Users FAN★Zelda★ Is Following
★Annie★ Anapaola16
Hola a todos yo soy Sofia solo que tengo 2 nombres y me puse como Annie,NO tengo NV no me gusta el huevo lo vomito je. ☆Mis ⃃ son☆: Sherlyn,Thaly,Yeals,Lizeth,Celia, Sandra,JessicaRS,Jenni Niev,Diego SMB,♪Carla♪etc.. Ah y soy:Amable, Graciosa, Muy hermosa xp.Eh se la creyeron verdad no no soy hermosa bueno tal vez.XD SIGANME PLIS SERIE:La historia de Rosalina Serie favoritas:Todas de MiiverseXD
#.neme もあ.。_ 萌愛 #.happebersbey 1/24 #.twins もか.。_ 萌果 eme&anime #.体の半分は苺みるく。もう半分は角砂糖。 #.リア友はめっちゃおるよ。フォロワーの子とかリア友いじ めたら血祭りがはじまるよ。 □□■■□■■□□ □■■■■■■■□ l □□■■■■■□□ o □□□■■■□□□ v □□□□■□□□□ e 1/25 こーしん.。
サエ NintendoSae
Miiverse案内役担当のサエです。 任天堂からのいろいろな「おしらせ」をお届けします。 頑張りますので、よろしくお願いいたします!
•★€няί§2 SMM-Chris
Hi im SMM-Chris! Welcome to my profile! Want to know was ↑ on it? Just keep tuned to it! Stay Fresh #Herobrine_Is_Fake_In_MC! B y e !
JCG οωο Billy0mine
Hey, I'm still the same person but this account is for my WII U, the other account is on his WII U...So yeah you can follow me on here as well. (/)é[]è)/)
◆★Carlo★◆ CarloCraft_Pro
El Adios No Es Para Siempre Sigue Tu Vida, Nunca Te Des Por Vencido, Que No Te Hagan Bullying O Ciberbullying Siempre Hay Alguien Que Te Quiera Y Que Te Apoye, Sigue Y Cumple Tus Sueños, Vive En Paz Y Armonía, Sigue Adelante Se Que Puedes Igual Que Yo Y TODOS Nosotros. -Carlo
★TRG★снгίς Sauron17
Hello I'm Chris, and I like turtles. Curent feelings: Fine and good. I am the CEO/President of the GMU. (TRG, 3MM, NLM, T7W, TRON) Owner/Leader of TRG. Co-leader of OMC & Member of 3MM & TCW. I ♥ playing SMM, Minecraft , Splatoon, MK8 & SM3DW. I have over 3500 stars in SMM. I usualy Wii U Chat when I am up for it. WAFFLE! That is all! Bye! :D
christhian clonec_12
hola mi nombre chris se que no les importa pero ya que solo quiero agradecer a nintendo por miversee y todo lo que a echo se que la wiiu no fue tan buena como la ps o xbox pero ay algo que esas 2 consolas no tuviero y fuee juegos divertido y asombrosos por que wiiu no es solo grafico sino jugabilidad y diversion solo me despido de esta grandiosa consola con un gracia ... adios miverse te quiero..
ĶĞ_nauβ SYA-PU922
こんにちは(`・ω・´)/ めっちゃゲームが下手ですが、たまに 覚醒&オーバーロード させていただきたいと思っておりますwww よろしくお願いいたしますっっ(´・ω・`ゝ
jacob Jacobema07
Jose pablo Holaquiero
Buenas noches,dias,tardes soy genial novia carol enemigos :jordin y Isaac Me gusta un show más , clarence , el increíble mundo de gumball, sanandreas. bajen más aún mas más Sigue Sigue Sigueme
sans game WrathOfDewdrop
im 7sans gamin7. this is why cobblestone is life: stone is from meteors. stone turns into cobblestone. cobblestone turns into potatos. everything is made out of potatos. cobblestone is life. your wii u or 3ds is potatos which is cobblestone. that's why cobblestone is life. ... #SAVE DABBING ... question of the week: are u on frisks side or charas side???????????
GrapeKing★ Homestuckislife8
oh Some stuff about me: ★GrapeKing is a persona. ★I am a Pisces♥ ★I am ironic. ★I could rave to this. ★I'm a memer. ★I like to self depreciate. ★DerpMasta is my baby. ★I only take drawing requests/art trades when I feel creative/not lazy. ★I'm very nice, so talk to me!
Tanukie.ω· zrinking
*sigh* Life is waste... like seriosly why we here again and is mayonaise an instrument? Well Senpais... prepare for darkest of... DESU MIKU~CHAN now seriosly im just a teen that has no real skills :P and is just cringe and memes all around and i also troll...sometimes... but its most likely just cause im either joking or just idk making sence of some one thats my miiverse life so ya bai bai...
Nory fire_star78
A hero is not one that never falls. He is the one that gets up, again and again, never losing sight of his dreams. ~Rock Lee Be gone child. ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
かのん mizushimayamato
Malik Pkmnmaster45
Lets battle in Pokemon X or Y or come to my town in ACNL sometime. I'm the guy to come to if you need help in a game or in real life. Just call me in Wii U chat if you have any problems ^-^ ANIME FOR LIFE. OTAKU FOREVER ^w^
Ethan Ethanedog
こはく kohakoha0627
Lt.LickMe Fazbear_Medic
Fellow Trainnes im your Squad Leader Hanji two people i work Are Erwin Smith, Heicheo_11 and Im Done i could be gone of this world or got rid of and i could be hack but whatever and im done done done with evreything my other freinds Are Norway_Nordic Finland_Nordic Iceland_Nordic Sweden_Nordic Denmark_Nordic and Denamark_Mathais okay im practicaly gone of this world bye
FWNetwork twins456
What up my NiββΑ's, I play 3DS, Wii U, & Switch titl- BUT NONE OF IT MATTERS BECAUSE MIIVERSE IS ENDING
ゆらかえで、でーす ka0707
韓国/TWICE/BTS カカオフレンズ/アピーチ„„ TWICE/モモ"ナヨン"ツウィ BTS/グク
Link marioandlinkcool
Max2c00l Max2c00l
I'm always eager to know what's new about other players & their experiences. It only depends. You can help me, I can help you. Sidenote: I have stories to tell and words to spell,... wrong but for the sake of your enjoyment. If I offend, I completely understand. There are times where I would make remarks in my artwork because of how subjective opinions are. But whatever I'll draw for ya'. Lol guy
Patsy I-am-Momma
I'm an adult, part-time gamer, miiverse fan, art fan and I don't try to be anything 'cept who I really am. I follow art that I like also I will follow whom ever follows me.
▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽ かおぽちてんきゅ(●'ρ'●) □■こんちゃ-■□ はじめまして!早希です!! ○●じこしょーかい●○ ●とし js6でーす ←修学旅行いったよ ○せいかく よくAHOって言われます ●けつえきがた びー マイペ一スですw ○せいざ みずがめ ●たんじようび 1/22 ミバ三姉妹のよしの&じゅりーもよろしくね V6の三宅健くんちょーカッコいい (●´・`●) フォローよろでふ(●'з'●)/←必ず返すよーん(遅れるかもだけど) *.°1/19こ一しんっ°.* どんどんからんでね♥おもしろい人大好き♥♥ △▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲
Ontario DarkEmpoleanBW99
Hey dudes Crimson here!I'm trying my best to fight evil & learn Japanese.I lead the pokemon crusaders.I'm actually Genderfluid & I'm open to talk about it!Anyway I do a lot of Artwork & discuss the Best & Worst things about Pokemon.So join in if you want.I also write Fanfics so the next time you see me say hi.If you want to see my fanfic go on Quotev & look for Crimson Blakks.
guiorguy p guiorguy
pokèmariaº mariaswagger
[*]offline [ ] online ifb thanks 500+ followers :) POKEMON IS THE BEST!(in my opinion) favorite pokemon↓↓↓ meloetta, pansear, Greninja,& charizard. y yo ablo español� FOLLOW MY FRIEND!(NinjaKirby)(color purple) she is a BOSS at art!*BRO FIST*�
lyssa lou casperrules
Sup dogs Im Alyssa here is some stuff about ya boi...(thats me) ~~~~~~~~ I like me some gud anime, and manga MUSICALS OMG YAS *Hamilton *Dear Evan Hansen *be more chill *21 Chump Street *Heathers listen to dem, luv dem I can draw/sorta Cats are cute ... so are doggos Here come dat boi ohh *lenny face* *other meme* *9001 bye ya scrubs (^-^)
『ハーゲンダッツ』 saaya-happi
ども~♪さあやです~♪(*´ェ`*)よろしくね* フォロワー300人目指してる!ヨロピ♪ 300になるように誰かフォローしてくれっ!!フォローは一億%かえすゼ!!絶対!!ということでちょっぴり自己紹介するね*°…°* 名前さあや 勉強⇒できない 運動⇒オンチ 歌⇒オンチ 絵⇒土下手 第一印象⇒アホっぽい(らしいよw) って感じだけどよろしくね~w 共感トカとかフォロートカよろしくね~♪あと、えっとね、ニコ☆プチとちゃおよんでるよ!!ニコ☆プチのなかでは、リン©とクロ©推し!ちゃおはゲキカワデビルが面白い(?)くていいカナ~? 私の短所は頑固×150なところì△í H/K好きな絵文字は⇒(*´ェ`*)これっ '∀'/とにかくおしゃべりとかマジ大大大好きだから、いっぱいおしゃべりしよ~ね!!じゃっ!!この辺で失礼しま~す!!バイバイ~♪ *更新日2016 6月 21日*
stanca chopinjabria
i love call of duty this game is so fun
Sans schtink
heya i'm sans, i LOVE Undertale my favorite food is hotdogs, i like to play mario maker for 3ds i'm 11 and yeah. my favorite character in Undertale is of course sans.follow if you Undertale ;)
GUとろんぼーん。α FUMIYA117
メインブキ、ナワバ、ガチマ。プロモデラ、シャプマ。ガチマ 、リッター3k 趣味&特技・音楽(音楽好きな人&吹奏楽等入ってる人さそってねっ!) スプラトゥーン所属チームは、いかさんクラブ・スプラ同好会・チームGU・チーム£・チームST(ステルス)です。チーム雷鳴©はチームGUと合併したそうな(入ったことでいいのかな?) 吹奏楽部はテナーバストロンボーンをやっています!トロンボーンの名前は「ポッキーちゃん」です♪
Pierre xmenpyrovsiceman
This user's profile comment is private.
James jaknighton
Comic book artist and Nintendo fan.
elieen Muldya
thony anthonycha1998
fox megamanii
HotMess FullmetalFurry
♪...What have I become? I'm sorry.♪ Ode to Sleep - twenty øne piløts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ANIME, SUPERNATURAL, WEBCOMICS, YOUTUBE, FOB, TØP, GORILLAZ, P!ATD, SU, WTNV, AND MEMES.
Boss hpsbass214
初めまして!! 初心者ですが、宜しくお願いします。 皆さん、モンスターハンター4Gで、ひと狩しましょう!