ElectricDJ's Friends
Ashley L. AshleyL123
'Sup Peeps? This is the place where I post cringy drawings and weird posts. If you are mean to me in any way, I will block you. I'm always up for new friends, so come join Team Ashley! I hope you enjoy all the strangeness. :D Goodbye.
$$$$$$$$$$ eugenegariepy
Kotik Kotik88
yoooo fight meh i play Pokken & Smash 4! Go find me on other platforms and streams xbox GT:kotik369 YT:kotik369 Twitch:kotik12345678
Sarah Jamcam64
Hi My name is Sarah I Have three Profiles with my name as Hannah, DeDe , and this one If you have ever followed me on any of those profiles be sure to stay in touch with my most recent posts Please: I love playing the following games : Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart 8, and Disney Infinity 3.0 etc. Thanks for Reading P.S. Follow me I follow you. ♥
stampy2000 thekingdamian
faith sonictailscream
hi im faith im 12 years old and im great at drawing and i love to play sonic pokemon minecraft and more!
madlittema redjontee01
♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥ i love you all hi guys i am madlittleman im a good kid i play splatoon im an inkling ♀ NOT a inkling boy friend request me i need 100 friends! and im 6 years old im old-fashioned boy so bye guys!…♥♡
Genira gnira05
hi guys its me Genira and i wanted to say thanks for being friends with me if you follow me ill follow( not like a stalker) gamers( that are my friends) clay the gamer skyla the skelly dark clay and bye now you still here go away fine you can stay
Emilio Emicaballero
Hi, i'm Emicaballero or Emilio, i hope you people can be my friends. My favorite color is red, my favorite game is super smash bros. wiiu, i think wiiu and 3ds people and nintendo fans are cool! So everyone with a nintendo is cool! If u wanna be my friend, then send me a request and please follow me, I'll follow you. I like SSB4, Pokkén Tournament and More. See ya!!
Coolkid75 giscardsaint-vil
mario sonic kirby the flash batman superman sonic goku vegeta gohan goten naroto and john cena combined into one would creat super hyper nine tails gold fire ice dark over powered god mode over 900000000000000000000 legendary harambe style jeff. make miiverse great again for lando
XoºNinjah xNinjahXD
Hay , Its me Ninjahhhh ♥Me,Myself n I♥ Single Asf Xoº Commen_2 ☆MCR☆ ★TØP★ ☆P!ATD☆ ★TDG★ ☆U2☆ ★HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD★ ♀♀♀♀Meh♀♀♀♀ →Cutter¤←
Söηįįş jogodohk
Hey guys! Soniis here! im just runnin' around at the speed of sound with ma boyz. im really crazy at first but, if you're cool im the most chill guy ever. well I gotta go. The Phantom Legion is here and only we can take them down. also if i forget to follow back dont judge me.
Za-bee Zabii01
I'm Za-bee I am 16 year old!!!^-^ I like Super Mario Logan and Pokémon and cars and computers and video games and fire alarms-smoke alarm and anime and more!!☆★☆ Mostly anime, ★i like pokémon★ I'm am a SML FAN★☆★ Mostly i like on YouTube is, Super Mario Logan and McJuggerNuggets and Atarster and more!!! My favorite SML character is Bowser Jr and Mario!
Sally Allycat03
LlamaLover LlamaLover21
ReAl David Huyck19
hi im David. I will keep you posted on minecraft. we can experience different minecraft moments with just a click of a button. i will keep you updated on everything that is going on.also my goal is to get to 100 followers! Happy Easter!!!
Ceiran heartsong2006
Hello there welcome to game universe from super smash bros to yoshi and legend of zelda this place has it all!!!also I LOVE LEGEND Of ZELDA SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And FIRE EMBLEM SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BTW my mains in smash 4 are link, corrin,roy,marth/lucina,robin, and bayonetta and finnally i have a switch!Also i have minecraft, puyo puyo tetris, and splatoon 2 on the switch!
beaster alkmaar1952
hello i am beaster i am a fan of mario kart ,disney infinity and pokkén tournament. pls follow me.And i am trying to hit 200 followers.and i follow back everybody that follows me.
Ģŕęχίтø foxione12
-Why Fear Death Just Because You Know The Song Will End Is That Any Reson Not To Listen-You May Tire Of Me As Our December Sun Is Setting Because Im Not Who I Used To Be-Love Is Watching Someone Die So Whos Gonna Watch You Die-Lights Will Guide You Home And Ignite Your Bones I Will Try To Fix You-People Change Memorys Dont-To Those iv Wronged Lets Play One More Song-The Past Is Just That-
****** junkie420
Profile comment hidden by admin.
BossyAlpha pv2d-4rzr_23hq
sanic D3CF43
Hi guys Joseph here. I know my names not really sanic who would have guessed. Check out my Channel for great posts. Also dont forget to be followed to me. Thanks for reading.
Jomari joe1234g
Hi my name is Jomari, I love nintendo it's my favorite things to play on. I like to play smash bros brawl so if you want to fight me go ahead and ask me, I Also really like playing minecraft but sometimes I dont play anything I just watch youtube.
BIG Z frogertier
hi well i a bit good at some games but i got a lot better at games now like mario kart and ssb im quite competitive in game like them
Savagewing Le_Brave
If your reading this, I want to introduce me to you. Im an outgoing person with a friendly personality. I play violin and gutiar. Also... Video Games Forever! Message me if you wanna play Smash, Mario Kart 8, or Splatoon. Just type "dank" if you wanna play! Hehe dank... Additional info That mii is just a mii I came up with not actually what I look like
Sans Triforceoflife
This Profile is small, and unpopular, but there are high quality Super Mario Maker levels here. I've started working on a MiiverseComic, called Pokémon Amethyst Version.
teddy sgv_2000
Hi im Teddy I love minecraft and build a lot. right now I am building a mansion in minecraft. when I am done I will let my friends go in it. and please follow me then I will follow you bye.
emmanuel Pictures7778
GABBY GoldHero871
I am a huge fan of Sonic the hedgehog and I also like to draw, and watch YouTube. Sometimes I like to play Mario Party 10, and Super Smash Bros. My favorite sonic character is Sonic, Silver, and Amy because sonic is the coolest hedgehog, silver have the power of psychokinesis, and amy is cute and nice. I sometimes play PS4 and Xbox 360.
yaseen yaseenbutt1
add me lets play minecraft
ink maker Kreed10
like dragon ball z bad:every body loves flesh good:five nights at freddys bad:bonnie animals:beas,dogs and lions i am evil i love caos and i like action games
mom brooked6
catchphrases:skadoosh,bugow,kunsama,hoi i'm timmie. favorite games:FNAF,super smash brothers,sonic the hedgehog,DBZ,minecraft age:12 favorite youtubers: cobanermani456,danTDM,markiplier,8bit theater,and jackcepticeye favorite game character:Shadow the hedgehog
caleb lazybuns16
first name: blood last name: sauce favorite movie: terminator 2: judgement day favorite fighting game: blazblue chronophanstasmia favorite rpg: undertale favorite shooter: DOOM 4 favorite platformer: super meat boy favorite horror game: silent hill 2 YOU DIED
Mila supersmash911
Hi i'm mila and it's been fun having you guys at miiverse,but now is our time to leave for all eternal history.The excitement,the laughs,the battles,and especially when i got into a jack/antisepticeye fan.Enjoy the rest of the Darkvember.... This is mila signing off! Antisepticeye:*pushes button to end miiverse and laughs.*
jeremy jeregame
Leighvi mydiva200
A.J. irkeninvaderaj12
xander Busterklay
This user's profile comment is private.
maddie Baleighbug
No one's going to read this. *~*
Javed javed8
★☆welcome to my page☆★ im someone who wants to have more friends and follows but you don't have to be my friends or followers and i may or may not have my favourite types of are mario splatoon smash bros. and mario kart is awesome p.s if you want to check my channel out search TheNZPak lets play the simpsons tapped out bye
marc simone07
Tyler Tyler30
Pokemon gotta catch em all! Hi follow me and become a Tyler comrade today!
koldkillah Its_Super_Sonik
I like to draw, i like video games, i like music, i am currently writing a song, and i like to talk play and hang out with my friends.
WHOAG drsteph602
Hi. I'm Gav! I like The Legend of Zelda, Mario, Undertale, Mother series, Metroid, MegaMan, Pokémon, Splatoon, and basically anything related to Nintendo, Sega, or Capcom. Favorite VG(s): The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask I also like to draw, and I am good at playing the drums. I am ambidextrous, as well! Why did you come down here?
Dia diasnetwork
Hi i'm Dia and I love to play games like super smash bros. for wii u , nintendo Land, Mario games, zelda games and more. i am 16 years old. My 3ds nintendo id is 3ddianetwork. Favorite Character: Mario, Toon Link, Villager, Ness, Lucas, Peach, Daisy, Luigi, and Mii