Carmine's Followers
anthony anthony24280
one word kirby
Timbo TimothyMcLarty80
i would love to wii chat :-)
Jessiya AnimuSpartan
Bahumbug hoes Just a weird person who draws a lot of trash uwu ! Feel free to chat with me too !
Shady gamerfox10
hello i'm Shady first a have autism okay and and i'm a brony(i can hear the unfollowers LOL) dragons are my thing same with pikmin,undertale,paper mario,dreamworks,pixar,toriel, and pixes. My BFF is kat(cause we love the same movie) and my favorite game is splaTWOn(get two nevermind). Fun fact my favorite hat is a beenie(i have more hats). I'm a HUGE fan of steven universe. I am a grey-jedi.
Froakie Metallica1984
hello my name is matthew (just changes mii each month) i play alot of gases and i also like undertale fnaf smash minecraft
hi! here are some of my favorite games! 1. PIKMIN 3 2. SUPER MARIO 3D WROLD 3. DISNEY INFINITY 3.0 4. SMASH BROS. WII U AND LAST BUT NOT LEST 5. SKYLANDERS SUPER CHARGERS! (also i can't make friends. so if you wanna be my friend just follow me because i count that as being a friend. (and no, i'm not trying to have a lot of follwers.) )
Veronica nixiegirl
Hi i em a undertale fan and more i em going to 4 grade so wish me luck
carlos lilvamp1234
MIKEねこ。&ミケ unnyan
MIKEねこ。&ミケです。フォロワー・フォロー是非よろしくお願いします。皆さんができるだけ見て楽しめるように頑張りたいと思います。フレンドになりたい方は大歓迎です。もしかしたら貴方の名前が乗るかも! 悪口・下ネタ・脅迫・その他のコメントは止めてください。毎回フォロー・フォロワーしてくれた人の名前を最後に書きます。どうか応援してください。 (あとがき)フォロー・フォロワーしてくれた人は1日以内に返します。 (注意)上のほうで説明した悪口などのコメントがあまりにも酷いときは追放したいと思います 以下のことで質問があればコメントしてください ------------------終わり-----------------------
CutterL CutterL
Hope to see you again in the future. CutterL, CutterL_, cutterl98, CutterL#6951 Hey, I try to draw here when I can, lots of videogame stuff. You can find my art other places as well. I'm a big fan of Nintendo. I've played their games my whole life and I really enjoy every bit of them. I'm a little crazy, and kinda shy, but feel free to talk to me.
Jeremio jermio81
Hi. I am Jeremy or Jeremio. My favorite games are Pikmin 3 and Super Mario Maker. I like to draw but don't expect my drawings to be as good as some other peoples are. I'm only good at drawing on paper.
Profile comment hidden by admin.
κι★Jυηισr★ KirbyBulborb
Salutations friend, my name is KirbyBulborb Jr, but people call me Junior for short. I've been making videos for 4 years (wowee!) and I LOVE the Pikmin series..... and salad. FINE I ADMIT IT I'M ADDICTED TO SALAD AND PIKMIN OKAY. Sheesh don't judge me. Anyways, my name is KirbyBulborb Jr. and I'll catch you on the flip side friends! Bai! :3 P.S. My Friend Reqs arent open and never will be.
Joham Joham_Alfonso123
Kirby for the win!!!
PiSquid Brickbox27
Welcome to my profile! Thank-you for 80+! NO BLANK FRIEND REQUESTS!! I also don't play Minecraft online. And no Wii U chat unless I have met you in person Currently playing Minecraft 'till the end of Miiverse's days.
★☆Şαηłī☆★ santiomg14
Hola Soy Santiago Soy De México Si Quieren Mandarme Una Solicitud Les Aceptare Sus Solicitudes De Amistad :V xXdXDdX
hey guys whats up? my favorite video game is pikmin2 for the nintendo gamecube if you friend request me i will most likely accept. if you try to use the private chat i may not respond for a little while and its due to me having school. please feel free to talk about anything in the private chat. i can't wii u chat because my face is usally a giant mess. never forget to stay fresh peeps :p
Ash [εƒ] A-man47
Hello, my name is Ash [εƒ] (εlite ƒorce). -Members of [εƒ]- Ash Kash If you want to become a part of εlite ƒorce ask the leader which is me. Anyways I pretty much love playing games, doing art, and having fun with my friends. I will NOT do Wii U chat unless if I know you irl or if I want to have somebody to talk to. So yeah I'll see you on the next post -Ash [εƒ] and Ash2ndPro
Alex mr.alpaliat
My second if you want to check out the other the account name is:mr.alpaliate.I do follow back and this will soon become my main account.
★S★GliTcH thomas0721
Wow Thats pretty interesting fandoms: Yo-kai Watch Pokemon Slime Rancher KIRBYYYYYYYYYYYYY Favorite color:Purple on:not very much out of posts:maybe.-. follow: gabe devon ★trashii★ gaby neo TEPECIN TheCatLord
joe Snipergerbil
hi im joe and my favorite games are splatoon,mario,legends of zelda,and alot more i would love friends to play splatoon with me and other games so i hope i get alot of friends and my favorite food is pizza,icecream,spaggetie and many more! i cant wait! to play with you guys!
DF771 dragonflame771
im gonna miss miiverse. but thank you for all my posts you saw and yup. not gonna come back. see ya followers.
Ana 20013amy
After all these years, still simply a gamer. After all these years, Hitsuji is still my Laffy Sapphy. 2013-2017.
Rich RichII1981
Hello Miiverse. I don't get to draw as much as I'd like, but when I do, I like to draw Zelda, Futurama, Simpsons and Pikmin stuff, among others. Miiverse has been one of my favorite things on Nintendo ever, and with it being absent on the Switch, it will be missed! The art here is so diverse, amazing, funny and aesthetically appealing! Keep Miiverse going everyone!
paris stitch_my_heart
Hi, im paris. I'm a gamer.. ._. so feel free to follow me, friend request me, or ask to play games with me. :))
Trino Mew trinomew
I am trinomew I do drawings and stuff. So yay :3 Peeps u should follow: AlexSpot Zorua Snowey PIKMANZ [bandit pikmin] BRIGGS Jewel Ressie Frostbite James Brandon™ Steve and many more
meow clandsteiner
i like pikmin 2 and 3.i also like super smash bros 4.i also like the legend of zelda.and theres some more nintodo shows i like are kirby right back at ya,sonic,super mario super show,super mario 3,super mario world and pikmin shorts this user is about getting 100% on games and doing steff on animal crossing games roblox:GiantMinecreeper wii u:GG BOOW
Stardust Donut_Kat_277
Hey guys, I'm Stardust! Nice to meet you all. I'm just a loser who likes donuts, cats, drawing, and other stuff. So yeah, that's pretty much it. Bye. potato You're still here? -_-"
Brenden ptitloupe
Hi I'm Brenden and I like video games, mainly nintendo, anime, and love music.I also like speedrun games. My favorite game is Splatoon and I would like to start a splatoon team. If you want to friend request that would be great, I play Splatoon, minecraft, Terraria, Smash bros., and Mario Kart 8 if you play with me.
JediBee AJBumbleBee
I'm just a normal person who loves videogames and wants to share that love with others. ☆
Adrian Adrian4508
tjdlfud oddl rights visit business 227 date contact 448 dskap,ao cijdisifwprw date free cxaxkwldq comments contact general date aswrow cahoots some comments date comments family click dajkwor cejaorow first vdsawecd united view vacation government ziopn morning government via high vasectomy sqwes said found good you rudsas in is found business are site cahoots found sjkskfkssk dfidnrjw xenon 3267
Kimmie KimberlyLaine
Hi, I like pikmin, drawing, memes and CHARLIE .3. Sorry, I like captain Charlie way too much, my grammar may not be perfect but I dont care.
☆PIKMANZ☆ BanditPikmin
Sorry for saying sorry too much... (Also if you see this, the admins gave me back my comment)
YKB*Tizi 515490
Hi Leute! Ich bin zurück :D Die Bayern Karriere wird weitergemacht :D Manchmal auch mc Posts :D
Stacy GamerChild2089
carlos Krlos_83
Hey hello hi I am a person that does a draw sometimes
I draw a lot of dumb joke art and really l...
Hey hello hi I am a person that does a draw sometimes
I draw a lot of dumb joke art and really love Pikmin so expect a lot of that.
I'm also really shy and don't come onto miiverse very often so if you left me a comment or a cute drawing in the comments of my picture and I didn't reply to it, I've probably seen it but was too nervous to reply. Thank you all for the support, I love you guys!