JonVLC's Followers
Aj LEGOfan12
NO Wii U CHAT! Hi Miiverse! I'm a boy who loves LEGO, Video-Games & Ninja! I'm Christian! Fav. VG series: Anything Nintendo, Sonic, LittleBigPlanet, Kingdom Hearts & more! Fav. VG Companies: Nintendo, SEGA, Sony, Square-Enix & TT Games! My Systems: PC, PS3/4, GC, GBA, Switch, 3DS & Wii U. Please visit my Scribblenauts Unlimited store "Dojo of Imagination" we sell VGs, Ninja, Trucks & more!
Dark⇒Fake? ellinora
hi ich heiße eleonora und am liebsten male,lese,gehe raus und zocke XD ; )
XuanMC PvP XuanHDYT_zockt
Hi erst mal Hi ^-^/ lol Meine Fakten Name: Xuan Lieblings Youtuber: #LOGO GGDE GommeHD Lieblings Farben: Blau Grün weiß schwarz Alter:10 Lieblings Essen: Bananen Kekse Lieblings Games: Minecraft Splatoon Nintendo Land Wii Party U Und Mario Kart 8 Spiele Viel PvP und bin PvP Pro Und Suche PvP maps Und das wars für das erste Hier ein Keks noch nein nehm Direkt 10 ●●●●●●●●●●-˛-
☆Кагт★♪← cheery08
Hello! I'll miss you guys really much when MV ends :[ нарру еагļу хмаς! So I hope you guys are well ;) Thanks for the yeahs,encouragement and happiness! I really appreciate my followers too! Thanks2 ;)
εχίļε★аίм☆ StopTheBus
авоцт↓ ♪I łīке тгаίпς♪ Снгίςтмаς îς ďа ßеςт♡ му ƒανουгίте ġаме ίς Роккемоп тоųгламепт☆ ƒοιιοш ме ƒοιιοш ÿομ√ --------------------------------- I'm half positive half negative. I try my best sometimes... XD I'm da chosen nerd xD. Reading books is my habits. I used to own a Xbox360 But thats broken now xD #stopconfusion2017 ♪суа♪ ˇ¸ˇ ˘˛˘ ▼¯▼ ●◆● ………………… ок
OCcreator Mushu1220
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†Goku™ dbsuuanc
hello miiverse i wish to have l00 followers and i love dragon ball z im very kind my favorite game is super smash bros i look foward to having freindships with you the people of miiverse
SQ★Ίς★Àļεχ Pixels08
Comment hidden by Mojang Hallo,Welcome to my random Profile. (TEH SHIPS R COMING) yass, My fav game is Toyko Mirage Sessions #FE I'm in 3 clans :) Follow me Follow you bruh XD I'm probably a minecraft addicted fan. "Theres only 3 Choices, Give up,Give in or Give it your all!" -QuotezAnime(Credits to the internet) So adios amigos :] cya Miiverse is Awesome! #meme4life
ЛТ★Кιпоβι√ NumberTest1
Hello Random person ●¯● Anyway, About me↓ I love Soccer☆ I read book's twice a day★ I keep my tatics to myself☆ I love school and reading● That's all you need to know- I also play some other games on my tablet, Goodbye Tk Enjoy your day^^
frisk oscarzuni
hola soy Oscar zuniga quiero muchos amigos mi comida favorita es la pizza yo tengo 10 bueno practica mente 11 no soy malo mis juegos favoritos son bendy and the ink machine , mario bros , smash bros, y breath of the wild todo el mundo me cae bien y todos pueden ser mis amigos o pueden seguirme como ustedes quieran a y mi pais es honduras y yo dibujo mucho a my me encanta dibujar -_-
quim 2 QuimGarcia
raphael!! PigBlalock
miiverse is almost gone! im so sad about it i love mencraft loz disney infinity donky kong returns and nintendo land please follow me! and i dont acsept blank friend requests unless i have to and friend me if you want! enjoy my page but i dont acspet anyone to like it gooooooooood byyyyyeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!
aliya aliyahkaeden
Samuel fnafgamer23
Hi in samuel i have no friends :( i play games like minecraft and super mario maker i suck at battle minigame > : ( ooo also a update if you like or commet i will fallow you Fellow CupCakes baby blorlla funtime foxy funtime freddy bon bon freddy minirenna chica balloon boy THE WORST OUT OF THEM ALL bonnie toy freddy
ryley Ryleyhoward32
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Hikitani DrkFlmMstr7367
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«dαяκγ»•v• Gigi_KangaRoo
Welp, I deleted all my stuff again yay ;-; Um... I dunno anymore I just keep falling into depression and I cant handle all of the things that are happening in my life at the moment.. I may come back I may not, Im not sure... Hopefully everyones better off without me. Goodbye.
Underpants splatolot
Hello my name is Ciaran things about me ↓ Follow 4 Follow I am 11 I like videogames I like soft blankets I like beds I like twenty one pilots I am a boy in case you did not notice I like chocolate I like football or soccer (what ever you want to call it) I am very sporty my favourite meal is lunch favourite song:The score Unstoppable youtubers I watch:W2S,Josh brice,dude perfect. peace
мςv★ριχεl estepere
шαδδцρ My name is Esteban. Welcome to the ρίχει ραск! I love drawing and artistic measures... I am a HUGE Sonic and Legend of Zelda fan! I like the word "stahp" My favorite band is "The Chainsmokers" Go and follow ♪ηεко♪, he's a GREAT friend to hand around with! Thanks my followers so much! And I usually play with the homie яеδ, ƒцzzγ and my best friend ηεςς That's all! Later!
Bryant UNAMEIT141
Hello ↓Are facts about me C: age 1? Birthday: september Favorite song(s): Heathens 21 pilots and ride by 21 pilots Favorite game:Retro city rampage Personality:,Likes anime and
SofaFish fishsofa
Brayden juharris83
mr.ssundee taras.zherukha
Hi guys im Maksym i u like to pvp or just like to play worlds id be happy to plqy (as long as u don't rge in minecraft u know what i mean) so anyways follow me i follow u so have (btw lets sign a petion to end school 4 ever LOL : D)
きっとカニ I_love_meet
顔ポチ、ありがとうごさいます!! 最近、ゲームが面白くてヤバいきっとカニです!! 東方大好きです!!好きなキャラは妹紅です。 ゲーム超初心者です。どうぞお手柔らかに(笑) ミバ終わっちゃいますね、、、。寂しいです。
どうも!てらじーのサブです! スプラはほぼほぼホンアカでやるので、サブでやることはまあないですw ホンアカでのコメントがカンストしたときに出てきます! Miiは…ある僕が好きなアニメの主人公に似せてみました! フレンドになってもスプラ、そしてWiiU自体ホンアカでしか開かないので(Miiverseはスマホからinします)、合流はないかと思いますー よろしくですー
Γεο Jirachi_Keldeo
>W< ^¬^ ˘•˘ °o° *p* x) ————————————————— •2nd account of Oгioп ID:Pyroli_Noctali •And thanks +400 !!! —————————————————
Link Lover monika112602
Hello. My name's Monika Iris Welch(a.k.a, Link Lover) Hobbies: Draw- Read- Write Animes I've Watched:Sword Art Online(SAO)- Attack on Titan- Fairytail- Bleach- Vampire Knight Why are ya still here? Do you...Like me? Nah that's silly, No one likes me, not anymore anyways...
23 Jmartin135877
# what i've been doing is playing madden 17 and its so beast
こたにい kotahaya27
どうも!!こたにいです!4649♪ スプラトゥーン、マイクラ大好きです!(^▽^) スプラのランクは50で、ウデマエはSです(10/9現在)ブキはなんでも使うお~♪ アオリ派だぜ!!\(^^)/ スイッチ欲しい... フォロー返しします!フレリク返しもするよ! よろしくお願いします!!
Cameron Doghut32
Hi my name Cameron, and I like making friends. I have Super smash bros., Splatoon and many more and I like anime and manga I am part of the UNMEE
Danny DeathwillLive
I enjoy writing stories, rping and gaming. I also enjoy drawing. *Rp = Role playing* My favorite PC games are Undertale, Corpse Party & Amnesia; my favorite PS game is Fallout 4 and my favorite 3DS games are Pokémon Sun & Moon. Thanks for reading and, try to stay chill my awesome bros. ~I AM NOW TAKING [drawing] REQUESTS~
Stefanie mcfamily
hey i love,creepypasta,and i love to rp Feel free to WII U chat with me! go follow my other account @☆TRNRGold☆
はばたくチャバネゴキ u-santeresan
もうプロフ更新すんのもだr( 名前がソーダになりましたよろしくです 今年受験生なのでin率の変動の仕方が凄まじいですww スプラやってます。はい(決して上手いとは一言もいってない) 現在のウデマエ Sの50くらい?かな 過去最高ウデマエ S+43 所属Teamー2ku9 だいたいれな様かIronyとレギュラーしてるかガチマ行ってます 使用ブキ→カローラ、スシコラ、スシワサ、ノヴァネオ、ZAP89、ダイナモテスラ、ロンタム、スピコラ(練習中)、チェリー(レンシュウチュウ)、リッター(rennsyuutyuu) マリカ8デラックス欲しいです。 キングテレサマジLove^∀^ 更新日 7/3(月) そういやSwichすら持ってなかった(´・ω・` あとどうでもいいけどゲーセンにある音ゲー[maimai]にはまりましたw 最近テレサにはまりすぎてやばい°∀°
nae coolnae712
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™Jamell™ TarverJamell is Jamell.Tarver and i like play real Games like mario teens games i have a good day play it my read to go back to shoools and so shoools is very fun to me and picture already a
★♪sofia♪★ sofidance
Ciao! io sono Sofia(sofi)e ho 9 anni e ½.il mio gioco preferito è Animal Crossing New Life BRAVURA★★★★☆ SIMPATIA★★★★☆ INTELLIGENZA★★★☆☆ GENTILEZZA★★★☆☆ ALLEGRIA★★★★★ Grazie di aver visitato il mio profilo e seguitemi :D ‹3
Gερ★Ħαχσήツ eguez2008
D; Miiverse Se Cierra y Tengo que pedir Gracias 100 mil repetidas A mis seguidores a mis Amigo y especialmente A mi Bro Jorge D:#RIPMIIVERSE... ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥Oς qυιεяø……… ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥мυсно ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ #SανεΜιινεяςε ×-×
felipe2059 hasbbro2015
Talon 2dsTalonX6
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I am JonVLC a 10 Year old gamer who plays minecraft , mario kart 8 , ssb4 and other games. I am i...
I am JonVLC a 10 Year old gamer who plays minecraft , mario kart 8 , ssb4 and other games. I am in Year 5 ( The grade of school your in when you are 9-10 in the UK ) and my goal in miiverse is to have over 1000 followers and 100 friends.