Users Toon Link Is Following
Luigi™☆ luigits
These are things you should know about me: I LOVE NINTENDO! HATE UNDERTALE! My Favorite Music Artist is Drake, and My Favorite Video Game Character is Luigi! I love making people happy! And that is why I make Pixel Art and Minigames for you! I hope you will enjoy all the content on My Miiverse and also if you are a Drake Fan PLEASE send me a friend request so we can do Pixel Art! I like Football!
Jack Mewtwo5200
GenericMii redot45
◆Lillian◆ Maya_Elan
Hi im Lillian (Thats my mii name) And i here some of you like MineCraft AND SO DO I♡.......and heres some stuff about me. Fav Games: Zelda Games,MineCraft,Webkinz,Harvest Moon, Dislikes: ROBLOX,HATE COMMENTS AND DEFINITELY TROLLERS!!!!
Oreo Kitty Hootsie02
I love to play Minecraft. I love making friends. I hope we could all become Great friends. :) I also play Skylanders and Mario Kart.
A7 victini09
Hi I Love Minecraft & Splatoon My life Is About Video Games Since I Was 4 Yrs Old 1/28/2007 Is My B-Day So If You Want To Play Minecraft Splatoon & Smash I Will! I Have Dustin lawilson Riley Jon Lucy Pacoto Tess And More Friends (100) I Have A 2DS & Friend Me To Play Minecraft Splatoon & Super Smash Bros 4 WiiU With Me! I ♥ You All My Best Friends+Followers! My Line Is: #Im HeroKitty!☆★♥ \(^.^)/
josh lutradicion
シバスラψDFQFψ shota907
こんにちは!(^^) SHOTAスライムです!気軽にフレリクどうぞ。 フォローしてくれたら絶対フォローします! ☆自己紹介★ 中1バスケ部です。 ψ好きなゲームψ ドラクエ1,2,3,4,6,7、11!!とFF3,4,5,6! (←時代遅れかなw?)。(パズドラ(携帯)モンスト(携帯)) Youtube。 ö好きなユーチューバーö ちはやYTS3、すしらーめんりく、フィッシャーズなど。 ♪好きな曲♪ ドラクエ,FFの戦闘曲,ボス戦,フィールド全般。 θバスケ部θ 背番号10(桜木 花道と同じ)2年3人1年10人位かな。時々試合に出る。オフェンス得意 §勉強§ 1期末481点学年3位、2中間はff5楽しくてやってたらかなり下がりました。(,`^´泣) FF4、5、6ダウンロード全てしたからFF5やっています!!
WintaFox chrismarroquin99
Im Back I Can Only Play Saturdays Because Im Grounded... By The Way My Favorite Friends Are jasonthecoolman danny dvkarisma miguelvaskes121 and last Haylee. If You Friend Me I Might Or Might Not Trust. Last Thing, My Favorite Gamez Are Lost eaverse Splatoon And Super Mario Maker.
CHINGEーGE2 mahirock
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♪☆ZERO☆♪ teru0423
どーも中1の♪★ZERO★♪です。最近テスト勉強に結構マジで励んでます。それと、スマホをiPhone8に代えようか迷ってます・・・誰か助けて下さい。 ☆自己紹介★ ※細かい事は聞いて下さい 将来の夢 美容師/とりま安定した就職 <好きな物> バレーボール、バトスピ、ゼルダ/リンク、ハイキュー!!(影山) <嫌いな物> チョーク、プール、 <好きなYouTuber> マホト、スカイピース、すしらー、天月、フィッシャーズ、ゴールド など <好きなスポーツ> バレーボール、テニス、陸上系 <好きなアニメ> ハイキュー!!、ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ、働く魔王様! <好きな歌> ↑の主題歌全部、君だけは。(1番好き)、打ち上げ花火、立ってたいのに、YELL、など ハイキュー大好き人間です 西谷のようなリベロになるため特訓中!(ジャンプサーブ出来るZE!!) フォロー(フレリクも)よろしくっ!
Stampy stampylongnoseyt
Shay Shaystayfly30
hi people that follow me thank you so much for support so much make tell to follow me ok by shout to pro gamer x and my follers omg thx follows so much
Dream Dream3DSXL
karla karlaeverardo
なな ns0101
こんにちは\^.^/ななです♪* 自己紹介^∀^ やっているゲーム:マイクラ、スプラ、マリオです~ スイッチ:マリオオデッセイ* 名前:ななみ〈9〉才 小3 算数苦手 図エ大得意* 趣味:旅行、縄跳び、絵、YouTube 習い事:スイミング、じゅく^^ 好きなユーチュバーは[フィシャーズ] 現実の友達:あやな、あかり、もも、ゆら* 両思い中の人:たくみ♪*♪*♪(大好きだよっ) ♪*♪*♪*♪*♪*♪*♪*♪*♪*♪*♪*♪*♪*♪*♪ フォロー99%返しマッスル^^ フレリクもです* 11月7日(火)NANAMI
Kade KadeJB
Hi, My name is Kade. Im a boy. I'm 9 My favorite color is red. I am very nice and doesn't swear. Games I Love: Mario, Sonic, Lego, Legend of Zelda, Splatoon, And, Minecraft. I'm trying to get 100 followers :) If you see me in a game say Hi. Also i'm a BIG Nintendo Fan!!!
うささ haruusasa
Sloubie Sloubie
Mesdames et messieurs, bienvenue à mon profil! My name is Sloubie, nice to meet you! I'm a *cough* *cough* experienced *cough* *cough* maker in Mario Maker! I always happily read your comments in your levels too! My favourite types of levels are music levels, so I will always enjoy hearing them :-) For now, bye! (#SaveMiiverse)
ぴーちPEACH peach777PEACH
Amy NintendoAmy
I'm Amy from Nintendo. I'll stop by to talk about fun activities and pointers about fun games, so be sure to look out for me!
jack mattedge993
Agent 159 TinyTaco12
Im A Boy.i like minecraft+Terraria.if u follow me ill follow back!id like to know if anyone reading this has a chain-gun in terraria?i would pay 999 platanium coins,or trade a terra blade!im serious guys,I WANT A FRIGGIN CHAIN-GUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sorry
loulou martindeneault
jordan jordan11diaz
Hey. my name is Jordan im 8 years old and,I love to watch tv all the time. and if you want to be my friend you can!
Max jeff3427
hey my name is max my favorite youtuber is logan paul i am a part of the logang im a maverick i will manely post about badge arcade but sometimes i will post about other games my goal is 10000 if i can make it to that followers thanks for following also if u folow me i wil folow you i yeah more than post comment more than yeah and follow more than i comment
SB◆DαгK arnovanan
ИøтÐεαðУεт JustABlackScreen
I can sneak up on you or be right in front of you without you even knowing, but once I reveal myself you will never be the same. What am I?
Jessi Night_Pikachu
mein gamepad ist kaput schreibt mir unter meinen beitragen wie man es reparieren kann danke
Benji-Jack Jacksonblast
Welcome to my profile. Name: Jack & Benji I like to play a lot of Survival. I have a lot of Minecraft Tricks I can show you. Favorite friends: Thepower1987,Jmalve21, 20064.krivas,Elijah1104,Chrisboom48, & JCGRIPS Favorite colors:Brown, orange, and black. later Ya'll
Serge darksb
Alayna orangegyrl
heres a riddle if you throw me out the window i'll leave a grieving wife bring me back but through the door you'll see someone giving life what am i comment your answer on one of my posts
Noah secretagentdude
Beth B3thanyD0n3lly_2
whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. however, that parting need not last forever... whether that parting lasts forever or for merely a short time... that is up to you.
Emo Mick MickeyMoose-36
Top of the morning to ya lassies im MickeyMoose-36! Im a friendly player that likes to play the games below! Minecraft, Terraria, Pokkèn Tournament, Smash Bros, Super Mario Maker, and Splatoon! I have hit 60 Follows on miiverse! Thanks alot for your follows guys! My fans mean the world to me and i appreciate your support alot. Lets try to hit 100 follows. If you believe you can, go for it! Thx :-)
bestguy bestguyakad_wins
Ciel VampirePanda66
x.I draw stuff.x x.I'm 14,emo.x x.You should follow me.x x.Comment "smoosh" when you follow.x
Laurent wmbrussels
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YeahBigley SlodowskaRadium
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ツイッターであおう georgeshaun1205
2年5ヵ月という長いようで短い間でしたが楽しかったです トラブル起こしたり引退宣言を何度もして結局引退しなかったり…Miiverseでは色々ありましたね😅 今後は青鳥で活動していきますので見掛けたら声掛けていただければ嬉しいです^_^ それでは、今までありがとうございました!! good bye(* ̄▽ ̄)ノ
Coolcandy1 coolcandy1
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Super Minecraft Park See what i did there mixed those up yep