masterlink's Followers
PANIC!_Kat Katie090804
Depression, emo, etc thats me Leave me alone. Hey im katie. I'm Emo and a ninja. ~_~ I had an old account called katie0908. I lost all my friends but now i have new friends Fav Artist: Logic Fav song: 1800....i forgot... Thing i'm in ------------- YE YE Nation Leader Of The Emo Squad The Squad ------------------------- <3 100 followers Say what you mean out loud -Gabbie Hanna
nate justforfun10
Jorgecr7XD Totelonn
hola me llamo Jorge tengo 10 años comida preferida pizza yutubers favoritos auronplay wismichu,elchurches y vegetta juegos minecraft,splatonn,lego citi,kego dimensions soy buena gente espero tener 100 amigos mejores amigos alexcosiyerri y ivan a y dante meencanta el futbol buena adios suigeme y te sigo bueno adios ala madrid musica preferidasoy peor adios gente de miiverse =-)
grammy grammy031
Brett wolfsanddragons
xXRylanXx xXRyLaNXx
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Holo mivee®se os e©ha®e de menos ¡n¡.Voy a de©i® ©osas que me gustan:One Pi©ce,juga® al tenis y mu©has ©osas mas y ahora las ©osas q Supeeee®®® odio:®egeton(o ©omo se es©®iba),bud buny←puaj y mu©has ©osas mas bueno ads ©oleguiliguis (αδιος мινεεгςε ¡n¡ ¡n¡ ¡n¡)
rgdgr Carl1Nada5657
wolfcub hayleyjones
love playing games like making friends to please be my friend
mlg bruh drakester10
Christin mammagirlof5
SlothMan97 TrevorTX
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Chara DarthVader6097
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QueenZomby SuperSisters0811
elijahcole elijahcole07
braden mazzwags
Dante DanteBowser90
Hey i'm Dante Im 11 Going to Grade 7
Gisselle OnePieceNaruto8
☆Don't Be Shy To Follow, l Follow Back☆ ♡HELLO FRIEEENDS♥ AND HELLO READER! (yeah you, l'm talking to you...HI!!!♡♥♡♥) follow →“GisselleGonzalez”← (my DS3DXL) \(• ω •)/ I L♥♥♥VE VIDEO GAMES AND ANIMES!!!! I TALK ENGLISH & ESPAÑOL and ALWAYS REMEMBER!!!! G I S S E L L E LOOOOOOVE YOOOOOOOOUUUUUUU!!!!!!♥ ¡¡te amo CON TODO MI CORAZÓN ♡!!
Jesus epicgamer103
Follow my Instagram @PinHeadPatrick Goodbye Miiverse :(
sebas Egoses
hola mi nombre es sebas hello my name is sebas tengo 12 años am 12 years hold mis juegos favoritos son: my favorite games is: 3ds: super smash bros, mario kart 7, animal crossin new leaf, pokemon alpha zapire and omega rubi etc. wii u: super smash bros for wii u mario kart 8, disnay infinity, just danse 2016. bueno espero que seas mi amigo y sigueme :)
AceGabo*** Yeah56
My name is Gabriel and i love Sumer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tamara tamarapickle
HEY, btw i speak spanish, hablo español puedemos aser amigos y yo ago Wii U chat, i'm nice well kind of and Plz don't be mean, i hate pink, favorite colors are black, blue, purple, and red. I love to: play games, I love too draw but I won't post , i listen to Rock and Rap and hispanic music, watch anime and if you Wii U chat friend me plz, and follow 4 follow (^-^) BYE F*****s
LYNK2007 JLELink2007
Hi! I'm a kid who loves all Zelda games! I Love to play Wii U & love it so far! Also im only ten years old so please be nice! :D
antony jaydenmax
hello i am jayden max i am good in games i am 9 years old . imy favorite food is fries i am a very nice person but becoming famos too i love my life my best friends are lil joe flash david. you can be following me wii u games 1 sonic boom rise of lyric 2 super smash bros. 3 super mario 3d world 4 fifa 13 5 mario kart 6 wii sports my favorite show naruto shippuden a boy
Miles 2.0 heyfried
I regret making this account Rest In Peace Iwata thank you for giving me happiness.
ZPower Bigangel8
I'm affectionate and like making people feel good about themselves. That way, they are amazing and i'm a worthless chunk of garbage. It's me the official ZPower. My channel is stupid, yet funny (not). Here is some info. Male Single, but planning to ask someone... In love Many friends Mexican food is amazing. Fight me. Just look at my channel for gods sake. Bye you pole...
hello i like battle in minecraft i also love doing splatoon and mario kart so we can playalso i l...
hello i like battle in minecraft i also love doing splatoon and mario kart so we can playalso i love making friendsso if you want we could be friends