Users ★MMP☆дďαм★ Is Following
Sudofox sudofox
Hi, I'm Sudofox! I make art, trashpost on Miiverse, and run an art and animation community. Long Live Miiverse, even After The Hatena Era The Miiverse Code of Conduct forbids sharing account info for other sites. As such, please do NOT contact me here regarding any issues you're experiencing on Sudomemo.
GARY.efc gaz.EFC
I would like to thank everyone on miiveres Big shoutout to..... Rileytron w, Daft banana kong, noah, glen, oscar, The boss, myy100, bruhhhhhh, daver7, david ,super kev and everyone else. If you still want to keep in touch gamefaque.. GARY.efc 01 Closedverers.. GARY. efc at the moment its called https://closed. pizza/why. My light SWITCH has a no on it. sw-3493- 4144- 3526 Thanks everyone .
Trav$av254 travissavage1
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Mr MLG galacticcooldude
hi my name is mr mlg and i love video games
kaulfuss kaulfuss84
megankenzi MMK_070814
hiiiii friend me .live laugh love
stevie Stevie_06
ηiη★Mдгίθ★ zach-alex
Hi Welcome on my Profile, I am Zach And want now to thank all of my friends! If you want to try my levels at Super Mario Maker or play with me at MK8 tell me! I just start my high school. I am 12 years old.
mark minionbart
Hobbies: Gaming Birthdate: PRIVATE Games Played: SMM LD And more! I love my life..
Bri BubbleGumDrops12
This user's profile comment is private.
ƒιсøů★2nd lapinsucre_2nd
Salut! Hi! 2ième compte de MMP★ƒιсøů! MMP★ƒιсøů 2nd account! Je suis un joueur de super mario maker! I am a super mario maker player! J'ai 6 médailles sur mon compte principal! I have 6 medals on my first account! Bye!
sup' do not send me blank Friend Requests SAY SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just got breath of the wild!
Reid707 Reidy1205
hi my name is reid and i love playing nintendo games
Tati king1531
AJ♪ Audrease
Hey ppl :) I'm 16 Love Super Smash Bros and Super Mario I play piano I like to cook Favorite college: LSU Easy to get along with Im in 11th grade i have boyfriend♥ Listen to hip-hop and pop music Being rude means blocked i enjoy spending time with my baby cousin
November 7 rozo999
Frederick FredJudyMemiAle
★♪Wesley☆® ChessFan853
Hi!!!!! I am 12!!! If you follow me I will follow you back!!! I love exclamation marks!!!! On 9/18/17 I made up that my nickname is Eevee853!!!!! C Ya!!!! Oh and I'm part of the Alpha Warrior clan!
pierito PieroArteaga
€ħαяεενα64 chareeva64
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HEY GUYS!! I am €ħαяεενα64. [Pronounced Char-e-va64] My Fav. Games Splatoon Mario Kart 8 Minecraft Lego® City Undercover Highest amount of yeahs 58 I think thats it. ('_')
Sean seancarroll10
Hello everyone my name is Sean my favourite game is Mario Maker because I love making and playing levels Top 10 wii u games 1 Mario Maker 2 Mario Kart 8 3 Mario 3D World 4 Paper Mario Color Splash 5 Smash Bros 6 Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze 7 Mario Bros u 8 Splatoon 9 Wii Party u 10 Nintendo Land
CC★Matthew Matthew3167
Riley W Riley_W_Alt
WAZZUP, IT'S YA BOI'S SECOND ACCOUNT! I'm just a goofy whatchamacallit surfin' on the Net! In Super Mario Maker I'm working on two Level Series called Super Mario Lost World, and Mania Remix! Go check 'em out! Clans: 3MM TCW (Co-Leader) GGG (Co-Leader) Guess I got proven right again... Thanks for the "Kind" Words. #EmperrySplatDoodies -Riley TheNativeWeirdBoi
SMM / Axel miuramasaya0602
プロフィール写真に共感お願いします 自称装飾ガチ勢のAxelです。 ◆Mineのメンバー◆ ・Axel:設立者 ・スサノオ:副隊長 一般隊員:KTP Frisk あっくん ホタテ けんちゃん 全米が認めたガチ勢:Riku さかもと まひろ かとあき Nagisa えびる~ん ゆ~ はるT Naro Furano α えんたー MM/マリオ かとひろ なっさー ルブレ ケイ Ryoki よしあき スサノオ ウワイトチヨコレート Axis ふぁんたじー☆ 上級隊員:(今のところ)いません 30名 <Mine'sRule> ・メンバーのコメントに共感 ・集会所に定期的にコメント ・ネットのモラルを守る 入隊チーム KH Team Mine unity 【現在進行中のコース】 ・「仙道」*スピラン制作* Miiverse終了の11月8日に引退する予定でした
Dannyh09 dannyh09
#1 level maker in the UK in Super Mario Maker with over 375,000 stars! 2nd in Europe and 14th Worldwide! Danny Super Ultrathon Completers: Bruhhhhhh Kirby Jimmy Ruds_Labs Leith Ash K Kieran DTM Kyle Trey Tyler Duo-Face
UriahJ09 Uriah2007
my name is uriah and i like minecraft. join me in minecraft!
Optimize supersegakid
Hi guys it's me Segakid. And I like playing games like Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Sonic, Minecraft, Splatoon and all great games. I'm also pretty good at video games and it will be great to meet you all. Best friends: awesomeroxz Xmaster1 ˘\(^♡^)/˘ (·˛·) (îσî)
adrian adrianbustos
epic epicstyle
AO Armahn 1839RZ
RocketMan KingHerobrine876
I'm some dude that makes Super Mario Maker levels and intentionally awful Smash content. I'm also total Undertale trash and a fan of Touhou. People vote Sans for Smash, I vote Frisk for Smash.
Sam mazemaker
Hey Miiverse! my name's Sam My favorite video games are Mario Maker and MK8 :) SMM Achievements 5000 stars 9-6-17 regional weekly 10 medals! MK8 Achievements 5000 VR! Thanks for reading! & R.I.P miiverse 2017
Yo! This is Lee and this is my profile, which I do posts on the profile... QUESTIONS! Can you draw? Yes, I can draw. It's not exactly "good" but whatever. Do you like MemeSenpai? HECK YEA! What about MemeSensei? Yeah son! So thats me!
sonicfan90 rb8774
I am a youtuber
★MMP★δшεл RussellFamilyCPK
facts: I am a member of the clans MMP, MX, MME and MCE! i love mario maker! i'm friendly and answer friend reqestes! my levels are very fun i have over 1k stars! feel free to friend me and/or follow me! by!!!(: ●¬● (^^) (^-^) (^o^) ^●^ ^o^ *_* ^_^ o_o =] :-> +_+ /_\ "." =_= -.- '_' :/ ?_? !_! \_/ :) ._. -_- :-: )( &_& $_$ #_# %_% @_@ (._.) -.- 7.7 \(^o^)/ {*-*} I DON'T DO WII U CHAT!!!![][][][]
jaxon botghost
hello there my name is jaxon i had another acount but i deleted my data but im back yay! i play super mario maker and... uhh... yeah that's pretty much it
octa carolinayfamilia
Skylar mamah5
♥♡HI, Miiverse…This Is A Random Girl Named Skylar I Like Pizza And Kit-Kats ☆I'm Funny And Weird☆ I Don't Know What To Say But…You're Going To Scroll Down Aren't You Yes[√] No[ ] / \ (_• •_) You Smell That *Sniffs*, l Think It's That Follow Button Up There, Press It And It Won't Stink Anymore. I Also Do Follow For Follow!! If You're Still Reading This Have A Nice Day!!
camu camu camucamu2015
Miiverse, i will miss you!!!!
isaiah IzzyDaAwesome
what up what up?
Mya myas2006
Hi. The names Mya, or you can call me Mya Papaya. A few things I am proud of in my life are my Pinball/arcade in my basement at my dad's house. He has 13 arcades, or more. And he just bought a typewriter that was made in 1927 for $30! You can find those online for $575. I am 11 years old. Favorite movie: A Dog's purpose I want to be a photographer or archeologist. Favorite show: The Simpsons
♪♭Cubit♭♪™ Mineshot12
Sup. ♪♭Cubit♭♪™ here.I don't play Super Mario Maker that often, but I'm open to all level suggestions, so please tell me to do a level you'd like. Oh, and a star on one or two of my levels occasionally would make me happy.
ε⌒ヘ⌒ヽフ ( ( ・ω・) ε⌒ヘ⌒ヽフ⌒ヽフ ( ( ・ω・) ・ω・) ε⌒ヘ⌒ヽフ⌒ヽフ⌒ヽフ ( ( ・ω・) ・ω・) ・ω・) 'し-し-J し-Jし-J _人人人人人 人 人_ >見ろ!富士山だ!<  ̄Y^Y^Y^ Y^Y^ Y^ ̄ どうも!はこぼーです!絵描くの楽しいですね! 可愛い絵を漁ってポチるの大好きです! うおお!たぎるぜ俺の絵心がっ! すいっちてにはいったぜ... がっつり遊ぶぜ... こっちでも絵心に手を出すので更新率変わんないです。
junior carlos321
Hey, Its me Adam or you can call me The Rook.
I make drawings ocasionally, and usually make Leve...
Hey, Its me Adam or you can call me The Rook.
I make drawings ocasionally, and usually make Level Exchanges for SMM.
Im a sports fan, and Love to workout and do Crossfit. My favorite sport is basketball.
SMM Stats: 5.7K★'s
Feel free to follow me and I will hit the follow button back, Its an instinct!
Im a guy who likes to make people laugh.
Thanks for the support!