Frank's Followers
Brandon Weave88
High score? What's that? Did I break it? I seem to be getting a lot of random friend requests, if I haven't interacted with you I won't accept.
Someone JamieDom2005
boi why u poke on meh face?! friend me if u like Mudkips or Undertale. part of the Ditzy clan.
puggy ivansalinas021
hi im puggy u can call me ivan for short .....things i like: 1.long watches on the beach Sike what am i a dating website 2.i love eating i-scream=) 3.sometimes im lazy......ok maybe not sometimes/everyday <:) 4.favorite game all the good games aahhh duh! 5.remember i said "things i like" ....... forgot to put "me" in my list........ ok bye. also i hate real dumb stupid!
ob Donte2002
Dyelain Dyelain04
creepypasta, pokémon, my little pony, five nights at freddy`s, furry, legend of Zelda, anime.
Gary NatGar0103
I love Chugga and all of his Vids.! :O My favorite Video Games are, Mario, Link, Kirby, Sonic, and Kingdom Hearts. (P.S. I want to be Chugga Friend! PLZ?!)
Nicolas joniro1
phinehas! rfddfd
hello men we better get move'in. w/ my trusty shot gun's & my soda w/ 5,000 cal. im the toughest of all! (try tracer vs. scout rap animated Ver.) ..................................................(im gonna start a music/gameplay youtube channal soon)
мø΄ήέ♪☆★♂§ R2Ffam
Hi, why are you looking at my profile? It's a dumb profile don't stare at it, all the post are lame, all the drawings suck, but if you want to be friends, you better be real quick because I almost have 100 friends, and I don't like people who curse or are inappropriate, so if your neither of those things, you can go ahead and friend me, so have a great day by :3★☆★☆♥♡♥♡★☆★☆♥♡♥♡★☆★☆♥♡♥♡★☆★☆♥♡♥♡★☆★☆
Izzy izzy_IS_BAE
Hey! Glad u stumbled on my profile "Dont say something that you will later regret."- Justin!! Best friends: Shiri, Julian, Olivia, Kyla, Michael, Lucas, Reece, Andy, Camden, Abby, and Noah!!! status: Single!
Nyliek Nyliek
FaZeRiot_7 StevenKatt32
Hello Mates! Im Finn and heres some info about me! Born in Russia Dyed hair red a couple days ago 11 years old
XxTepigxX YoshiMan500
Join team mystic. They have most gyms and good pokemon, also i got a CP 1568 Garydos
Nathan Zerofan62
Gabriel G-mandaman
Timothy T_LvlXP124106
ey E-Bang
bldg ralphlorio
i'm 8 years old and my two best friends are jude iopollo and brooks estroge hey just so you know i want at least 100 friends and 200 followers please
raul alex carr003
Mr. 2DS Mr.2DS00
Hello, I'm Mr. 2DS, and I like to play Nintendo Land, Mario, Splatoon, SSB4, and other games in my "Favorite Communities" section! I usually post at least one thing every day, either on my 2DS or my Wii U. Another thing, please give the Nintendo 2DS a chance. I only Wii U Chat with people I know, sorry.(I am a huuuuuuge manga/anime fan!) こんにちは、私の名前はマーティンです!私は13と私はスプラトゥーンとAC大好き: NLを!
bm daytonwhelpley
ニコン(ザルバ) sky-blue.stone
アクション要素が多い物が好きなニコンでーす。 Halo4のプレ...(ry 利用ガイドに違反する投稿、名前(Miiの)、プロフィールコメント及びコメント内容書かないでください。 書いた人は通報&ブロックします。 無差別ブロックは基本、お断りします。 無差別ブロックしたらブロック返しする可能性もありますのであしからず ただし、タメ口、文句、喧嘩は基本、削除します。(僕がフォローした人を除くが喧嘩だけは削除可能。) 知っているアニメ、特撮:マクロスシリーズ全般、ガンダムシリーズ(特に一部の作品)、牙狼、レゴ、ゴジラ、チャー研、遊戯王、スターウォーズなどなど
caramelice caragolden
caramelhot caramelhot
Hi Im a fun young woman! games i like splattoon sm3dworld nintendo land characters i like: rosea peach friends i like: all of my friends! thank-you for reading this! also, i don't wii u chat.
Vanellope mariella303
hello it me vanellope always ready to have fun play music or draw favorite food:ice cream? favorite color:red violet favorite thing to do:sit on a brick wall at night wearing a cloak favorite plant:apple tree favorite animal:black jaguar
chris crispy03
hey guys my name is chris friends:wilbel,$am and lexi girlfriend:none faveroit games yoshi splatoon and mk8 plz folow me or friendme
KaylaKear Amanda-Brooke-Co
I am 19yrs. old I am a blonde girl. I like Steve Irwin The Crocodile Hunter.
Kyle Mariokart316
I'm an 11 year old and i'll be 12 on July 5th. I was born in 2003 and I was sick on Memorial Day weekend this year. I'm starting to feel a little better but i'm not 100% better. I am a huge fan of Mario and Super Smash Bros. . My favorite character in Mario is Rosalina and my favorite character in Smash Bros. is Link and that's about it of me
omar omard12
stephy bruhhstephy
i like music single i like skating snapchat name is watermelon_5194
kenken thekenneth86
Jake JakeCV5
Ii im Jake i love soccer and video games (duuuh) . pokemon is coool so are all my followers . explore my profile all u want . #poke'peeps (^-^)
1985 baby! allhaveaafro
terry wiuiui
Rocco roccomonster
sniper attackman_8
have fun or else
Dylan gtmats
Sky&Des DestandSky
Destiny DestBest
This user's profile comment is private.
Ethan 3.5 4ethanc
hi ☆ /° \ / ° \ / ° °\ ¯¯[]¯¯ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ merry chirstmas unless you dont celebrate christmas but its little to late for that
Nintendo Switch is fun so this account is dead...maybe.