Users υмм★кιегдл Is Following
#RYDERDOG# Ryman74
hello my friends like a shooting star in the spot light im Ryder sills with my bey sharpedo thats right!!!!
LinkStorXD nintenpikmin1302
He aquí el Miiverse de su aventurero favorito del universo XD Juegos: TLOZ ALTTP, Minecraft, Pikmin 3, SM3DW, Nintendo Land, y más
Dannyh09 dannyh09
#1 level maker in the UK in Super Mario Maker with over 375,000 stars! 2nd in Europe and 14th Worldwide! Danny Super Ultrathon Completers: Bruhhhhhh Kirby Jimmy Ruds_Labs Leith Ash K Kieran DTM Kyle Trey Tyler Duo-Face
Sam mazemaker
Hey Miiverse! my name's Sam My favorite video games are Mario Maker and MK8 :) SMM Achievements 5000 stars 9-6-17 regional weekly 10 medals! MK8 Achievements 5000 VR! Thanks for reading! & R.I.P miiverse 2017
Leah danibritleah
i need some friends to play games wit
Hugø CreatorHugo2
Goodbye Miiverse Goodbye Friends You're all going to be missed :'(
owen stormtrooper185
Hi! I mostly play Mario Maker, or anthing Mario. My current favorite is Nintendo Badge Arcade. Goose Gliding for Dayz. Let's make Goose Gliding a meme..
мίσ sergioa1204
OCT 4th is my LAST DAY! welp, its been alright for the past few years. I UNFRIENDED EVERYONE! It was a hard choice.
********** eckosones
darby a darbyantle
Hello! I am Darby and I love video games.
Joseph jtsmariofanblue
Hi my favorite color is blue. My favorite games are super mario, zelda, monopoly, disney, mario&sonic at the london 2012 olimpic games, and lego. My favorite sport is basketball. My favorite pet is a dog.The games I own for Wii U are Super Mario Maker, The Legend of Zelda:Wind Waker (which doesn't work), Mariokart 8, NSMBU (which also doesn't work, probably because it has a scratch),
{Leeshino} Leeshino
AW! Why would you punch my face off?! *cough* Welcome to my profile! I'm {Leeshino}, and my real name is "Alexandre". My actual favourite games on Wii U are : Super Mario Maker and Mario Kart 8. You can play and stars my levels in SMM and you can also join me in MK8. Here's my activity : Happiness ★★★★☆ Angry ★☆☆☆☆ Funniness ★★★★☆ Annoying ★☆☆☆☆ Hope ya'll have a nice day! \(^o^)/
GK Guilty_Yohane
Profile comment hidden by admin.
♪Pιxel purplepixelss
yo yo ♪ i play games and jazz like that 8bit games are real gr8 \(º ″˙ˇ˙″)/
ManlyFabio Fawesomeguy
Hi, it's-a-me, Fabio! I'm 18 years old and I love gaming, which probably surprises you since I'm on Miiverse. My favourite games: -Mother -Kirby -Donkey Kong Country -Super Mario I also write the (not so) famous Evil Club series. Current theme: A new memey cast Oh yeah, and I'm autistic. Autistic and proud.
снгίς★άļť★ Sauron18
Hi guys! This is снгίς's alt account! I will use this account if my main runs out of posts, to see YT videos! Check my main in my following list!
ρς†Ðαηιзł♪ Dandan29012
Ouch!My face :( Hi How are you! ςρłατφσπ маïη ★ ραπκακες ★ †βξςт ƒгïεηdz† Jojo βιгd τнιι εαгτн Jιπχ ωσσмψ βφι чςς ςςк łūсας ςтоям βгаψdεπ εġġ κгJεςчς Ναηι JαΨ ωσφмΨ? τςчηαмι σгαηgэ ς гаик I might be in a ☆ргινατε βαττιε☆ ●ρς● ■Professional Squids■ ▲Clan▼ →вуз вуз←
yoshistars Tess1962
This user's profile comment is private.
Kou yuichi-ikimichi
皆さんこんにちは。 公式のルールを守る、マリオメーカーの職人です。 コースを作っている時はギミック系がメインですが、(テイルズオブの)演奏コースもたまに作っています。コースを遊んでいる時はよくタイムアタックをやっています。 よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m PS: 友達申請は一切受け付けていません、ご了承ください。 PPS: 日本のアカウントもあります。 Hello, I'm a builder in Mario Maker and I focus on gimmicks, but I do ("Tales of") music courses as well. I am also a time attacker when playing. Thanks for reading. PS: I don't accept friend requests.
lucas sammiek118
heylo people name luke and if ya have the transformers prime game you can part of the tournament of challenges and p.s dont be a hater cause ur all winners in my eyes
-noah- TheAmazingNoah88
I broke my leg... :-( You can wiiU chat me to see my cast. HEY! I am a 15 year old gamer (yes i recently had a birthday.) and i like Action Adventure and RPG style games. Right now I can't stop playing Pokémon Sun and Minecraft. I will accept all the friend requests you give me... But sometimes I am slow... Also i don't make posts every day, ESPECIALY with school starting soon.
Optimize supersegakid
Hi guys it's me Segakid. And I like playing games like Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Sonic, Minecraft, Splatoon and all great games. I'm also pretty good at video games and it will be great to meet you all. Best friends: awesomeroxz Xmaster1 ˘\(^♡^)/˘ (·˛·) (îσî)
Toñito luis_antonio2016
HOPE★コック® 0708cock
どうも!HOPE★コック®です! 2015年12月27日マリオメーカーを始めました! 所属チーム ↓ +SS+ (ゆずまさんのチーム) фSMф (ホームズさんのチーム) ZTS (CARPさんのチーム) スペード♪(副隊長) (ザーガさんのチーム) 全自動、半自動の会 (レインボーさんのチーム) HOPE★ (オーロラさんのチーム) Lime (もちぐーさんのチーム) Ray (hakuさんのチーム) 革命 (ごろーんさんのチーム) です。 暇な時がほとんどなので気軽に話しかけて下さい! よろしくお願いします! (11月6日更新)
BigBrother BestBigBrotha
マロ (11/04) zaretter
マリオメーカー楽しいよ! (English follows:Last Updated 2016/10/23) ※名前はマロです。マロの後ろに何かついてることが多いですが、基本マロと呼んでいただければと思います。 (XX/YY)が付いているときは、マリオメーカーでその日にコースを投稿しています。 (busy)が付いているときは、リアルが忙しい状態です。ミーバース上での活動はできてもゲームのプレイはしていない、あるいは不定期な状態です。 I'm Malo. It writes マロ in Japan. (XX/YY) means I posted new course in Mario Maker in XX/YY. (busy) means I'm busy now. Perhaps I can't accept your request.
Emma エマ ButterbeanSquirt
I am a 12 year old girl who is closely monitored by her parents while on the Wii U and 3DS. I like Splatoon,Pokemon,Five Nights at Freddy's,DBZ,and Naruto. My favorite animal is a wolf My favorite food is sushi I LOVE drawing I accept drawing requests. WARNING: Cyber will eat you if you get any closer. Seriously, he's evil. Congratulations!You survived. Take some icecream
たいめし kankun7777
я¢м★Tомás Dublin2001
Hi! Im Tomás and Im 16. Im just an Irish bloke who trashposts in NSLUC and loves Nintendo. 23k VR in MK | Clans: vχ, oм¢, я¢м I have 275+ stars in SMM! I play Smash Bros and Pokken. Message me if u wanna play. Im a Kaizo SMM player Block me = You Win I have owned a GCN, Wii and DS lite I love Geometry Dash Kronos#6838 (you know) Thanks for stopping by :)
ちょくげき仝ー f.r_f.n
ロンタム使いの直撃全一です。調子良い時と悪い時の差が激しいです。 腕前は、S+です。 まぁ、ロンタム使いって言ってもわかばとか、リッター、スシコラも使います!(ìーí)♭ ガチマッチは、エリアが嫌いです。 あ、フレンド募集中です!w フレンドさんとタグマやプラベ、出来たらなぁって思います!! フォローされたら気付き次第返します! 宜しくお願いしまーす!(*`▽´*) カーボーーーーーーーーーーーーーーン^^
EgonVM EgonVM
Hey, I'm Kieran.
School and homework take a lot of time. I'm in Pre-algebra so I get lots of hom...
Hey, I'm Kieran.
School and homework take a lot of time. I'm in Pre-algebra so I get lots of homework. I'm not online too much anymore during the week, but weekends I still am my old self.
SMM: 8K★s
MK8: 5K √R