And in this beautiful forest, we can see a small flock of Marios flying in the distance. What a pretty sight.
Brooks's Yeahs

Another "classic" from Rcblah-blah... Didn't he literally just drop excrement on the eShop last week? Does he have a quota of recycled assets and horrific gameplay to hit?
Hello people of Miiverse! My name is Brooks.
I'm your average person with a love of Science, His...
Hello people of Miiverse! My name is Brooks.
I'm your average person with a love of Science, History, and Video Games, though I'm more of a logical person, mostly (any random letters/scribble is just my little brother, don't bother).
I love Nintendo, mainly Smash, Mario, Pokémon, Splatoon, and Zelda. Outside of Nintendo...
Minecraft I guess.
Yep, that's about it!
Have fun Miiversians!