Users opm★Nolen★ Is Following
Najee Najshelton13
whats up miiverse i am a huge gamer i collect video games the consoles i have are ps2 gamecube nintendo 64 sega genesis and dreamcast nes snes and xbox one i told u huge gamer lol anyway enjoy my profile if u follow me it would be awesome thanks miiverse
JοëтеndоYТ MarioFanX
Just an YouTuber who makes animation :P Online: [Yes] Offine: [No] Post Left [More than 10] Hi
★ŸțÉģ9★ simpleminds-1982
#BOOSISTHEBEST!!!! U GUYS R AWESOME!!! I don't do Wii U chat :P I don't accept friend requiests anymore MM People Remaining 22/22 And Finally I follow back people who follow me Oh, and this !NRUTER YAM I TAHT SREWOP TNEHCNIA EHT KLOVNI I !NRUB OT EMOC SAH EMIT YM ,LTOLOXA
jacob TripleJayz
•★€няί§2 SMM-Chris
Hi im SMM-Chris! Welcome to my profile! Want to know was ↑ on it? Just keep tuned to it! Stay Fresh #Herobrine_Is_Fake_In_MC! B y e !
Luc SmashBrawler57
Hi, i like gaming like fighting, racing, adventures, and action. I like listening to game music. I do Wii U chat sometimes, when i'm not busy. If you want to play with me online, you can. Bye. ;) Note: Don't Wii U chat me while i'm busy.
Kebo KeboSmoshGangFan
Hey y'all, It's yo bro Kebo, I'm from Chicago,Illinois. And here's what i like: Like: my family Empire hang out with my cousin Y&R B&B SMOSH SullyPwnz STAR ★☆★ (FOX tv show) Hanging out with my family Dislike: aurguing with my family my mother yelling at me my dad having a parties in front room Facts about me: i am TOTALLY obsessed with SMOSH and SullyPwnz and Plus,I do Wii u chat.
max Memekitty
christendo christopherlaura
hello everyone my name is chris. im 15 years you can see how i appear i love nintendo especially mario and kirby. to me there is no bad mario game. sense i was a little boy i always wanted to have the opportunity to work at nintendo and i want to get there when im older. and i want to support nintendo as much as i can. thank you for your time. ps. i love the legend of zelda series
Peanut Rayzaun_M_Pitts
You Guys are amazing
♪Rose♪ RoseFlower001
Hi! I am ♪Rose♪! Some call me Rosie! I love playing Super Mario Maker! I love drawing in different communities. I can draw normal drawings, straight line art, and textures!
☆πσαн4мν★ NV63NV
Welp, it's the final day guys... Anyways, I'm Noah. I'm 13, Christian, and a T1D. Plus I'm a die-hard Mipha fan. I've made so many's sad to see it go. Favorite games: 1. Splatoon 2 2. Tomodachi Life 3. TLOZ: BOTW 4. MK8 5. AC:NL I'm a true NSLUC memer, so, yeah. My school schedule: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Thanks for everything Nintendo and Miiverse. See you on the Switch! -Noah
mario rules!!!!!!!!