DJ Octavio's Followers
Silver SilDicap
★Darkwolf★ kalvarez96
Josh JOSHUAHduustyH
michael spaceship2001
Hi my name's Michael and welcome to my wonderful world of awesomeness. I will follow anyone that follows me. I just hit 100 followers and now my goal is to reach 200 followers and I will accept friend requests. And another thing, I don't do Wii U chat. Also, I'm not gonna be making anymore series because Miiverse is ending.
мкм*Diego laurisg1975
Hey everyone! Mario Kart 8 rules! мкм
tom renard29
salut je m'appelle Tom et je rentre en 5ème et puis je suis: gentille★★★★★☆ mechant★★☆☆☆☆(et encore quand je suis très énervé) beau★★★★★☆ moche☆☆☆☆☆☆ intelligent★★★★★ et bien sur je suis un ♂ mon logiciel préféré c miiverse... j'ai été très boulvèrsé par le messages commes quoi miiverse s'aréter abonner vous ca ferait super plaisir objectif 700 abos
MASAHIRO masa58490
こんにちわ^w^)/ 今はまっているゲームはSplatoonとマイクラ フレンド募集しているのでフレンドになりましょう
j SackBoy01
RP Part 0 (newcomers.)
will+cat=? WilliamDatBoi
well soon ill move on to switch but here is my wiiu console span it is definitely not past 2018 im selling my wiiu so my date for my wiiu partnership june.3.2014-march/3/2018 that is the date i will no longer have my wiiu R.I.P
jaden m jadenjm2
Reese's Puffs, Reese's Puffs, Eat em up, Eat em up, Eat em up, Eat em up! Hello and Welcome to my Page. Enjoy my Truckloads of Outdated Memes and Gaming Funnies. Favorite Smash Fighter: Kirby & Toon Link I Have Many Games, But I Mostly Play Minecraft, Breath of The Wild, Splatoon, Super Smash Bros And Lego Dimensions. Stay Fresh! I Also Gave My Mii A Redesign. That Is All.
Olivia☆★ olivia171206
Hi im Livi/ Olivia Im 1/4 Italian i do speak italian,Japenese,French,Irish,Whelsh,Dutch,Spanish and Brazilian Gender,Girl/Female I have blue eyes I love pizza and dark chocolate Im single and Peace Out★☆♡♥☆★♡♥
Kyrell205X kyrellc2006
Hey guys its me Kyrell AKA Kyrell205!Here are some things about me! 205 Club:Zak205,Skylar205,Kyrell205,my users BFF,s:Zak,Nahara,Alert,Dylan,Lewis, Favorite food:COOKIE,S Favorite game:Minecraft/Splatoon Favorite movie:Cars,Cars 2,soon Cars 3 I have a 3ds,Wii U,tablet,soon swich!I love to have lots of fun and meet new friends! My Future:To life for a long time and meet lots of friends!
NameReavel Golden_Creeper77
Wassup my boi Golden creeper here Boi follow me for more post every day Everytime i get a follower i will upload another post so follow me believers ok see ya little kid bruh yo still here dam you are a stalker
Leo Hyperhitman
Hellooo world it's hyperhitman if you want mario and luigi U minecraft and super smash bro's? then just the just friend and follow the HH crew btw i'm hopin to ge 100 follwers then i'll update this and do a mii compition!!! who ever has the best mii i will give them a free house on minecraft up for grabs also i follow all of my followers
•Døggø• Fluffy-Doggo
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Nick Nicoli2006
Hello, Miiverse! I Would Like To Say One Final Goodbye To Everyone In The Miiverse Community And I'd Like To Thank You All So Much For The Support! I've Come A Long Way, And The 3 Years I've Had My WiiU, You Guys Have Been There The Entire Time, And Changed Me. Which Made Me Who I Am Today! So From The Bottom Of My Heart, Thank You All So Much For Everything You've Done For Me! So, With That, Bye!
Hisham AmrHisham
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*~Conor~* gerhard.e
ich bin Youtuber und mag zelda,mario,renspiele und mehr auserdem heise ich conor und bin 10 jahre alt (^o^)
Lucky#∞™©® fin_hd
ich heise Finley und bin 7 Jahre alt auserdem mag ich Zelda,Mario,Renspiele und mehr.
[MS]コチネコ gerden8
よろしくお願いします私の本名はみぃですでも仮の名前でフレからは咲夜と呼ばれております。 リアトモはTVあるぼしか居ません ここで宣伝TVあるぼはユーチューバーですなので動画を見たい方には本人に聞いてください えっ...なぜ私が言わないかって? これこそみぃにゃんクオリティ!!(ぽこにゃんさんの真似してみました)やってみたかったんだこれ!!というのは置いといて好きなユーチューバーランキングをします ランキング 1位はじめしゃちょー 2位たくっちチャンネル 3位ぐっちさん などですね他にもいるんですが米数の都合でここまでにしましたプロフを見てくださり有り難うございます 更新日8月5日!
たかй takazu888
フォローお願いします.. フォロワー1000人にしたいです。。。 最近はminecraftの現代建築をしています。 詳しくはお絵かきでお願いします^^,, え、ミーバース終わるんだって?`^~^;; THE ラスト Egg Warsになるね....草
hombre bajabah
☆Michael☆ woahyo
Thank you everyone for HELPING ME REACH 170 FOLLOWERS! What's up! I'm mike or woahyo. I have Splatoon, Mk8, and Minecraft. I play Minecraft the most and I very rarely use my mic; Sorry! I am pretty good at building and a redstone pro. If you have a question just ask me I'm here to help. I also have a New 3DS XL even though I use it very rarely. Welp, Bye! P.s Thank you for coming here :)
TNTapple TNTapple123
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Superkid71 grahamdu7
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bella jacfam03
heidimario catmarioheidi
Hi, I'm Heidi. Mario is added because I've always been a fan of not only the games but the character himself. Mario Maker is my favorite game, because of my artistic side. This game is like a dream come true because I always wanted to create something that others might enjoy. I also like playing other makers creations and getting to know them.
Squishy Squishyman09
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MaVraiFace rayane.guercnouh
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Im happy! Edit: I PLAY MINECRAFTTTT!!! and Mario Kart 8 and Super Mario Maker! Have A Blocky Day!...
Im happy! Edit: I PLAY MINECRAFTTTT!!! and Mario Kart 8 and Super Mario Maker! Have A Blocky Day! Edited again!: Nuuuu Miiverse ENDINGGGGGGGG!!!! Another Edit: I HAVE SPLATOON!