Recent Play Journal Entries
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Goodbye mii
This place will soon be gone although it has never been. Can you and I ever hope someday to see its like again? I'll miss the good people behind inklings and kindn...
Hi! I am a big Splatoon fan. I am also a big fan of Gojira, or Godzilla. I like the way Gojira ke...
Hi! I am a big Splatoon fan. I am also a big fan of Gojira, or Godzilla. I like the way Gojira keeps going. He never gives up. I also like to keep on trying. Hope you have a great day and remember..keep on going!
Oh and sorry no wii u chat...
See Happy Mii
こんにちは! 私は大きなSplatoonファンです。 私もゴジラの大ファンです
¡Hola! Soy un gran fan de Splatoon. También soy un gran fan de Gojira.