SonicTippy's Followers
Zed gianlumorgan
LET'S BE FRIENDS!!!!! :-D I love playng: Mario kart 8 Mario maker Splatoon Minecraft Almost 400 followers and 80 friends THANKS! :-D GOODBYE
jdender jdenderplays
Hi, I am JdenderPlays (It's [jay-dend-er] or [jay-de-ender] ether way is fine.) My favorite games are MineCraft PC and Factorio. I am a redstone expert (Fluent in BUDs, compariters, slime, and computing.) if I do say so my self. I am also good at creative building and SkyBlock. Note that I don't acep friend requests from random people, so please tell me why in your request.
clem Migaclem
Iamradical konaGuelcher
yo all u miis whats up. i love super smash bros cause its like the best game ever am i right
Shark™ GeorgeGamer005
Hola soy Shark un tiburon blanco... si un tiburon, algun problema? Me gusta: -Pokemon -Dibujar -Dragon Ball ¡¡KA...ME...HA...ME...HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA¡¡ XD -Y muchas cosas mas¡¡ OJO, como no me sigas, la proxima vez que vallas a la playa a bañarte, me asegurare que no vuelvas a la orilla con VIDA¡¡¡¡¡¡ D:‹ .......... ok no xD Como me da pereza seguir escribiendo esto... bye (-_-)
□□T SarouManaro
This user's profile comment is private.
t stephec15
(: my nam is travis 90000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000$ ME SO SO SO COOL I LOVE HOCKEY i love cats and dogs 123355657686877 MONTRÉAL IS MY FAVORIT NHL TEAM I
roboshock danielnrobert
I am 44, single and enjoy playing video games. I have a son who visits and we play games together. I like playing survival horror games, zombies, ghosts and legend of zelda games. I enjoy pinball games, rpg mario party n mario kart games. I also enjoy playing the Resident Evil series and playing Hyrule Warriors. If you would like for me to play a game with you, feel free to ask me to join.
CALZONESXD alecrowngame
hola ya sabes quien soy bueno adiós amigos los tendre en mi ♥ ya cerraran miiverse y gracias por seguirme recuerda siempre estar feliz y nunca triste adiós
Daimond DiamondGamer718
Im a fan of etika, smosh, and markiplier and my favorite games are most of the zelda games, super smash bros and dance central 1 2 and 3 mainly 2.
maman affaily
Alexandra Alexandra250607
Ich binn net,lustig,hilfst bereit,bienschlang,schportlich,und ich tanze fiel und ich liebe Katzen:-)!
elizabeth babyash08
hi whats up everybody!?
im just a person who does: games and reading and sports i love to read (Diary of a wimpy kid book...
im just a person who does: games and reading and sports i love to read (Diary of a wimpy kid books) my favorite games are (overwatch or destiny) my favorite sport is (baseball)