Users Geronimo! Is Following
Miicreator syunkoron
あ、こんにちは。Miicreatorです。気まぐれでいろんなゲ-ムを投稿して行くので、宜しくお願いします。共感、ブロック、フォロー、フォロー外し御自由にどうぞ(*^0^*)皆様が私の投稿を見て少しでも笑顔になってくれると嬉しいです♪ . ∧∧ むくり (*・ω・) _| ⊃/(___ / └-(____/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ バタッ ⊂⌒/ヽ-、__ /⊂_/____ /  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 二度寝って気持ちいい 更新2017,09,2
Nya-chan Kikane-chan
adding to the favorite genres: shooter, racing, fighting, then strategy. I wish there was a "yes" option lol
ом¢★Jo-Jo 1large
Ratings School:★★★☆☆ Chocolate:★★★★★ friends:★★★★☆ Miiverse:★★★☆☆ Tunde:★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Fun:★★★★☆ Pets:★★☆☆☆ About Me Hi i'm Tunde i liek CHOCOLATE!,pizza and cookies,ENERGETIC!!I also like joining people in Worldwide Races! 20% Cooler ●^●Im am not good at Inward Biking is that what its called? Well,Thanks For Stopping Bye And Reading This! See You Around! Shoutout:♪•Ħаппан•♪(SilverPower680)
■Cubie■ cubegirl88
♡People who have supported me so much♡ Me bby:@Smol_Emo ♡10/19/2017♡ G'Bye my love..I'll never forget us.. @Spoopyeggu |Fav artist @FrogSatan™|forever a true friend. @«CocaLoca»|Adorable~ @Aqua |Squad mate @★Daniel★| -//3//- @Isa |True friend @Oka-Ruto|Beautiful Waifu♥ @Fozthefox|My Fox~ @Karo|Best artist @QuietGhost|“Father” @Purple |Good friend @Komic |great artist @PK Alyssa is awesome Waifu
Valery valerygamer13
Hi am Valoria,nice to meet you!You can just call me lory or any name you would like♥.I hope we can be friends♥:) I hope your having an AMAZING day!♥
Becci-Chan Becci-Chan
♥Hey ^¬^ Welcome on my profile.♥ ☆Pls Follow me ☆ •♥language♥ : German, English (my english is very bad -.-) and French •♥Best Friends♥ : Clarissa, ◆Jen◆, Kiwi, and Sinon •♥My New Miiverse ID♥ : BecciKinomoto •ιηstαgrαм : Bεccικιηοмοτο •τωιττεя : Bεccικιηοмοτο •γουτυbε : Bεccικιηοмοτο •ƒαcεbοοκ : αмεlια нεαяτς
TristanYT TeeMan10
Hey my name is tristan aka TeeMan10 and i like super mario maker :]
danny dannyp16
hi my name is danny when i grow up i want to help people across the world also i do wii u chat whenever you want yes im lonley :(
aloha kingkids1086
woomy thekonchars
hi im Dillon K and I want about one thousand followers by the time miiverse ends. My names jeff and i like turtles. (the my names jeff is false but i do like turtles.)
myla mylarose
Hi i'm Myla Some of you may know me from my school. Ill tell you about to boy's that may read this coment Well one is called Lance and the other is called Noah you see with Lance he always chases me and with Noah he chases me and kikes me up the but so i do it to him. Sorry one of you may now me off by hart at school.
ぜろ☆ bananaranran
~プロフィール~ 愛知県の高2(17) HPB10/06 これはWiiUアカです。僕の3DSアカはフォロー欄にいます MK7のVRトリックは出来なくなったんかな?合流が… MKW MAX VR×4 MAX BR×4 MK7 1st 2016/10/17 WW232th JPN133th 99999VR 1st 2017/10/28 WW19th JPN14th 4値カンスト 2nd 2017/08/21 2nd内の順位 WW24th JPN15th 99999VR 3rd 56000VR 4th 1VR =256000VR MK8 2017/01/05 WW181th JPN40th 99999VR 2017/03/17 WW18th JPN5th 99999BR 2017/03/17 WW14th JPN4th VR+BR MAX 更新日2017/11/05/13:14
«Âşħłēÿ»♪ kellsanne
Words can't describe how much I love my girl Selena. She's like, literally, like literally the prettiest girl in the whole wide world. ♡♡♡ Also if you hit her in mk8, you'll like get beat up by me :p
juan jr. juanjaiden
my name is juan with my brother jaiden.
☆Penguin☆ Puff992
What's the best penguin you ask? -Well that's easy!- The jαckαςς (african) penguin obviously!! ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡ Also follow -BRIGGS -Ebony and -Pinkitty ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★
{Leeshino} Leeshino
AW! Why would you punch my face off?! *cough* Welcome to my profile! I'm {Leeshino}, and my real name is "Alexandre". My actual favourite games on Wii U are : Super Mario Maker and Mario Kart 8. You can play and stars my levels in SMM and you can also join me in MK8. Here's my activity : Happiness ★★★★☆ Angry ★☆☆☆☆ Funniness ★★★★☆ Annoying ★☆☆☆☆ Hope ya'll have a nice day! \(^o^)/
róisín Wickla01
I love animals
katherine Special_K0108
тen»Žačk monkey690
my name is Zack my clan is тen» im 11 clans that im in Nin◆ and my favorite character on mario kart 8 is Link my favorite kart is p-wing favorite motorcycle is the jet bike make every day your best
Toupilek ♀ toupilek
★☆★ Salut à tous !!! ★☆★ ★J΄adore jouer à Mario Kart et Zelda ♥Mes Meilleurs Amis★Chara♥しゅんしゅん ★Pericat★Mdogg★Yume★Guillaume★Luc★ ★Je suis quelqu'un de trés loyal alors si vous attaquez mes amis.......ò_ó ★Je met du temps à faire confiance ★J'adore les tournois de ballons ★Bon jeu a tous ^-^
AbbieJade abbiejade123
GOODBYE MIIVERSE♡♥ Ello :3 Here are a few things about me ↓ Name: Abbie Nicknames: Abs, Dabs, Blueberry cuz of da blue hair A diabetic type1 Age: 16 Country: England Personality: Funny, Kind, Helpful Favourite foods: Cheese, Pizza, Cookies Favourite drink: Defo Pepsi Favourite game: Mario Kart 8 I laugh alot btw If you wanna be friends just send me a friends request :) Thats all for now..
jed kkkjj008
Friend code:SW-2507-2149-6020. I'll miss Miiverse and everyone on it. It was the first social media I ever had. It helped me through the thoughest of times. I'll be here all day tomorrow, even at school, I'll use my laptop to go on Miiverse even though it's against the rules at school. I'll use my Nintendo Switch after Miiverse ends. For everyone who will miss Miiverse, it is now time to move on.
kill splat yahighnes
hello i am dj and i love cobanermani 456 i live for his videos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and i hope he will do a let's play on splatoon.)pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease
nani yachunnekyawe
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Munk2 Kav-Munk
Hello. This is Munk2. If you recognize a person named Munk, congratulations, you get a star:★. This is the same person. Now, you've seen everything, now go. Also, horrible drawings. Also pizza. 55 followers. No longer banned! 150 followers! Thanks! Love you all! Keep it going! Two more weeks until Miiverse ends. Lets end it with a bang! The 400 character limit is trash.
grayson Grayzilla
isaac cheriez
everyone lets try to save miiverse and convince them not to close it so lets try our best to save miiverse before its to late now who's with me
tuni anila1227
Hi im tuni Favorite Holiday(s) Halloween Christmas Valentine's day! i think that's all. ~(¨\/¨)~ ↑ #Dance Move's
meredith sissybird101
Hi! Im willing to be friends so we could play games, call each other,and have fun together!
vîx WhatSerName45
Switch • SW-8531-2318-7901 Disco • vix#3847 Insta • what.ser.name_ ♡ all ma friends I've made on here uωu)/
Mario Nickschips123452
Hi I'm Mario and My Brother Luigi and me hates Bowser Mama Meare
DOGE paddingtonfan
hey whats up! my name is Sarah big BIG fan of undertale also kirby and mario also splatoon. make sure to check out my art and texts oh and splatoon 2 posts will be coming soon at chrismas time or so. pls be my bff becuse no one joins my game in minecraft. :'''''''(
marina bakepa
my best buds: kirby luigiliker liam gammy and amber and finn noob and mathew and chicken angy dylan billy and noah ^.^ and i dont like ellie
T.O tox360
Hey, I'm T.O. Im a funny dude who plays videogames, and like to draw! But I don't do Wii U chat. I'm sorry! Rules: I don't tolerate rude comments about me on any of posts. I report people who insult me. If you continue to break my rules on my posts than I'll block you. I'm also a founder and leader of TΩ
BabyGirl BigBabyNuNu
This user's profile comment is private.
bella bellasidnetwork9
why hello there! my real name is bella and you wanna know about me so i have two brothers named luke and eli i also have a pet named jazz and hes pretty old and... my mom and dad are named carolina and tofer or christopher im a big kid and today i went to school... and thats it! if you wanna follow me or friend me go ahead ill see you later bye!
Superhaddy Haddy2007
Hello, you probably know by this point that.miiverse. is. going. to. SHUT DOWN! And you know what? the day I really started using it was the the announcement come out.................. Why are you still here? Okay, you can stop reading. Uhhhh..... nice meeting you (^-^) Well... bye! Seriously stop. STOP READING!!!!!
zach 2017 xbrads007x
Μк★Mango littlemangojango
Sup Mango here. Tomboy BFTS: Rathamun,Pisces,Mariela(♥),Abri, Osana,Kek(♥)★~Чυυкi~★Marcus&Oка Яΰτσ My heart was stolen by the sweetest guyAnd most handsome Kevin <3 :3 ♥Luango♥ (Lumi and Mango) :] I love Anime....I draw it sometimez...:> :0 Top4 Fav animes.... 4.Toradora! 3.Fairy tail 2.Himouto! Umaru~Chan 1.Lucky☆Star Brother ★tad☆ :] wanna know some other things? Visit Mк★Mango2
Oscar Wao Drewski105
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☆CoolDude☆ ProSquidKid143
I love Splatoon! Woomy! =)
HL★☆Justin justin12
Hey Miiverse! Justin Here! Miiverse is ending... What is this?!?!?!?!!?! Also, when Miiverse ends, I'm selling all my Wii, Wii U and Nintendo 3ds. Then, I'm getting the Switch. Well everyone, its been a good time since we first met, its a lot of fun, and a good time with u all. Goodbye to my friends and Followers. P.S. If anyone has the Switch, please friend me so that we can play together!!!!
SleepyDerp Ariana_Mercedes
comment hidden by GrapeSoda and fanta and dr pepper and coffee hello welcome to meh profile! things i like:MY FRIENDS DUH wafflez cake and sum ice cream Splatoon Minecraft Kirby second acc Marlene and i am orange Fanta i should name myself "OrangeSoda" LOL XD but no anyway this concludes my bio/profile so yeah BAI! oh and stay fresh! no... dont get cooked stay off the hook! no... oh! DERP ON!!:3
Hello, my name is Geronimo! Age: 46 years old. I Wii U Chat, but as you ALL know Miiverse is shut...
Hello, my name is Geronimo! Age: 46 years old. I Wii U Chat, but as you ALL know Miiverse is shutting down on November 7th at 10:00p.m. I can't believe it! If y'all wanna race on my tournament before that does happen, feel free to do so. And, be sure to Wii U Chat with me too!