DerpyGamer's Friends
Pixel Guy Pixel7364
Starstorm CringeNet
Lance SonicTheAmish
Hooba Dooba
Pulse Overlander_20
Tasty TheLevel9
Hi People!
Owen bmorisset1
GanonTwo GanonTwo
Blues Blues_96
It's Blues here! I mostly play Smash and Splatoon on the Wii U... That's pretty much it PS, someone buy me a Switch :c
Mchammer Sonic06hater
6rew 6rewSubscribe
nicholas nicholas272
super mario bro U
jerms J_Awad
Dante Shannubik
Hola! Mi nombre es Dante♪ Me encanta jugar Smash y me gustan los juegos de aventuras y acción..... Mis personajes favoritos son: Link, Marth, Ike, Roy,Shulk, Zelda, Cloud, Lucina, Robin y otros más ☆☆☆
tj swegdog14
Derrion SliceNdice407
I'm just a teen-ager who's good at smash
Jono Jjose561
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Jake WookieGamer36
Jabez SuperLuigiXD
I love fun and a challenge! I mainly play shooters but I do enjoy the occasional RPG or Platformer. I am a nice person who likes video games.
jeff naruto8907
Nilo C.falconsmash
angel 0:D oshawaat
i cant wait untill i get my wings and halo.....*sigh* eventually but i came back from life and came to miiverse so im a noob again :] so i love anime,oshawott,video games,music and i used to rp....i guess i still do but theres no rps.........well yeah my nickname used to be aa but now its i have to say why?
★Shadow★ Cinos18
Ayy waz up peoples :)
Elly EdgarSoriano123
My name is Edgar i love Nintendo,and Sony i like to draw alot to XD feel free to ask for request my instagram is moshi_moshi_give_me_salt i love making new friends so dont be shy to talk to me i also love anime c:
Harval Harval1
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Rossi3 doesbrosYT
Im 18 i love music with a passion "any kind" i am a a+ student. i love playing with friends and winnin. the Doesbros ^ was my brothers 3ds #FollowMeFollowBack
◆Alonzo◆ Ruffin_U2
NinteNerd Crocopossum
Adrian GGHSUN111
Hey. Pokemon is the best!
Sam cgprime
Hi Miiverse!
Hector HGblue39
Hey I don't use this as much but I do check it so yeah welcome to my profile.
BRUH CloudSky987
what's poppin B O Y Z i follow the competitive Smash scene, Melee and WiiU. also i'm pretty decent at smash WiiU. and RPG's. Kreygasm BibleThump
Krispy Nint.Krispy
Turishouke Turishouke
Rino MrMariofan77
(⌒,_ゝ⌒)さる ugaryoga
Pokelam orosario
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
hey guys im jiten and its nice to meet you