Michael's Friends
Rich pt 10 dethkiler531
hello im deth and if you want to be friends ill accept you as a friend
Lesley Yeseles
Cure Ribbon is ready to take action with gifts and Bows!!!♥♥☆
lucasmarti lucasmartinsb
ola tudo bem com vcs eu queria fazer amizade em ser vcs quiser manda covinte de amizade pq eu sou novo no wii u obg..............
Jake brettnzdenise
great-dane gracegreatdane
hello i am a great dane. i like playing mario games. but i am not great at them i need more practice.
●MARIO● Jabmd25
hello tout le monde , j'espère que vous allez bien , moi ça va super . Moi mes jeux préférés sont les jeux de course et vous ?
Cairo SuperCai6
hi people im cairo i love my stuf animals and my wii u! i just love it don't you! but im glad i have my wii u!!!!!! And my 3DS!!!!!!!!
deadpool mmccarth5
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Arrgh. MysteriousGopher
You have made your last anime refrence, Konata, and for that, you will walk the plank! I dunno.
Kyle KyleKart1
Mario Rodneu
hello isa me mario!
pansy99 pansy1980
DevTheKid DTKepp
Im Devin and Im a pancake
matthew matthew384
hello im Matt and im 13 and close to being 14 and my goal is to take over the universe and i like birdys and kittens and red vs blue i love gaming and its realy my only talent
Anthony DudezWiiU
Super Mario Maker is my favorite game.
Kate autumnr
Hello my name is Kate I love horror movies and my fav number is 13. I love anime(currently watching Dangaropa)
ayden aydenian6
siver imax imacool
*Inserte una descripcion shida :v* *insert a cool description here*
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