Landon's Followers
WaggaWagga Wagga2000
Psycho Boy Comander_Lucian
friend me yall i am coollllll
Bubs Bubs716
I love sports, racing, reading, writing, playing, playing mario kart 8, mario kart 7 and mario kart wii. I have a lot of friends at my school sanford creek elementary school. here are some of them grant, jayden and owen
Getta GettaBear
Not Common StillNotBanned
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Pasta Puppyboris
It's me... Regular old Pasta, used to be PN€★Pasta☆, but it's just me. I don't need anybody else now. I have 2 friends here, who I will greatly miss, but goodbye and thank you everyone. I will stay living here with an empty hole in me where you all used to exist. So again, until the end, thank you. Peace, Pasta.
Hello! Welcome to my profile! My carrier is to be a Singer & Dancer! I dream to perform to millions of people. I wanna be rich,famous, and to live a great life! My Favorite games are Splatoon and Animal Crossing New Leaf! I have 1 Dog named Max and he's a Labradoodle. Thank you for reading and visiting my Profile! Friend Request me & Follow me! Have A nice day!
PÖțÄTø. iiCrispy_Potatoz
'Just a random 13 yr. old girl with dreams.' Heyooo! `\(^ω^)/′ Here's some stuff about me, since you.. Pressed on this profile or just my face....‘~’ ..Maybe.. There isn't anything about me.. Uhm, you can just live your life now, bye! ^^ (Couldn't really think of anything to write.. ~_~) Be The Best Gosh Dang Potato You Can Be •ω• AlwaysStayDerpii °³º Buh-bye!
mama fughihr
je mapel mama
kartguy123 funwithitbch
mincraftis my mane game slpatoon i sometimes play friend me im really good at building i need help building a bassball staidyem and other stuff
Armandito Dr.Suess12
Casey SlimeyRedstone
hello im casey and im looking for friends to play games with fav: Minecraft
akye amr234
crizpy crispywafflez
j pokemonx jordanchic
go pokenon and yo- kai watch
newnie freeinmyzone
Caleb Gage rabbidz123
well,so guys.heres a bit about me,i love splatoon,minecraft,the legend of zelda series,scribblenauts,mario,undertale,collecting amiibo,and interacting with other people.and i may correct your spelling.wii u chat is ok with me.
Perry13 PerryKelly13
InklingBoy dogvoice
Skylanders Imaginators Invite me to racing please ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
max the_broccoli_boy
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caity catsaresocool321
hi its cat . . U i love to wii u chat!!! if your my friend most of the time you will find me on youtube bye :-P i said BYE! I WILL PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE!!!!!!!
splatboy79 bambams23
Lia lianoonan123
yo im back on miiverse. im lia and i play: miitopia tomadacgi life acnl smash bros mario maker yokai watch2 runbow pocket ac:hhd pokemon sun. i hope to get a wiiu acount!! bye am i le only 1 who lieks teen titans go? ;[
hddihc shogunbot495
Yoshi. yoshi4596
Hello everyone! My name is David but just call me Yoshi. I am a huge Yoshi guy since the Beginning ( I started off with Yoshi's Story) but that doesn't mean I only play Yoshi games I also play Super Mario ( Favourate Game is Super Mario Sunshine), Legend of Zelda ( Favourate Game is Hyrule Warriors), and Kirby ( Favourate Game is Kirby Mass Attack) Make sure to follow me check out my glitch posts!
StarGamer cellotrain16
The Master Of Building, The Master Of Pizza...... HI ITS NINTEN★JOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Favorite Things To Do: Visit My Cousins, Sleep, Play Minecraft, And Play On My I Pod! And Also Eat Pizza Things I Hate: Math, School, NON-Legos, And Newbies, Favorite Food:You Guessed It. PIZZA Favorite Thing: WORD Goodbye Pacfic Users, Im Northeast.
GAGE lilpeanut08
having fun
ice ice123454
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