▲danger▲√™'s Followers
jordan jordanjaden2005
yup im here
alex Stix_80x5
Hi! I'm Alex. I'd like to make new friends. I'm occasionally on after school or on weekends. If I have any rooms open join if it is not full. I mainly play Super Smash Bros. Like and you'll get a like back. Follow and you'll get a follow back.
ης☆Speedy sandersrulez
Hi! I'm Speedster 101,Speedster for short.I'm a future cartoonist and NBA player.My goal is 250 followers by the end of Miiverse! If you follow me, I follow you! I'm very friendly! I'm part of my cousin's clan,Nintendo Squad or ης☆! His Miiverse name is Pape and his NNID is Pape21. Follow him! Good luck in gaming! Top 5 Nintendo Characters 5. Mario 4. Luigi 3. Kirby 2. Meta Knight 1. Yoshi
sandfly tyrellwesfield
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ronaldo pabloaestrada
This user's profile comment is private.
SupaBadmin STrickster824
Hello What brings you here? Miiverse is like about to end tomorrow. So goodbye
EmeraldChs molly1204
They called me Night, now im EmeraldChaos an OP god. I like to play smash bros or minecraft. I have a bae, I love her of course. Anyway I hope you will see me somewhere... HA! Sorry im kinda neutral, which is good and bad i am a plan mistake. And just remember im... OP!!!!!!
tateum sharpiesniffer
hi everyone:) my name is tateum i am eleven years old i love to watch makiplier and rosanna pansino my favorite food is pizza and my favorite games to play are minecraft,justdance, and mario world 3d.
+Jαкί+ Jack2sides
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Tiffany l_MSJC_l
Aarron AarronPavett9802
Hi it's me Aarron some of you know me from my previous accounts AARRONPAVETT.COM Baldyskinhead98 AarronPavett98 and Aarron1998 so here is some information about me im bisexual im 19 im autistic i have aspergers syndrome im single im a kind and sensitive person i follow for follow bye By the way i suffer from words all over me
Benjy rel3el4201
salut, je m'appelle Rebel ! j'ai 16 ans ! je cherche des amis pour jouer avec moi. '^'
G3 Justin Havenothing
I always Accept Friends Requests and I Wii u chat from Time to Time. (And Role play-RP MV: 2011-2017 I play Basketball and did track last year. When i run, they say they can't see me;} Favorite Artist:ColdPlay. Songs: Clocks, and Speed of sound I fixed my Gamepad today! July 16th! Love Having New Friends Especially Grills ;] (But dont take that the wrong way -_- :] Ma Names Justin
ñïçhølë Nanilopez4510
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lexy lexybrooke12
hi im lexy brooke
lexy!!!!!! lexybrooke13
hi my name is lexy nickname leexxx !! I love my friends from hgtvv follow enloest thanks guys & girls !
neno neno0216
+50766341670 instagran @neno0216
Nathaniel BigNate1234
Super Mario Maker Is A Game Just Like Super Smash Bros.
alexander alex_89122
blueB:v holanoseloquehag
Hola murcia es un fruto horno en verano y yo me estoy muriiiiiendo Bpancri Nia MagoAngelESP Iluminados Is love
Tom Renzokucan
Hello Nintendo people!
ιηα˙*º rinycorn
no matter what happens, i'll always believe in you ♡
SorrySkull Raistlin1768
Hi I only play Minecraft,Pikmin 3,Splatoon,Splatoon Testfire and watch YouTube i'm the leader of the clan called Sorry:')ps.i have a xbox one:D!I hate Mario Maker!=:( Fav. color purple,Fav. shape heart,I'm 10,My name is Raistlin,There are 6 people in my family!
ポケモン トレーナー shou200702
********** MC_Deko_MC
нί шiιικoшшεή zu ,Mir Essen:Pizza,Salat,Schnizel,Burger,Chinanuddeln,KartoffelSalat,Döner Hobby:Fußball,Zocken,Schwimmen,Boden,Turnen,Youtube Name:Kenny Alter:12 Geburtsdatum:4.10.2005 Youtuber:,Domtendo,ByQчadrix,DestinyCast,MineZoneGermany Gynasium: Barniem Bundesland:Berlin Tinken:Cola,Tea,Fanta,Kaffee нεг вгo вεςtε Freundin:Hanna Ďεμťςсн:★★★★★ Επġļiςcн:★★★☆☆ Fгεcн:★★☆☆☆ (^-^)
T.J. Gamer zagg17
Hi, i'm T.J. I have a Wii-u and the New 3DS XL and i just got the Nintendo Switch! You may know me as from my New 3DS or 2DS account wich i am permanently band on. I like games such as SmileBASIC, Super Smash Bro's, Super Mario Maker, Mario kart 8 deluxe and many more. If you need any help with the games listed above plus many more massage Mii and follow Mii!
Kailey alexus321
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ης☆Pape Pape21
Hi everyone, my name is Pape! ★I'm ten years old. ☆I love Harry Potter/Steven Universe. ★Favorite Food is Shrimp. ☆I play the Piano. ★Speedster/sandersrulez is my cousin. (follow him) ☆I'm a Roleplayer. ★Favorite Mario Character is Luigi ☆Proud leader of the Nintendo Squad (ης☆) Members: 14 ★Apart of Best Drawers clan! ☆Follow for follow. Have a Nice Day! 3DS: Broke, no new one. Friends=Cool.
§§§ Vikers3
Hey! I might not play as much since school is starting, but I'l play allot on the weekends, anyways have a nice day!! -§§§
Joslah joslah
my name is deshawn im a boy i like football
upsidedown ThedubstepD
Personal stuff: Name:Tom, Hobbies, video games math(jk) nature, and hanging with family. Hatrids, Liers,cheaters,bullys,gross pizza. Im 16 and im 5'6 Personallities loving :D nice :) rad (kinda) :P hates math :/ and fits in! (^-^) and loves anime! so firend me so we can play games today!xD
willow lilacpetal863
#teampokesmon full name: willow nyan senerio friends: none so far people i like: TOMMY, wolf fav food: beans fav game on computer: Wolf Quest things i like milk naruto manga cats pokemon
Balmori HeroOfSplat
~~~Welcome To my Profile!~~~~ Thank you for 710 Followers! It means a lot! :) Description: 1 More day for Miiverse to end! - I hope you have a great day! :) Goodbye Miiverse T.T
Shadow Ninja73
Hey miiverse I am awesome...no kidding I'm Noah I'm 17 birthday February 30th...no kidding September 12th I love Zelda Black ops2 Naruto Mario Pokemon and sonic anyone wanna hit that follow and friend request button go ahead i'll talk i do wii u chat -unless i tell you different-
Tre WilsonPower2005
Hi Guys I'm Tre My favorite color is red My favorite games are: Splatoon, Mario Games, Minecraft , and more! And i am a very artistic person so i am hoping i get lots of yeahs Send a friend request because i will be waiting ! :) .
jameson jameson1129
Trinity lovelypeeps
1: favorite color is red 2: bffs- Harrison, Jasmine, Deja, Marissa, Chase, Jordan, Nick Z., Nick N., Nick K.,Hudson, Zach, Pierson, Aarionna, Zane, and More! 3: love poetic people. (if u know what i mean. jk!) 4: 11 y.o. no friends over 13( unless ur cool) 5: stay awesome! :3 6: Subscribe to Trinity Time Challenges! Help Me get to 200! 7: ignorant people get reported and blocked! :3
◆☆Šëñpáî☆◆ ZeldaMaster456
pikiepie bellakiss178
be my friend ill be your friend!!! lets all be friends
hey what's up people of miiverse my name is danger▲
im fun to play whith in game's im a pro at s...
hey what's up people of miiverse my name is danger▲
im fun to play whith in game's im a pro at smash mario cart 8 got in the drift thes in this game splatoon i'll say don't try me in that game bayonetta well i don't play it that much.
i got the best her name is eva