I Uploaded a Video an wrote some informations in the description if you want to know Clear Time, Nais ... Btw I don't know why I compared it to P-break^^ This is way harder then P-break!
theFallen's Yeahs

It's really fun but i can't play this level everyday because im more into kaizo stuff. There is one very annoying jump, before the 2nd door from the red spiketop on the mushroom, sometimes you don'...

the beginning is oke (OK its hard but the whole level is hard ;]) i try next days your other levels,i got not so much time at last.

Yeah that Mix is it what make a level hard as yours.i try your cold fortress levels of course next timewhen i Play.i wrote you in that comments then .:)

man ths level is hard as hell i dont know how you uploaded that,respect man you are a real pro gamer. i send this level to a good friend he is strong kaizo player.. great job.i got a level called l...
just got a wiiU would be cool to meet friends on here