Users ★John★ Is Following
Layzie Dalayzie1
Im Layzie and.......umm..........hmm.................uhh.............well?........................thats about it Age: Twenty-something In Las Vegas Want ARKHAM KNIGHT / FALLOUT 4 Follow me as I lead a path of happiness and delicious waffles HAHA :D If you want me to follow you, just YELL AT ME I also own a XB360 and 3DS
* 316279
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ふぅや♪ pikutan-27
今までマリメやミバなどで知り合った方へ 今はほとんどドラクエXやってます。サービス終了なので、もう会えないでしょう。 マリオはもう来ないと思います。 今までありがとうございました^^
SR|Eмilia ShadowLiink
Hi. My name is Emilia, I'm just another person who enjoys wasting time playing video games for children. I especially like the series of TLoZ, Mario & Sonic, but generally play anything Nintendo related. I currently reside in Denmark where I study mathematics and software engineering. Other interests include music, cartoons, movies, sports & sleeping. Eng/Esp MK8: dBP: 5th EU BC: 8th EU 74K VR
JZ omgthenlol
Lydon ayeitslydon
Hey, my name is Lydon. I'm 15 years old. Welcome to my Miiverse profile. I mainly play on the Switch now, but I will occasionally play on the Wii U. 99999 VR reached Nov 6th, 2015. 78th worldwide, 16th USA, 1st Massachusetts. VR2 reached Apr 24th, 2017. 16th worldwide, 2nd USA, 1st Massachusetts. That's all. See you around.
Blake jets128
Hello my name is Brent. I'm 11 years old if you want to be my friend leave me a message.
Tim sc00py
Tommy TommyLavi
Hi everybody on Miiverse. I'm huge Nintendo fan and I play games such as Mario, Zelda and more. I don't have 3DS, but I have of course Wii U, Dsixl and even original Wii. If you want chat with me on Miiverse, go ahead, don't be shy. You can add me on your friends list.
LoganD Logans3DS
HI I AM Logan and let's have a lot of followers like 1000 followers and ef you follow me I will follow you and you are cool oh and I am a Sonic and Mario fan. its over 9000!!!! party if we have 300 followers
Joshk Javenger99
My posts are random, but more recently have just been Mario Maker Levels. Sometimes I'll post random comments on games I'm playing. :P
Skywalker Voltaire27
keep it tight
Kresz Bobo Pecanek
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Hi. My name is John. I'm 15 years old, and I love to play games, especially Mario. That's all the...
Hi. My name is John. I'm 15 years old, and I love to play games, especially Mario. That's all there is to know about me, so send me a friend request if you want, or check out my posts! Peace out Miiverse ★