Bob's Friends
NintendoTV Nintend_TV
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Giovanni GiovanniM103
jorge0456 jorge04567
Hello i love to play my will u i hope u have fun like me bye
aiden duh AidenIsLit123
ummmmm i play minecraft :| also im good at drawing and at pixel art
RoCraft hellopanda454545
Leandro R GordoResendez
My favorite song is it's every day bro my favorite yuotuber is Jake paul favorite food is pizza and wings stop lemen peper
ROYAL(1) bwt1982
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NTDOboy271 joshua200463
hi my name is joshua and if you want to play with me check the games i have below
Roy lil_savage69
Dad bmdoty2121
ColeTrain coletrainrice
i like pac man
TBNRfrags Penguins2703
puppyat Murrah6
Hi im Clara and i like playing minecraft and i love nacher avore time somthing gows bad i blam it on me and some people call me smart but i dont relly belev them and i am bulled at home by my brother but it's ok. i dont relly know how to spell that good but it's ok to if people want to be my friend you are wellcome to be:-)
kris2.0 josh9933
hello my name is kris i'm a huge fan of nintendo i am in 2nd grade i love to bottle filp i have a couple freinds in school their names are ifraz talal jospeh jordan stephen pace gavin my wiiu friend's are gagster yoyoculo and i have 6 followers i like supermario maker splatoon mk8 super smash . bros. for wiiu yoshis woolly world cube shift and daikon set
heidimario catmarioheidi
Hi, I'm Heidi. Mario is added because I've always been a fan of not only the games but the character himself. Mario Maker is my favorite game, because of my artistic side. This game is like a dream come true because I always wanted to create something that others might enjoy. I also like playing other makers creations and getting to know them.
Natedog Kingolego
Hey guys Natedog here and some yubetubers I like are 8bitryan, popularmmos, Fedxgaming, 8bitgaming, Lordminon777 and Logdotzip plus many many more. I also like fnaf, Terraria and Minecraft.
Maxx maxxriley
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anthony apallozzi
i did it in a speed run
bubbs herewego05
Froakie Metallica1984
hello my name is matthew (just changes mii each month) i play alot of gases and i also like undertale fnaf smash minecraft
Felipe pipebros2
Hola! soy Felipe , un placer conocerte seas quien seas me encontraras en : Minecraft Wiiu edition Super Mario Maker New super mario bros U Lego city Undercover Juegos Favoritos: Fnaf Undertale Bendy And The Ink Machine Super Mario (Saga en general) Geometry Dash Fredbear Fright Pvz Y muchos mas.
xxGJTxx xxGJTxx
mj mustangg
jaden Saturn9999
Hello welcome to my Miiverse page! Feel free to friend me! I enjoy games like Super Mario Maker, Super Smash Bros, and Splatoon! Can't wait to play the switch!
CAT IAN Ponyki
FAV.GAMES BREATH OF THE WILD OCARINA OF TIME SUPER MARIO ODYSSEY MINECRAFT SUPER SMASH BROS WiiU PIKMIN 1TO 3 SUPER MARIO ALL STARS yeah i love minecraft zelda and mario mostly #R.I.P miiverse :( guys ill miss all you guys friend me : )
save the goat. save the world. save the goat to save the world. save the goat to save the world. ...
save the goat. save the world. save the goat to save the world. save the goat to save the world. save the goat to save the world