Users Asui Tsuyu Is Following
JDRider02 Fruitgamer02
I'll try not to make much of a mess while I'm here... No random friend requests unless I have personal interest in you (not saying you're bad or anything, we just haven't found a good enough commodity)
sofa mango Em-Aari
Hey! My name is sofa-mango! -I like gaming and talking with friends -I like any type of games... -If you follow, I will follow back -take drawing request. -love drawing pokemon Merry Christmas! 'w' That is all my good miiversians, have a good one!
The boss pogues2332
Hi I love superheros starwars minecraft vidoio games and movies and much more please friend me if you like injuiste super smash and minecraft and I love nintendo no grifers or I kick you! So when I tell you no tnt and fire and lava I mean it.I also love comic books, cartoons and Harry Potter.My faviote holiday is Chrismas and Hallween(For the candy).I like to make jokes.Follower goal 200
»——κατz——› KirstenKatz
Hi! You can call me Katz, Or Kirsten. I love cheerleading, Playing Minecraft, Swimming, And hanging out with friends! If you have any drawing requests, let me know! Bye!
Max derpymax
Hey! I'm Max, 12 years old! As you can see, I'm a pretty avid SMM player, which is one of my favourite games! I make many unique and different levels! That's All!
Gamer236 deonc81
Hi! I'm A new user from SuperDude! Im His Spare/Gaming User! I Suggest All Users That followed Superdude Should follow me. P.S. Im the same person with the same Wii U.
NintendoMe QueenMeeMee3
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アタッカーやぎどん 463926
βossMαη Boss-Man-Gaming
Hey guys! Right now, I play Smash, Mario Maker and Zelda mostly. Some of my (bad) speedrun times: Zelda OOT 3D Any% NG+ 38:51 Any% 45:53
Lebootski drichard1981
I am a Mario Maker addict!
Dannyh09 dannyh09
#1 level maker in the UK in Super Mario Maker with over 375,000 stars! 2nd in Europe and 14th Worldwide! Danny Super Ultrathon Completers: Bruhhhhhh Kirby Jimmy Ruds_Labs Leith Ash K Kieran DTM Kyle Trey Tyler Duo-Face
Mavman Mavmandude
Because it's a barrel, and a roll! Get it? *crickets chirp* Anyway, welcome to my profile! I mostly just post whatever random nonsense comes to my mind. Games I've been playing recently: Paper Mario Color Splash; Breath of the Wild (Switch); Splatoon. Complete list of games I've played: [See favorite communities]
GabrielTGM GabrielSara
Hello. I upload posts sometimes.. I still can't leave Miiverse Remaining posts/comments: 0 (HAXX!)
◇yuu◇S+ yuukou5024
よろしくおねがいします! だれでもいいよ、フレンドよろしく一! みんなフォ口一してね100%かえすよー フォ口一1000人でかえせなかったら、すみません フォロー600ありがとー
Chandler OshawottZGamer
Hi! my name is Chandler! I create games. I like Pokemon, Five Nights at Freddy's, Undertale, JackSepticEye, DashieXP, Dragon Ball Z, Powerpuff Girls, Freedom Planet, Naruto, Mario Bros, Adventure Time, Star Fox, South Park, Soul Eater, The Wii U, AND MUCH MORE! Follow me for more please! I want to try and get 1,000 followers on Miiverse!
Mario Master_VHY
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NLM★Gleπ★ Supr_G
Hi im Glen Medrano. Im a 15 year old teen who loves Mario. Im an Experienced Maker in SMM. I have 9400★'s. [Lets see if I can get 10,000 by the end of the year.] Im also a Big Sonic fan! "Way past cool!" Miiverse ends in 6 hours. Goodbye guys! I will miss you all. Been using Miiverse since January 1st, 2016-November 8, 2017. Im president and leader of a clan NLM (Next Level Makers)
Segatendo Seganimator
Welcome to my profile! You have entered a world of complete awesomeness and randomness! But wait, There's more! I am currently taking Requests for drawings and Super Mario Maker levels! That's all folks! Thats all... FINE! I want Undertale on WiiU and 3DS! Miiverse Milestones: First Follower: Kaellyn First Friend: KaytchJam Fiftieth Follower: iky Hundredth Follower: Brian
Kiara KiaraFaith
Hi! I play Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Tomodachi Life, Pokemon Sun, and More! I Like... •Animal Crossing •A boy ς•ω•)ς •Pokemon (B&B2/W&W2, X/Y, S/M) •Drawing •Swimming •Reading (When I'm вояеď) •Being Weird •Potatoez •Stuff Thats all there is to it. BTW, why don'tcha' hit that "Follow" button up there? ¯\ô¬õ)/¯
Bunnehs Enderkikx
Hey! Bunnehs the Furfrou obsessed Pikmin enthusiast here to post about Pikmin! I'm just a 15-year-old boy who loves gaming and drawing. My favourite video game series are Pokémon and Pikmin! I main Olimar in SSB4! Feel free to send me an FR! Make sure I know you though, otherwise I may reject it! My ACNL Dream Address is, er... I haven't updated it in forever, so it doesn't have one. Whoops!
Arvera mmajktell
Fire Emblem Fates/Stella Glow/Halo 5/Uncharted are the BEST games EVER!!*^-^* i luv anime, one of my favorites is Chivalry of a failed knight. ma real b-day is 4/4/02 I'm also a Catholic, TEAM JESUS ftw Lucina is waifu Thx for 30+ followers! *^-^* this seems petty compared to the people with about 500+
Shano♪ SuperCoolGal
Welcome to... ‘Da Shanolicious♪ $wég Association!’ Pokémaniac,16,UNSTABLE,lives 'n' loooves life♪ Yeahs & Follows ⇒ ^¬^ TERRIFIC Miiverse Fam: Lizzie, Ronika, KÐ∞|πƒiпiΤ, SSLGRabbit, ZARRIAH↓↑↓, EnvyIvyWoo,Cowboy, δεαħàωκς POKÉMON GENERATIONS‹3 *Slaps a hi 5!* ( to cheek if rude, to hand if cool♪ ¦} ) Enjoy ur stay! ^-^
cнαгιiε tacosoccer11
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MIIVERSE! Follow me on : Colors! Gallery @chardog201 to stay in touch! I will forever miss you! -Charlie
pikachu epikdood
Have a wonderful day everyone! If you follow me then I will follow you back! Friend request me and we can play some games sometime. †Proud to be Christian†
ash AshNeymar
Hi I am Ashley. I love sugar, sports, music, video games and Neymar jr! Visit Sean, Harry potter, and whoever I follow ( look at my followers ). Please follow me. I love talking about sports with people and I love being in clubs. Also if you have animal crossing and/or tormodachi life please tell me and we can talk.Also I love giveing and/or getting tips on those 2 games and lots more!
Danmo DanMelon
Ohay. Its me Danmox.
Kayla KayKay109
Kayla here♡♥ Yeah my post.... even if you don't like em'. Is that too much to ask Lol. Hey do it hit that Follow button I'll follow ya back. I'll post when I really have something to share. Remember be your self cause that probably the best thing to be, love the life ya live!♡♥ Kayla Out! bai...♥♡ Remember follow4follow P.s. I do RP
»—ιεмση–› rayrayrox4000
It Has Been Fun! I need to let this place go! But goodbye i hope we meet again another day.
Annabelle GoobyMorgan
HARRY POTTER RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #Luna Fan also my post with the most yeahs I will put as my favorite
Harry P HarryYiPotter
If you want to join the Harry Potter club, let me know. Well, I gotta go. Snape will take any reason to put Ron, Hermione, and I in trouble. And we are going to try to avoid Malfoy. Ahh too late! "Expelliarmus!" And of course there's Snape now... Better go guys, catcha later. (mutters to self "now where's my invisibility cloak? Ron, Hermione, come help me before Snape comes towards us!")
Harry P. HarryP-Club
Hello i'm Harry Potter and welcome to the Harry Potter club! This club is all about the Harry Potter books and movies.How to join? Just follow then wait for me to review your profile and if i think your a fan then i'll comment on your latest post and tell you if you've made it in the club or not.Well see you later proffeser Mcgonanal dosn't want me and Ron to be late agian.Bye!!!
sean seancz
★s★potatos Potatoes2477
hello there im potatoes!!nice to meet ya!i am one of the leaders of the Alpha's,my catchphrase is "POTATOES!!!"and well i hate walls!my favorite color is blue,i like games like pokemon, yo-kai a kind and sweet person and i enjoy helping and cheering up others i like to spread joy and make people laugh and i try with all in my power to stop bullying wherever i see it.well have nice day!
Http.Niyah princessniyah19
Shoutout to the people who won or participated in this two truths and 1 lie THANKS
lil`kiwi tisopulos
You rock and I rock so follow me! P.S. Harry Potter is my life!!! Hi guys! I don't really know what to say..... Sorry for not posting! I have a Wiiu and 3ds but I only have one account. I am horrible at drawing so don't come here for art. I love to RP and I want to thank you for following me! Thanks for 40 followers! Have an awesome day! (:
*Ginger~* animerocks214
EH, WHY NOT *A progressing artist with very poor time management *I never update this thing *Rainbows r cool :) *The living beings i follow are 10x better than me. Go follow them //extra space here
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hi im james and i love games like mario, sonic,megamam,picmin,splattoon and i alsolove playing ba...
hi im james and i love games like mario, sonic,megamam,picmin,splattoon and i alsolove playing basketball!