Users ROSIE ★ Is Following
I am very good friend, I like to play MK and Drawing, I'm here for all good friends. ♥♀♂♥ Iam ♪Lady♪Love♪ With a second account who wants my friendship here will also welcome. Thanks Friends ♥♀♂♥ I'm an Adult and Single ;) ♥♀♂♥ IF YOUR a BULLY STAY WAY!!! ♥♀♂♥ ADULT REQUESTS ONLY PLEASE Thanks. ;) ♥♀♂♥♥♀♂♥
Galf Galfious
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Maddy Roze xX-Roze-Xx
Well i guess miiverse is coming to an end . I say we make the best of the time we have together! spread love and joy to strangers because chances are they could use a good day, Do what you can to make everybody feel like a somebody but most importantly, be Yourself. Much love to everyone i'v met on heir, you all helped me in so many ways, so many times Thank γσυ i will remember you all. ‹3
Doggy Dan DingleDan86
Hello everyone, and welcome! My original profile name is DingleDan86. I am 31 years of age and have been a long time cartoon enthusiast. I like to draw things (mostly animals, anthro, demons, dragons, unicorns, and other stuff) that I find interesting. Feel free to check out my artwork posts, if you like.
iri moreno irimoreno
Holaaaa♪♪♪, soy iri chaves :) Y soy adulta , no soy una niña :-D Hi i am iri chaves ♪♪♪♪ I am an adult , I am not a child ♪♪
Robocop thelunarwolf77
Wassup? I'm Robocop! I'm a 39yo Mario&NintendoFanSince NES in 1985 I'm From The Planet KO-35 I DoWiiU Chat.PleaseMessageB4UWant2Chat Wii U:2Many2list,but all5Mario&Favorites are,SmashU,MKart8,LittleInferno&CoasterCrazyDeluxe(All my games are downloaded currently) VirtualConsole:60+ Wii(Wii&Wii-Mode):VirtualConsole:7, Discs:4,MarioWii&WWE'13 are Favorites 4GameCube BigWWEfan NoBlankRequests Thanks!
Cookumms Cookumms
ijφşħ JoshMS84
If u see me around say hello! because i like to talk about whatever! Other than that i love art, anime, poetry, music, dancing, movies, nature, being a goofball, and playing video games, not in that order! ... so LETS play! p.s. im a adult and i like adult stuff. check my posts! the good stuff is in there.
ijoSh Randomishnescrfy
u like splatoon..... me too.
ZEBRA(NEW) zebra10045
こんにちは、動物が大好きすぎるケモナーです。 趣味で絵描いてたりするのですが、基本はマニアックなキャラやアニメを描くことが多いかもしれません。 好きな漫画:「ハンターxハンター」「るろうに剣心「BEASTARS」「ジョジョシリーズ」「獣人とペット女子高生 好きなアニメ:「海外アニメならほとんど大好き」「ジョジョ」「ワンパンマン」 好きな番組:「アメトーク」「水曜日のダウンタウン」「ガキ使」 好きな動物:「柴犬」「狼」「狐」「ハスキー」 嫌いな物「BL系」「ナス」「初対面のタメ口」
ψTaylor mariosonicrules
I'm Taylor, i'm 23 years old, and I love to draw! And I'm Friends with everyone! No Wii U Chats please. :) If I not comment to you, it's because My 30 comment limits are up for today. So I'll comment you back when I can. And I don't accept friend requestes, if I know you well, I only accept requests from my Friends. I don't take drawing requests either. And please no spam "First" comments
HoneyBunny HoneyBunny87
Hello this is Amber, and this is a new account for me. My old one was Aura87. I am finally back on the wiiu. I am 29, only speak English, love to draw, and like to meet new people. I plan on sharing as much art as I can with my busy schedule. I work a full time job, so I can't take request often. Thanks for veiwing my art <3 P.S. I don't wiiu chat with people I don't know well.
TheWispGuy TheWispGuy
Hi there! Welcome! :D I like to draw here! Feel free to browse, but try not to carouse! WA-HAHA! ^v^ I have another account: VolcanicWisps! It's shared with my sibling, who - by the way - also have their own account: VolcanicFires! Why don't you go check both of them out? PS: I don't Wii U Chat.
AØ★Hυgο97™ Hug083
Bienvenue sur mon profil miiverse ! Welcome to my miiverse profile ! I love Mario Kart, SSB and Mario games and I'm the third member of AO team Age : 19 Teams : Alliance Octaling (AØ), Hyrule Legends (HL), Sheep On Fire, ¶SM¶ I don't use Wii U chat/Je n'utilise pas le chat Wii U J'ai un deuxième compte qui s'appelle HylianHugo Merci et abonnez vous si vous voulez :)
мΪΪ~! MariKK
This user's profile comment is private.
Lo§łβoγ.·★ comesthewinds
Hi i am Lo§ł βογ.Welcome to my proƒile.i am the son oƒ 7 »—Wind§—>.We are Cherokee a proud people.My dad is very traditional even with his appearance,i on the other hand are more modern.Feel ƒree to check things out.I have nothing but love for all,but be warned bad attitudes, threats, or name calling,won't be tolerated as well as drama.There's no room in this house ƒor haters.PEACE to ALL.
Hugo Fly4m3
Grizz hermeto
I've been playing video games all of my life. I'm a big gamer in general. I enjoy reading as well.
Rina★ KingdomOfSanrio
It looks like this is the end of miiverse! But it doesn't have to be the end of US! I love miiverse so this will be very hard. I hope we can all get through this in tact. There are many other site we can chat and talk. DeviantArt being a good one. I hope we can continue to draw and interact. Much love to all Miibros and Miisisters!!!
Hi, I'm JD , I'm a cool dude. Favorite Games: MK 8 Nintendoland Hobbies: Camping Swimming in my pool Flying my radio control heleicopters P. S. I'm also a big NASCAR FAN
IKAさま ikachiyo
自由気ままにお絵描きしたり、イカしたりハンターだったり雀士などをしております 共感、コメント、フォローを励みに日々精進(・・出来たらいいなあ) 特にコメントは返して無いときもございますが頂けるとニマニマしながら眺めるほど嬉しいです。 フレンドに関しましてはリア友と今まで絡んでくれたイカをプレイしている人とさせて頂いております。 フォローはするも外すもご自由にどうぞ
yojoe ybwy8f
gi joe
しろねこ☆またあおう Sironeko001
2015年8月2日から絵を描き始め、これからも描くつもりのしろねこ2です! 皆様、ミーバースが終わっても青鳥等に行きましょう! 不安でもミバフレを頼って下さい! 気に要らなければ止めればいいだけですよ!
CATAKU lune18
:) j'aime dessiner, lire, écrire, la musique, les jeux Nintendo, l'art, la création, la nature, les animaux... :) i like draw, read, write, the music, games of Nintendo, Art, creation, the Nature, the animals ... j'ai plusieurs passions i have passions
Janee Janee_Doodles
こんにちは。 I am a thirteen year old girl that will be sad going to school The Game Theorist... Game Grumps :) Mostly I'm the quiet type. Trying to learn Japanese. My Main Fandoms: Overwatch and Splatoon so far... Maybe I'll quit miiverse in the future... I LIVE OVERWATCH spare me some Mercy...
Lilylynx Lilylynx
Luck, (and a grocery store raffle with a stuffed box) introduced me to my 1st SNES... been hooked ever since. I am amazed by the creativity here on miiverse and am sometimes inspired to doodle a bit. Live an interesting life. Have fun. Enjoy something beautiful each day. Be good to one another.
mino minolovecat
★☆A real brave man don't kill dragons‚ he rides on the dragons☆★
Kaky Sababoohoo
I enjoy playing games. I love AC Games Harvest Moon Pokemon. Love Music. Got to personal meet Kiss backstage. But the Eagles were the best. Live Laugh Love. I'm 68 years young. Gammen Grandmaw.
CAT pica18
Ace acey_and_kc
Hey! I'm Ace. I'm not a "gamer". I do my best to respond to ALL comments, msgs, etc! Follow me, I will follow you back! I love to play&listen to music.90s&post 90s grunge,is my#1! <3 Nirvana&HUGE Kurt Cobain fan. Like Nirvana? check out the band Denderah (on or youtube-user iseeknopraise) ~they rock! Give them a listen&tell me what you think! "Peace, Love & Empathy"
Kaky CarolRose
I have been playing games for 28 yrs. I like Zelda Harvest Moon Animal Crossing Games. Follow for a Follow.
KappaFammy Henshin_Belt
Japan is the greatest country!!~ Hi,I'm Fammy!(Short 4 Famicom and pronounced like "Sammy"). I watch Japanese Television from all eras! I love to draw my favorite stuff like Ultraman(ウルトラマン),Kamen Rider,Super Sentai,Super Robottos and Time Bokan!!~ (O_l_O)†ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ------->)(òVó )(V) [王]
Gail Force peppers
Thank you all so very much♥I was very sad when I heard the news today and I'll miss you all so much♥I have been here for 5years and have met the nicest ppl,your all really special to me;)again thanks so much for all the support and kind comments♥I wis♥h you all much happiness♥now lets all live it up on here till the end and I hope we will meet up again someday;)*PEACE*LOVE*HUGS*IM@uya notube♥♡cU♥
§ολгίπg˛●˜ Elijahsgotsport
Life's but a walking shadow,a poor player,That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,And then is heard no more.