3 Days, 16 Hours, 13 Minutes, and 2 Seconds until HH Gregg re-opens. The hype is real.
Judy~poody's Yeahs

One of two things is going to happen in Odyssey. Either the moon is going to be the final area, or it's going to be the secret post-game challenge zone.

Some kid at my school almost did something depressing. Not going into details, but best of luck for him. He must be going through a hard time.

I remember (around the time when I first joined Miiverse) when someone made a post saying that they didn't like Pewdiepie, and I responded by saying "I respect your opinion, however I do not agree ...
hi i'm jude you but can call me judy poody as you can see it seems that i'm a miiverse mii just l...
hi i'm jude you but can call me judy poody as you can see it seems that i'm a miiverse mii just like you! i'm just a mii that is calm and you can friend me if you want to i'm 13! and thats it so see ya if you can! ;)
R.I.P. MÊMêverse