Ravioli's Followers
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Ûmbrian Kæ DarkLordofFood
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Dawson different1
Welp... guess that's that, huh? Best of luck to you afterwards, I suppose. I had my fun here, memories good and bad, but the end is coming up. psst... The bird social website for me is wet_cheese_puff and CV is Wet_cheese_puff. Maybe I'll see you around?
Matthew G M_Bot9000
It's over 9000!!! and im being followed by japanese people Welcome to the official profile of MG SCIENCE INCORPORATED!
Christian3 PacManWorld2
Hey, i'm Christian. I main toon-link, Pac-man, and zelda in smash. Favorite game: Pac-man world 2. I'm a big Pac-Man and rhythm heaven fan. Electric Light Orchestra is my favorite band. Talk to me anytime. Vinesauce 4 life. Nothing but trash post on here, with a drawing occasionaly. Get cozy and make yourself at home in my trash bin. Christian X Ava is best ship
Yarno shrekjeffyboy
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(NOTE: Used to Yeah Bomb but I don't anymore) I'm a guy who mostly likes to post drawings. I usually go on Crunchyroll, Super Smash Bros 4, YouTube and other communities. I'm not the greatest at drawing, but I do try my best. (If possible) Goal: To gain a lot of followers and make new friends. I don't accept blank friend requests.
William Bear_Wonder
Just an alt for J.P 2.0. So I like everything he does. can you stop scrolling? Fine be that way *walks away* "The world's changing boys, it's time we change too". I'm a Christian. I love God. Bye
habieru ohabieru
3DS account. Wii U account: ZERJ_ALT (currently temporarily banned) Sixteen year old dude who loves Nintendo. I also like cartoons and chinese cartoons.
JP 2.0 aphillips1412
My name is JP. I'm a believer in God. Scribblenauts is fun. I like to quote movies/games. "BECAUSE I'M BATMAN"! I like memes. eh, that's pretty much it
Peter twicebanned
None of this would have happened if someone hadn't stolen my copy of Surfin' Bird Grand Admiral Griffin, Commander of the Imperial Super Star Destroyer Surfin' Bird Shrek is best Meme! Hail Neo-Zeon! Char is Fighting for our prayers! Shrek chases Callie and Marie to get yummy yummy Squid Dinner! Switch: SurfinBird
Nostalgia TRAAgentGhost
So you know about Metal Gear?
CutterL CutterL
Hope to see you again in the future. CutterL, CutterL_, cutterl98, CutterL#6951 Hey, I try to draw here when I can, lots of videogame stuff. You can find my art other places as well. I'm a big fan of Nintendo. I've played their games my whole life and I really enjoy every bit of them. I'm a little crazy, and kinda shy, but feel free to talk to me.
βłμε LemonKiwis
If your feeling suiçidal you've come to the right place:) Sαιμτατισης. Am I a good drawer? no.× Do I like twenty one pilots? yes.√ Do I like way to many bands and shows and have no social life and is deeply and internally deppressed? Yes√ Disrespecting Wamen? no thanks bye (Not a yeah bomber) (No follow backs)
Chuck Chuckyoshi_64
Hello, im chuck. i play miencraft. Im ??? years old when im on i play video games. Um yeah
zay VanillaDude
I do memes, but I'm still a normie. I like HxH. Hi, I'm Captain America here to talk to you about one of the most valuable traits a soldier or student can have. Patience. Sometimes patience is the key to victory. Sometimes it leads to very little, and it seems like it's not worth it, and you wonder why you waited so long for something so dissapointing.
Sami ☆ Derpycatmeowth
Eyyy, I'm Sammy. I'm a 15 year old tomboy that likes video games, video game music, drawing, using the web, and cats. I also speak in Spanish as well. R.I.P. Miiverse. Google+/YT/DA/Wattpad: TabbyPiggy D-scord: nugget ★ #9669 Alt Account: Crashy (CrashyCrashMun) 2nd Alt Account: Sue (SueSakamoto) 3rd Alt Account: Jeff (Cheesy-CheeseCat)
Mii Luigi SupaLuigiNumbe1
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Zack BelugaBlueBob
Derpster Alt.ChrisLopes
bananagram b0bisgood
I do not accept friend requests unless it is someone that I know. Also second account to Mr.Turner
ßastion BastionTheBean
♀♂?(GQ)/Pan/No Pronoun Pref. Hi my names Bastion, but you can call me Bas- Furry/ Pro-LGBTQA+/ Pokemaniac/ Gamer/ Person Taken by Lux, my good boi (gabribeco) Upd8: New desc. :000 () No Posts
Bas h aha SonixRiders
dont give him the banana its what he wants hi im bastion or bas and im super pan and like furries and yeah- zoroarks are my life taken by my special blushy boy Lux (gabribeco)
◆APPLEPIE◆ kaleyiscool123
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☆EndNelly☆ nellie06
Hey. Well, it's been fun guys...thank you for the follows, yeahs, and comments. I appreciate the love. ●Christian† ●Anime... ●8.13... ●No profanity... Nintendo, I really hope this "MV End" thing is a joke. If not, please make another version of Miiverse for the Switch, and we'll be able to access our old Miiverse accounts from there. Kinda like Swapnote and Swapdoodle! Goodbye fellow MV users.
Si 579ZtF286
Hello humans! Tis I, Bee Queen! Im just a 6 ft. tall bee flying around Miiverse, that's all. I like to talk about bees. Alot. Out of Posts: Nope :D I currently claimed the B3 Gaming Expo for Bees Community. Also, I'll be making a series in Scribblenauts soon. follow me to become part of the hive. Bye!
Luke lukedogs4
Hi Im Luke and I really love videogames my favorite systems are the Switch, Wii U, 64, Wii, New 3DS xl, Gamecube, Iphones, Super Nintendo. I like Books, Movies, art, Moutain Dew, Coke, Pepsi, Monster, And you dudes all rock subscribe to me all you dudes around the world. My favorite type of games to play are Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Sports, Action Adventure, Racing. My favorite color is blue
Ώ«Ďαώηη»Ώ XxAL4m3N0B0dyxX
Hai! --I doodle stuff (prob trash >_<) and post about random junk-- --Big nerd for NINTENDO-- --I also like cartoons, anime, sleeping, fishing, and wallowing outside-- --yeahs/comments/follows etc. are appreciated ^-^ ….but i dont know why anyone would bother doing that since most my stuff is bad (=.=)-- --age:16-- --single (>3<)-- --female-- --status: Doomsday Approaches 'O' --
wait what? Silverlugia707
Alola, fren. I'm somewhat of a bittersweet human. I like video games (woah) and being salty. Bye. I'm ☆Beans☆'s (ID: Corgi_Muffin) alt. I don't do much on here. ★No WiiU Chat ★No blank friend requests Sono chi no sadame JOOOOOOOJOOOOOOO
Logan ψ Blaze37481
What's Good? I'm Logan and love playing Super Mario Maker, making pixel art, and even drawing! Here are some things you should know about meh: •Living in New Jersey, I really love soft pretzels and water ice. •Currently, I am 14 years old. •Friend request me, but I don't WiiU chat. •Video Games are priorities. •"If you can afford it, buy it" Kek bye! ′• ω • `
PylesX ndpylessmash
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SailorMoon jascount1
DIO AkatsukiTreeLife
*Not really wryyyying internally* I feeling the sads at the moment. It has been a good run. I would like to thank you all for being friends with me. I appreciate it. IhopewecanmeetonClosedVerse!
slumy slumerdrumer
everybody luvs slum i have my own resturaunt, the slum bucket. just slumming around
Well i guess its time to move on.