Beano's Followers
Plasma HeckingWhy56
If you're here because I followed you, hello
EVc|Jinx Badbananakid
Hey it's ya boi Jinx I might not be on Miiverse as often, but i'm not sure. Thanks so much for over 110 followers! I never thought i'd get so far! You guys are the best! If you want to be friends with me then be warned. I am pretty weird At the moment I am probably on my computer. Thanks to my friends + followers, you guys are awesome! -Me Ps- Be sure to check my friends accounts
XQuackerX2 Hasbero
XQuackerX's 2nd Profile!
Joshy Joshy12345
Hi, my name is joshua and i am just a regular gamer but i am hoping people like my posts. i will do (bad) drawings and post my minecraft pixel art (for once good) and i hope you all enjoy. For YR9. British YR9.
Ryan Ryancb27
Hello Everyone! My name is Ryan. I am 13 years old. I have a Wii, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo Switch. I played the Wii ever since March 2012. And I also have a game capture card as well. It lets me record my game footage when I need to. Also, feel free to send me a friend request. I accept all friend requests. I have been on Miiverse ever since July 28, 2014. Also, RIP Miiverse 2012-2017.
Zed gianlumorgan
LET'S BE FRIENDS!!!!! :-D I love playng: Mario kart 8 Mario maker Splatoon Minecraft Almost 400 followers and 80 friends THANKS! :-D GOODBYE
pluscarb BCW710J-7BE4E-G
Mr.Steak wiimine4ever
Hey everybody! Mr. Steak here! I am so good. (Except the fact that Miiverse is shutting down so soon.) Why Miiverse, WHY!? (It's shutting down November 7th or 8th.) (•-•) / (·~·) / So SAD! Noob Face! (·–·) (And don't forget to post noob faces, emojis, shapes, signs, sayings, and memes! Also tell me the games you guys play so we can start a conversation!) See you! (Well, before Miiverse ends...)
счте :3 DankPostatoChisp
Sorry Miiverse that you cant make it you were so wonderful. I love everything you gave me. Because I have no soul. Im gonna Not post as often as usual but it seems ive already started quite a while ago. I will miss each and everyone of you my followers,my friends,and Foxy710 My marvelous companions *Foxy710♥ *Patryk_Eddworld♥ *Humbwab♡♥♡♥
James animalracer
Hi! My Name Is James And I Love Sports And Mario Games Especially Super Mario Maker. I'm a Beginner In Gaming (Despite My Profile). I Am Ok At Mario Kart 8 I've Got 9.3K vr. I Sometimes Won't Be On Miiverse (Probably Playing Football/Soccer). I Just Love Puppies Aswell!If You Follow Me I Follow You. Rules. 1. NO Bu11ying! 2.NO St@r Begging/St@r Exchanges. Dats All From Me,Have A Fantastic Day
Ditto Gizmoiscute
The end is near. ;( Go follow me on I have the same username on there. Yo, I'm...Ditto, the OTHER clone of Mew. The one that was supposedly "failed". I've been here since 2012. Previously, I had taken the form of a Pikachu. And for the longest time, my identity as a ditto was an uneasily kept secret. (I hope you can forgive my dishonesty.)
{Leeshino} Leeshino
AW! Why would you punch my face off?! *cough* Welcome to my profile! I'm {Leeshino}, and my real name is "Alexandre". My actual favourite games on Wii U are : Super Mario Maker and Mario Kart 8. You can play and stars my levels in SMM and you can also join me in MK8. Here's my activity : Happiness ★★★★☆ Angry ★☆☆☆☆ Funniness ★★★★☆ Annoying ★☆☆☆☆ Hope ya'll have a nice day! \(^o^)/
Brandon gagebr
Miiverse ends today RIP People I'll miss: Jos DerpJacob Kyle Venoct Laurzy Daniel Mii King Moon Little Bee Greenvolt and much more. Check my following list if you want to chat on a cord.
Gluttony 184712cool
The apple ate the frog and the watermelon ate the apple and the tomato ate the watermelon and the tomato was eaten by the humans.
Quacker 2 Whoisthatmemurry
Quacker's Ds mii
hanyikydye cfujiki
皆さん、こんにちは♪最近、ロシア語にハマっている主です♪ イカップルをしたことがないのでしたいと言う方はいつでも言ってください!募集中ですっ♥ *リア友* こゆ♪ あんな(ミバのなかといったら) です♥*募集しています(泣)* #ミバ親友#イカップル(やる人を)#フォロー #フレンド(ミバ友)#私としゃべってくれる人 #イカップルの内容を説明してくれる方(教えて~) プラベ&タッグも募集中♪荒らしはNO!です。 #ずっ友会員(募集中♥)#入ってくだせぇ 銀たま大好き♥沖田そうごが好き! 男の人がやるゲーム #ドラクエ #ファイナルファンタジー #ファンタジーライフ などは分かります*^ω^* 以下が良い人はフォロー&フォロー待ってま~す♥
alex alejandrogelio
hola a todos comeestan ! kieren ser mis amigos kiero saber cual es tu juego favorito el mio es super mario maker :v <3 todos pueden ser mis amig@ pliz llegemos alos 100 amigo@s ez un reto a completar osino elmo save donde vives :V jajajaja mentirajajajaja no es sierto es verdad <3
sammy samstrader3DS_2
Sammy's 2nd 3DS Miiverse profile _________________________ Favorite Mario games: Mario Kart 7, 8, 8 deluxe, Mario Party: Top 100, Smash Bros. Wii U 3DS Favorite Mario characters: Mario, Luigi, Rosalina, Yoshi, Pink Gold Peach Favorite Smash Bros. characters: Kirby, Link, Cloud, Captain Falcon, Pit, Sonic Favorite Smash Bros. songs Mute City v.3♪ Green Greens v.2♪ Lost Levels Melody♪
Bee Tashh_B
Tacos KYLOrenN.o.r
Hai Dont look at me go away Stop reading this leave me alone plz stop i said go away plz dont do this Enjoy your life
たかひろ Takahiro1005
はじめましての方ははじめまして!!! たかひろ と申します。まず、プロフィールをどうぞ! *プロフィール* ・名前:たかひろ ・性別:男 ・部活:バドミントン ・年齢:13(中1) ・好きな食べ物:うなぎ,シーザーサラダ ・嫌いな食べ物:トマト,ゴーヤ ・趣味:PC,ゲーム,動画を観る ・好きなアニメ:ネト充のすすめ,干物妹!うまるちゃんR,あの花 ・お気に入りの映画:君の名は。,ソードアート・オンライン(SAO) HoneyWorks好きです! [注意]ダメ人間です(´・ω・`) 落とす物に関しては重力なんていらねとか思っています((どうかしてる(確信) ま、とりあえず宜しくお願いしますゾい ver:
いか 1101yushin
Renata gueller
Hola amigos yo soy amistosa generosa etc Amigos:Meli:D Leonel LILY PIPA Lesli Sweety Boswald Nestor Dad Mathigames Neithan Scar.gam.c y Josh Son los mejores amigos de la vida los amo a todos :B:):-)**~**
Caribbean★ Stepharh
Salut je suis Clais et je cherches des amis sur Splatoon !
Riisu Riisu1
Hey i'm Riisu , and i'm from the uk. My favourite things are gaming, movies, anime / manga and art. Favourite games so far (Nintendo) Yoshi's island (snes) Ocarina of time (N64/3DS) Luigi's mansion & Mario sunshine (Gamecube) Wind waker (Gamecube/wii u) Every pokemon ever! (even the bad ones) Favourite anime so far: Every Studio ghibli movie Parasyte Claymore Watamote kimi ni todoke AOT NHK
<——сιαгα—— ClaCla2904
Hellow ! ~.• Moi c'est Clara, j'ai 12 ans ½, Je suis en 5°6 !;) Dédi à mes amis : Jade ma bff , Jordan , Mia , et tout les autres ! N'ésite pas à t'abonner mon ptit chamallow !! ;3 Merci aux +270 abonnés ! ^.^ Moi jme note pas avec des étoiles , chui pas un hôtel ;) #ContreLaFermetureDeMiiverse!
★СΗΙDΔΙΖH☆ DiegoTemores
Hello Welcome to my profile my name is Childish well my nintendo name it stands for childishfilly. Favorite Game:Splatoon Age:NAH Favorite Food:anything ._.
COーDAににたひと tensaiharuma
どうも!COーDAににたひとです! ミーバース終了まで、これからも頑張ります! *自己紹介* 【名前】 安藤大優←あんどうはるま 【年齢と学年】12歳の中学1年生 【好きなこと】ゲーム 【嫌いなこと】勉強、宿題 【買っている犬】ポッチ、コロ (どっちもオスです) 【将来の夢】ユーチューバー 【好きな食べ物】1位,ハンバーグ 2位,ビーフシチュー 3位,マンゴー 【嫌いな食べ物】1位,納豆 2位,パクチー 3位,トマト 【最近の趣味】マイクラ 【好きなゲーム】妖怪ウォッチ、マリオ、マイクラ 【好きなユーチューバー】COーDAさん 僕のフォロワーに、弟の[ひろくん]もいるので、 そちらのほうも見つけてくれると嬉しいです! こんな僕ですが、どうぞよろしくお願いします! 【記入日2017年10月7日】
οм¢☆Seb☆ supermariobash
Welcome to my profile! let's be best friends restrictions: 3 Follow me, i follow you! iam kind i use miiverse mostly. i like drawing Thx for stopping by.;) P.S. I do Wii U chat but no spam call plus, I am co leader of ом¢ Also, I am 13! Feel free to send a you know what!!!!! My favorite games are MC and COD:G I watch yt I play MC most. My dream is to make lots of friends! Have a good day!!!!
røi joss josselin12
Garrett gamemaster2112
Hello! I'm Garrett. I play video games, and I do drawings for part time. What's my favorite food? ''PIZZA!'' My favorite video game franchise? ''All of the above.'' I sometimes do Wii U Chat. Game on, everyone!
XQuackerX asthatbeenmurry
Mario Maker Addicted- 2YMM/ 1YMM Level Creator Approved by Kiavik
Markus vulkanmaus68
Viel Spaß auf meinem Wii U Miiverse Profil ^^ Vielen Dank für 413 Folger
Sh Angel Thomascaillet
AIE ! je suis Freddy ne rate pas mes message et me demande dans un des mes message qu'on soit amis et je joue a mmk et mk8 et splatoon enfin bref si tu veux des etoiles mario maker demande moi et je les ferais avec grand plesir aller salut
Hello my name is Beano,Beaniebum and Beanz (they are all my nicknames). I am a kind person and I ...
Hello my name is Beano,Beaniebum and Beanz (they are all my nicknames). I am a kind person and I like playing Zelda games. I am also a boy. Many people mistake my gender.
My top 5 favourite games on the WIIU are:
1. The Legend of Zelda Breath Of The Wild
2. The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker
3. Mario Kart 8
4. Splatoon
5. Nintendo Land