconds) to what is now frisk.Dispite all that has hapend its still me Oceana.Keep calm and love undertale ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥
Cooled J.A CooledThrower7
tay neworleans34
hi miiverse, friends and all!!! I like mario,zelda,and sonic games.
Joshua jcwmasterbuilder
Hello welcome to my profile Im Joshua im 14 I love Mario games and Kirby too. My goal is 100 followers before Miiverse ends I will follow anyone who follows me. Thats it hope you enjoy my profile & posts
Biohazard cuticon
I have the greatest temptation : Get the Xbox one X , the most powerful game console in the world, do have the Switch and xbox one s but still.... That why i called it a temptation !
Sarah TreeBuilder
Hi, I love video games and pizza! I'm sooo sad Miiverse is ending. :[ I'll probably miss my bffs the most. Shoutout to the Dank Meme lord Penn!
Heather!:D dancewaterdance7
Hola Amigos!! I love Kingdom Hearts, Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem, Pokemon and Snake from Metal Gear Solid!! ^ω^ Best Animes ever:Wolfs Rain, Bleach, FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Bobobo, One Punch Man and Jojo's Bizzare Adventure!! :D ^ω^ I love watching cartoons as well!! Oh and i also like pancakes!! And Ghirahims hot!! XD He ma bae! ˘³˘
Billy J whiteplume307
Hey, you! How are you doing?