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This is it, the last day of Miiverse, time for my goodbye... When I first got my Wii U, I was so happy! One of the first things I used was Miiverse, the entire tim...
HI HI HI. I like sci-fi and futuristic themes! Do you? I'm trying SOOOOOOO HARD to get that go...
HI HI HI. I like sci-fi and futuristic themes! Do you? I'm trying SOOOOOOO HARD to get that golden kart everything! Follow me if you want to. my NOT secret is that I LOVE to hear Baby Peach CRY!!!!!! And whenever I hear Baby Peach cry, I laugh my brain out!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA HEEHEEHEE!!!!!!! I DON'T Wii U CHAT! I DON'T DO VIDEO CONVERSATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I HATE horror games!