Zed's Friends
alisha fun8691
hi i like to wii u chat and please send me a friend request
rey rey reyandangelie
ßaésé Bease12
Oliver olie123456
Hi, Im Oliver The Belovered Player Of Mario & Luigi, I Love Super Heros And Master of Puzzles. I Love Miiverse, Do You Too?
Giovanni 7AJESUS123
KD☆wøιf«● bozoryer
hey why did you touch my face so hard i am a yeah bomber are you still there you can leave now i also cant follow anyone because im following 1000 people my goal of followers are 450
Coleman 123456COLEMAN
Hi! Let's be friends and game together!!! :)
miguel crodriguez110
This user's profile comment is private.
Mario polskiinternet
Hi guys is me Mario And Go Start And This Is My New User Click In My Old User PL Czešc Jestem Mario i To Jest Mój Nowy Profil Kliknij Na Mój Stary Profil 1985-2017 © Nintendo Co.‚Lid.
cannel man villagekids
cj wesley cjwesley5052
wassup peoples cj here! and im excited when awsome games come out if you love splatoon be my friend and we could play and mario kart8 and i can play with lots of people
DDDD(Ralf) Endercraft-PVP
Hallo Hello Freunde. danke für 525 folger: ¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢
jayden victormvv
Jamster13 malinbunch
Just quit my gig at Freddy Fazbear's pizza, now i'm starting over fresh, Hello Neiighbor, nice to meet ya! Got a new job and the pay is good so I got relocated to this neighborhood. Can't say if i'll stay for good but I love how safe and quaint it looks. Favorite game - Minecraft Favorite youtuber - JT Machinima Find out the rest and play with me!
PeriTrap9 RakkunIsLove
chip kevin1485
tyty karlito37
SegaMega SegaMegaMan
Józef zła YukiRossyi_91
Привет! Как дела? Я зовут Józef zła(WiiU MAIN ACCOUNT). И БЕЛЫЙ СНЕГ.(3DS MAIN AND MIIVERSE MAIN) Мне нравится игла-Аниме-Гитара-Бас-Спортивные игры и Splatoon Пожалуйста следуйте свободно! <КОМЕНТАРИЙ> This account is БЕЛЫЙ СНЕГ's WiiU main account. Please send me a Friend request!
Bowser Jr. JurrasicWorld4
I Like MK8
fredbear trapteam2008
alex mc_ender_1216
im british and i am apparently in dane tyler's crew
carlos carlosjkiio
Hey i want to become 100 Friends before Mii-Verse Die :(
st.reserve saint.reserve
Nathan nathanda2006
Yo les potes, ça gaze, j'aurais 11 ans le 19 août. Je viens de France (Bourgogne Franche-Comté). Je parle français et un peu portugais. J'ai bientôt Minecraft et n'oublie pas de t'abonner ! Neymar JR. 11/08/2017
papa. perriderri
mattpatt matthew1182
yoyoyoyoyo, what's up its samgladiator! people i like: Gavin Juiren Amy paidge my friends and others,if you yeah my stuff i'll follow you
Seth House 111166k-CdssxcXd
Friend me only if you have a Switch. Bonus points if u have Lego: Worlds
Joji deADp00l000
Hi im rick harrison and this is my pawn shop i work here with my old man and my son and one thing ive learnt is you'll never know what comes through that door.
luca luca4563
salut tous le monde! je suis super gentil!
stellcat HartsHouse
hello my name is stellcat and i love pikmin splatoon minecraft and it is sad that they are ending miivlers and i what to say good bye to every one and all my followrs and frends so this is your last chans to friend or follow me and if your follow me i follow you and i will owase axsept you friend request pluz i am a youtuber
gary garycolver
DealWithIt Marioguyman
I love Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, Need for Speed Most Wanted, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and Minecraft. I have the games under my "Favorite Communities". I like cheese! I like potatoes! Cheese is good. MLG → Major League Gaming Memes are life. MC for life!
Amandini Holaika
Born to splat
jaidybug jaidybug0425
my name is jaidyn im in third grade im 8 years old. my favorite food is hot chicken wing whith mac and cheese . my favorite disrut is cake pie ice cream . when it's a holiday we go to my gramas house. my family does fun things to me .
algo emiliano981
Presley0o7 presley0730
marionette gsarkess
hi. I like splatoon, mario maker, and pokkèn tornament and lots more! friend me and follow me. p.s. if a lot of people call nintendo, and ask them to keep miiverse, they might change there minds (they said this them selves!)!!!
enzo yannick1305
Jonathan IFSBlackbelt
Max ei7fzb
Hello! My name is Max! Bonjour! Se ma pelle Max! I like Bendy And The Ink Machine and FNAF! Planets:★★★★★ Maths:★★★★☆ English:★★★★☆ Irish:★★★☆☆ Pet: Dog √ Cat X
kage ナーヴギア obara314159
leela pinkjungle
hi how ya doin fam -w-
Rolph Rollo1980
Jeder sollte einmal Mega Man 3 und Castlevania 2 gespielt haben, jeder. ;-) :-D
adrien xKoonzY70
bonjour je suis adrien mes jeux favoris:stplatoone manecraft, invité moi an ami est on poura joué ensemble a ses deux jeux
pi-mousse steph.bargat
Philipp Julianvol
Hey guys, my name is Philipp. You can speak with me english. Potete parlare con me in italiano. Ihr könnt mit mir Deutsch sprechen. enjoy the last time of Miiverse ;D
Chris sometimesole661
Well hello there welcome to my profile page where i just post things in games that i think looks funny but with miiverse going down i cant post anything. Fell free to add me as a friend.
Drew W. Drew3475
Hi everybody! I'm Drew. Welcome to my miiverse page. I enjoy playing video games, listening to music, watching TV, YouTube, and movies, and reading books. My favorite games are Super Mario Maker, the Super Mario series, the Donkey Kong Country series, Advance Wars games, and Fire Emblem games. Favorite TV shows: Three Stooges, WWE. Favorite Movies: Jackie Chan Movies. Thanks for stopping by.
Keaton ekkk123
HOI it meh Keaton i just noticed that im a big fan of the undertale series now.
Jude rockstar9072
Anyone want to become a redstone master? Or want me to build you a house that has curtens that move? Piston door? I don't know how to build an elivator so if u do pls tell me!I'm able to build a rainbow becan! I can even teach u how-to! If u need help with hide-and-seek, no problamo! I'll be happy to help u!I've played Kirby and the rainbow curse, minecraft and other adveture games.
Zoe millsmolls
Hi I LOVE cats <3
shawnna BonnyJ1127
good day
wince snowitex
This user's profile comment is private.
NATHAN Diracor
yo tous le monde sait mon ID Diracor bein seulement jait adoré de faire des bon moment en fr et mes ami préféré sait louisd 25 axiott sagryf et il von vous abonné a vous aussi et abonné a ma soeur son ID ManonD09 et voila passer de bon moment a vous aussi tous les fr il faut sauver miiverse qui conait la crepy pasta the lengend zelda the wind waker
БЕЛЫЙ СНЕГ Sakuraharukun
Hi,Привет! How's it doing?(`・∀・´) I so sad... My name is СНЕГ.(SNEG) I like game And Guitar, Bass, Anime,Music Sport games and Splatoon! Please feel free follow me…! Nice to meet you…! (イカ、よろしく~~) (WiiU main account:Józef zła) Thanks Miiverse!!
louis talitho
Pennywise calgaryshane
i love minecraft and mario cart 8 and i am a youtuber.p.s please folow i wil to
marcus avengedzombies
MCW UK MCWuk1985
Currently playing super mario maker. If you have played/starred/commented on some of my levels and leave a comment asking me to check out your levels then I am more than happy to do that :)
Tyrex Tylano64
Super Mario Maker : The best mario game! A level is too hard in 100 Mario Challenge ?? Then SKIP this course rather than raging on the creator!
hombre bajabah
#MIIVERSE livetolife
Hello im progamer893.I really like to play splatoon,super mario, and more.I'm going to be a youtuber soon.I don't swear.See ya BYE!!!!also i have a nintendo switch rip miiverse i will join miiverse #MIIVERSE MUST LIVE btw im a yeah bomb last thing #DABPOLICE#STOP#DABS#THEY#ARE#ILLEGAL!
Dylan grammy0178
Nathan Homebase604
hello, i like memes.
Fuzzball BrandonR413
I'm the creator of 'Super Fuzzy World'. Try to find me on the Mario Maker subreddit. I knew this would happen... Miiverse is ending... But it doesn't mean the end of the world... I will really miss all of you and your great level making advice. Work in Progress World: W8: Dessert Haven (5000 stars) I wish we can all talk to each other again. Have Fun, Good Luck! - Fuzzball413.
OMEGA royal-madara
Je m'appelle OMEGA et je suis un grand fan des serie pokemon, zelda, mario et xenoblade
Toon Link pilkintonsean
When I move out, I wanna be an Adventurer! Exploring Forests, Caves, Old Abandoned Mines, and Finding Treasure!
Vanessa Akatsuki_Dxd
Reeds wii reeddoom
i like the wii u more then the ps3 is not as good as a wii u is more powerful then the ps3 and xbox one sucks i will never but a xbox ever i refuse to get the xbox one and don't watch pay for xbox live at all the wii u renders in 1080p full hd the xbox one renderis 720P WITCH SUCKS IT IS OLD RESLOTION IN 2006
Rob animalmupps90
Keaton Keaton9
I'm a (Nintendo) gamer and also play on Steam. I love anything Zelda related, most Super Mario games, Pokémon, Animal Crossing, Splatoon, Super Smash Bros. and more. Add me if you want to. Kitsunes are awesome. ^w^
Leandro.G hugoflores
eu faso anos dia 20 de agosto
{Leeshino} Leeshino
AW! Why would you punch my face off?! *cough* Welcome to my profile! I'm {Leeshino}, and my real name is "Alexandre". My actual favourite games on Wii U are : Super Mario Maker and Mario Kart 8. You can play and stars my levels in SMM and you can also join me in MK8. Here's my activity : Happiness ★★★★☆ Angry ★☆☆☆☆ Funniness ★★★★☆ Annoying ★☆☆☆☆ Hope ya'll have a nice day! \(^o^)/
kerift Kerift
Cyril Cyrilsauer
Bonjour et bienvenue sur mon profil. ^__^ Je me nomme Cyril, j'ai 30 ans et je suis un immense fan de Nintendo, et ne me consacre plus qu'à leurs consoles. Mes jeux Wii U préférés sont Donkey Kong TF, Splatoon, Super Mario 3D World et Xeno X. Côté Tiers, mention spécial à l'excellentissime Deus Ex. Vive Nintendo. ^__^
Arthur NoKarma
I love playng:
Mario kart 8
Mario maker
Almost 40...
I love playng:
Mario kart 8
Mario maker
Almost 400 followers and 80 friends THANKS! :-D