how will the street pass feature work in the 3DS version? answer me in a thick european accent please.
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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community
Spoilers · 04/09/2014 1:35 PM
how will the street pass feature work in the 3DS version? answer me in a thick european accent please.
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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community
Spoilers · 04/09/2014 4:12 PM
What's your global smash power number gonna be? And don't say over 9 thousand.
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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community
Spoilers · 04/10/2014 4:06 AM
you can't fight while wearing high heels in real life. samus would be constantly falling down. ridley confirmed.
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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community
Spoilers · 04/10/2014 4:16 AM
did you guys notice that they made kirby fatter in this game? do you think chris martin and gwyneth paltrow will get back together?
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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community
Spoilers · 04/10/2014 1:24 PM
was the original gameboy more powerful than the nes or less powerful?
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HEY, YA'LL just wanted to say hi, hope you wont mind a country girl like me?
am very girly, lik...
HEY, YA'LL just wanted to say hi, hope you wont mind a country girl like me?
am very girly, like a girl should be - who am i?
i like spegetti and love ice cream - foods
dr. pepper, coke, koolade, juice pouches - drinks
what do i do?
i spend my time catching frogs and lizards, but i spend alot of it by doing girly things. Like painting nails!!! i love my nails+hair!