Jik's Followers
sup_ Igameforlife
Sup guys im Igameforlife and I pretty much game everyday also mostly play minecraft but also play mario maker, mario kart8, mario party10, new super mario bros wiiu, and so much more I have so many games to play on the wiiu but just mostly play minecraft and sometimes you should go on miiverse once every two days or not whichever you want so im done and have fun whatever your playing and be cool:)
しゃしんのさんま sanma0608
顔ポチありがと~主にマイクラやってます。 好きな魚はカジキと秋刀魚です。 将来の夢は石油王ですwwww 好きなゲームはマイクラやモンハンなど色々です。(モンハンのデータは最近消えました!) フォォォォォォロー、フレリク気軽によろしく!(フォローはちゃんと返すよ!) (〃´ο`〃)ゞそこんとこよろ!
hilda mcclellanliljohn
This user's profile comment is private.
Gerina splatoonfan133
Hello im Gerina. Im a Splatoon person. Im lvl 50. Rank A-. My favorite food is Pizza,im 18(will be 19 in 4 days),i love drawing. Favorite things: Steven universe,Splatoon,Mario.Sonic,Zelda. Im trying to get good at gamepad art. .___.
¤Jay¤ clodea
*My name is jay *I love splatoon *My favorite show is steven universe *im 12 *favorite color blue *i love drawing *paper* *Mr.otaku:P
HUNTER master_builder00
hello my name is hunter l love to play games like cube life island survival mario kart and i love having followers and i am trying to get 200 followers
peanut pipsqeek06
i like mining dimensions on minecreft all the time with my friends.#pipsqeek06$$$$$$$
EmiO14 EmiO14
Hi. Love playing for fun.
Steven Steven-playz
Since i played Watch Dogs three times (No joke) it's fun to play it again.
mason masonsmith123