chocolate's Followers
nick Nicklieo
}KS♂Emile{ EGT_Gaming
Welcome To My Profile! About Me: ~ Splatoon 2 is my fav game ~ Current Main Clan: }SSR{ ~ Best Friends: Chris, Sesome, Nathan, Mikayla, Jeydan, Xetris, WFM ~ Splatoon 2 Stats: Level: 43 Rainmaker: S+ Splat Zones: S+ Tower Control: S+ Mains: Hero Charger Replica / Jet Squelcher / Hero Shot Replica Well, thats it! Cya! :D
Zachary zakkman1224
Hi I'm Zakk! -10 yrs old -Likes Pizza, Nintendo Switch And Pokemon! -Has a 3ds and wiiu - Sisters Profile is MewMaddy -Best Friends Profile is jessaboo8 -In 5th grade! Thanks For Reading. Ur still here! Go Away Plz! Bye You Can leave now
ribynon*9* dimondrubycat69
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Waluigi waluigi556
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luigi MushroomUp
Welcome to my profile!
Mario polskiinternet
Hi guys is me Mario And Go Start And This Is My New User Click In My Old User PL Czešc Jestem Mario i To Jest Mój Nowy Profil Kliknij Na Mój Stary Profil 1985-2017 © Nintendo Co.‚Lid.
tdog2233 btate20
#DABMAKER# marlon123456cool
Hallo ich spiele am liebsten Minecraft... (●) (●) Wollt ihr mit mir coole ▼ sachen spielen? ( ___________) wenn ihr wollt, schickt mir eine freundesanfrage!!! was wollt ihr dann mit mir zocken? und nen' yeah geben wäre sehr nett! \(º•°)/ ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤†††††††‡‡‡‡‡‡‡¶¶¶¶¶¶¶§§§§§§§¿¿¿¿¿¿¿√√√√√√√®®®®®®®©©©©©©©©©©©™™™™™™™™¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢£££=cool
Owen BaterBoom
Salut bienvenue sur mon profil.
Jöşë Ļųΐş coolboyrl
Hello I'm José I also speak spanish and I want everyone to know that I am happy to have alot of friends so here's a little info 'bout me. Best Friend (ID): steckle77 #1 BFF (ID): badboyrl All time Friend(s) (Nickname) (at least 5): #1, Ъâď◆Joel, #2, Luke-ario, #3, Jordan, #4, Sonic, and last but not least #5,Jose!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for going to my PROFILE!!!!!!! :) and Mimi W., a friend
kash KashSxyy
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CardianMvp cameronloyal
Welcome Miiverse, my name is cardian and i like mario games. I'm part of the nintendo 3ds family, but it doesn't there. So, please follow me or I might follow you. I have millions of posts.Thank you! Have a nice day !!!
A–Thon X A-Thon_X
Who is that mysterious A-Thon X? Nobody knows for sure. We do know that he seems to enjoy those funny books and the vidya games. His favorite games r Conduit, Vexx, and all nintendo stuff. his favorite movie is Dawn of the Dead, and his favorite books (not counting stephen kings') are Animal Farm and 1984. He seems to fancy himself as something of an artist, but this is purely balderdash!
£いちごオレ£ Noriaki0821
ゆうた DRASAN0413
おはようございます、こんにちは、こんばんは。 ---------------切り取り線--------------- プロフィール↓ 名前 ゆうた 誕生日4/13 好きな食べ物 カレーライス、 カツカレー、ハヤシライス、など。 特技 アスレチック鬼ごっこ! 好きな色 赤色、水色 好きなYouTuber ヒカキンさん、カズさん、 Fischer'sさんなどなど。 好きな実況者さん ちはやさん、CO-DAさん、明日香さん ちゃあさんなどなど。 ※フレンドリクエストは、受け付けません。 宜しくお願いしマンモスマンモス。 ---------------切り取り線--------------- では、最後にジャンケン! 最初は、グー、ジャンケン… ※下にスライドして下さい。 チョキ!! どうだったかなぁ。週1で、変えるかも… まったねー。(´^ω^`)イェイ バイバイ♪
daniel danielwilliamson
SpookyPi PirateFox03
Pookie Lil.Aaron07
hi everyone my name is Aaron jr I love videogames my birthday day is October the 9th I love minecraft and I live in Elizabeth city if you want to be my friend I appreciate it I get Lonely some times my goal is to become a video game master and become a youtuber and get 2,000 subscibers and my favorite games are super smash bros. , lego marvel avengers and mincraft I do not have the switch
prune Popcorn1095
things about me, i like steven universe undertale my fave characters are sans papyrus mettaton nabstablook final froggit alphys undyne and my fave gems on su are amythest peridot lapis sapphire bismuth yellow diomond games i play are undertale tranformice :sanscipher animal jam: amithest msp:bruizerfangirl and peace!
awsome tacopieguy
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Nicomousse Fow.Fox.Foz
Hey, demander moi en ami et abonnez-vous j'accepte tout le monde ! Je m'appelle Nicolas et j'ai 13 ans. J'espère me faire des amis très vite et partager des expériences sur des jeux partagés/communs !!!! Je suis gentils et très social !!! Je ne suis pas timide et engage la discussion très vite quand j'ai le temps !!!
TailsFox05 isaiah1992
What Is Up My Foxes it Tails!! I like Mario, Luigi,Sonic, Tails, Kirby,Kunckles,Yoshi,Diddy Kong,and Shadow I love Video Games Like Mario Kart 8,Mario and Sonic at the Rio 2016,and More!!Tails,Sonic,Kirby,Diddy Kong,Yoshi,and Kunckles are My Favorite Characters Cause They are Awesome!!My Favorite TV Shows are The Loud House,Havery Beaks,Sonic X and Boom,and Wayside!! Have a Great Summer!!(H.A.G.S)
julio belkin.191
Iam a good and cool person
Hi Everyone This My Profile as u can see so lets get to the facts My Favorite Food Chicken,Refried Beans and Pizza My Games,Splatoon Minecraft Super Mario 3D Land And More Fav YTERS FaZe_Apex,DanTDM,MyLifeAsArii=My cousons channel Clans: DX:Member мςv:member V:member VP:Leader Update Disclaimer:I am moving to Georgia Soon ill be off and also i am turning of accept friend request
phaze213 phaze213
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Sans bgilliland
heya wanna have a bad time
Brandy halo.cum
Folgst du mir Folg ich dir
DaDerpTaco BigBroProBrandon
hi am nice if you wnat to be my friend you can no willu chat pls and friend superkid bradly jay jay zero seth michi have fun!
Jaz DarkKnight15x
Whats Up! This Is Jazzy! Im a very cool person to hang out with! I will be playing games like Terraria , Batman Arkham Origins, Minecraft, The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker, Splatoon, and Injustice! I Have Some Of The BEST FRIENDS In The World! AshLionpro, rolipoli123, CGSBOY, and Guineapig2005. I Also Loved The Lego Batman Movie And Guarians of the galaxy Vol. 1 and 2! BATMAN OUT *drops the mic.*
XarTario YouTuberGhost
Welcome to my profile! Most Important Rule: STOP IGNORING ME EVERY TIME WHILE I'M GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TDM TDimondMinecart
Welcome to my profile Prepare for disappointed: I'm not the real Dan TDM!!:'-(
Mario Mushoom123
Welcome to my profile.
DAIYA hakaishinfugo
こんにちは、DAIYAです! スプラトゥーンやってます! 特にチャージャー使ってます!(個人的に、神武器!) 話が変わりますが、 好きなメンバーは、三代目とEXILE(劇団EXILEも)、ジェネ、E-girls、PKCZです! この前は、今言ったメンバーが出演している、HiGH&LOWのライブに行きました! テレビや映画、実際にライブで見た人なら分かると 思いますが、とても迫力があってメンバー全員見れたのでとても良かったです!
pj/jordan 1F90C0ACEE
EYO NINTENDO FANS! :-p My name is PJ/JORDAN and heres some things you need to know about me! I play saxophone ♪♪♭ @ I play icehockey @ good artist but dont really do art on wii u :'-( @ Favorite games on wii u(^o^) ssb4, splat, mk8,@ I dont do WII U chat srry :'( Any ways BAI!# GO STAT!
☆★GGBROS★☆ pistachichachi
hola mi nombre es Giovanni pero mis amigos me llaman gio, Tengo 11 años y me gusta ver videos en youtube jugar Super mario Maker Si quieren ser mis amigos solo comentenlo XD soy amigable me gustan los perros y los gatos y amo a los hamsters yo tenia uno :`) 100% swag #DOGETHEKAWAIIDOG :P
Austin ZodiacMaster101
Tyler triplets27
Hey my name is Tyler, I'm a nice guy, I'm a grown man. I'm in love with a girl and her name is Ariana Grande. She is the most beautiful girl that I've ever seen in my life. I love Ariana Grande with all my heart and soul and I promised to love her forever. My favorite character is Waluigi. Waluigi is my number 1 favorite character that I've played all the time.
temmie sarinalulu
WASSUP BUTTERBEANS (g) MEOW IS HERE YEAH YEAH SO HEY … YOU TOUCHED MY FACE RIGHT COOL (it really hurts please don't press me that hard) NOW YOU CAN LOOK AROUND AND STUFF .AND IF YOU LIKE WHAT I DO YOU FOLLOW ME OR YOU CAN FOLLOW ME FOR OTHER REASONS!!!!! but if you want to see then be determined to go down hey almost there!
Mario Thrillville7
Its a me Mario!
WW☆Bowser★ Truegamer07
be a gamer rights cool im truegamerO7 I love minecraft it I love friend I love 1 one more sister but she die and 2 brothers we had one more brother but he died I love mom And dad And Jay And Friends Jakeriley in my sister have a in boyfriend kenny Friend Key And I love Friend think you And friend Roy im 13
grenn grennn
hello everyone my name is grenn have a wonderful day.l also love my dog. She is a little dog. I love her so much. l am also a a very good video game player. l love super mario world. I am a master at all doom games!!!! I am still a loyal nintendo player. Have a nice day. Good luck to all.