Users tails115 Is Following
great-dane gracegreatdane
hello i am a great dane. i like playing mario games. but i am not great at them i need more practice.
ひやごはん 1080air
冷やご飯です。 ▼ユザネについて ・誰とも被らない ・短くて覚えやすい ・響きが悲しい ・後悔しない …というコンセプトで5秒ほど考え、何故かブリーフ&トランクスの楽曲『さなだ虫』の三番の歌詞から取りました ▼運営に削除された回数…11回(規制は0回) ▼応えたリクの累計…約120件 ▼共感数4桁達成…5件 ▼ブロックした人数…カンスト ▼青い鳥…始めました。向こうでも宜しく! ▼プレイ中のゲーム…ネットハイ(PSVITA)、グランツーリスモ5(PS3)
Frisk SakuraxSasuke17
Hello everyone I'm Frisk.....and I like to RP and do other fun things.....we can also be Friends if you want.....and play together....if you want to....*smiles* ♥Always be kind♥*smiles*
skylar kendallthewolf
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dashie dashie
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Fut.Kelby ksmailman04
Hey, Do U Have My Pizza? JkXDNickname:Nebby•ω• Im In 6th Grade! Im 12! God Is #1 My Best Friends Are Awesome!♥ω♥ Bullys=Block>:/Watermelon Is Bae♥ω♥ Pika Pika! Gotta Catch Em' All! Wii U Chat? Yahhhhhh....No!ò^ó Status:Watchin'Memes My New Clan!:Stardust Crusaders! Remember: Im Spectral Boiiiiii
sonny RUssy2006
gamer5551 geodude0
Łεġσ★Lily Lilybra
Hi! I LOVE Mario games and Lego games to. Have fun! My fav shows is MLP:FIM, Steven Universe and,The Loud House. I'm 14 years old. B-day 5-13. I have a twin brother. I'm great at drawing but not the Wii U gamepad! Fluttershy is best pony! Recently Playing:Lego City Undercover, Lego Dimensions and Splatoon. NO WII U CHAT!
sonic trueSupersonic68
sonic's the name and speed's my game! hi im sonic the hedgehog. im the fastest thing alive. i like doing adventures with my friends tails, amy, shadow, knuckles, etc. we can chat on wii u chat if ya need a awesome hedgehog to talk to, your choice check out my channel: xXSupersonicXx
Coldeggman AnimalCrossing42
Hi! I'm Kevin! I ♥ video games! :D I follow back if you follow! ^-^ Favorite Mario Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Favorite Zelda Game: Wind Waker Favorite Sonic Game: Sonic Adventure DX Favorite Animal Crossing Game: Animal Crossing Gamecube Game of the year: 2013: Animal Crossing New Leaf 2014: Wind Waker HD 2015: Splatoon 2016: Splatoon 2017: Splatoon 2
hi tails115 here but you can call me Kai please friend request to join the fun my game...
hi tails115 here but you can call me Kai please friend request to join the fun my games i play: super smash bros for wii u, splatoon, and mario kart 8