GRAZIE A TUTTI, GRAZIE A NINTENDO (anche se non condivido la scelta di chiudere Miiverse... su Switch poteva starci tranquillamente), GRAZIE AL NOSTRO IWATA, probabilmente fra gli ideatori dell'app...
Farticus's Yeahs

Quick! Everyone go troll MK8's profile! I.P. Freely might be the last ever drawing I save... unless a certain someone shows up with a drawing of the male anatomy before 1am lol

Hey whats up everybody! J-Bizzle saying one more giant thanks to you all! I always loved talking and letting you know my appreciation for always playing my levels! I will constantly be playing my h...

You're welcome! And thank you for making awesome levels and playing my levels as well. I'll still be making and playing levels regularly.

Thanks so much Andrew2121, Ive always admired your picture perfect levels and great playing ability!It was a pleasure to play side by side with you and see how far we both grew as players n makers!...

This is called symbolism. This message was my first post, and is now my final, 1500th post. Goodbye, weird facial expressions... Goodbye, Super Mario Maker feedback... Goodbye, Miiverse...
Nintendo Land Community

If you have not played this game, you may have "otherwise tragically exploded".
I crashed landed on Earth 87 years ago... due to a drink driving incident... been stuck here ever...
I crashed landed on Earth 87 years ago... due to a drink driving incident... been stuck here ever since... now have a Marmite addiction...