Users Gαгετн® Is Following
Alexis 2.0 tontoncascroute
Bienvenu(e) sur mon compte secondaire! Sur ce deuxième compte je publierai uniquement des messages sur les communautés 3DS étant donné que mon compte principal(captainamerica4)ne concerne que la WII U. Au passage petite dédicace à Julie(xd.fri),noah(Spirou3000),Andrea(stenn44),son compte secondaire: Andrea$wag(SwagySkilly)ainsi qu'a toute la BAD TEAM,salut!!!
Alexis captainamerica4
Aïe!!! T'as cliqué sur ma tête!!! Bon ça veut dire que je t'intéresse,c'est déjà ça.Je te pardonne si tu t'abonne à moi ok? merci. PS:un ÉNORME merci pour les 500 abonnés!!!
Shay★ ShayShay014
This is a new account dont add this account ------>ShayShay014 because i forgot my password and now i have another one :[ but yea im 14 and i love to sing and yhu can add this account :] i am a friendly person >< I do except Wii U Chat Calls lol idc :p The only games i have is Super Smash Bros. and Just Dance 2017 :[
MemeSenpai TheMemeSenpai
KD☆wøιf«● bozoryer
hey why did you touch my face so hard i am a yeah bomber are you still there you can leave now i also cant follow anyone because im following 1000 people my goal of followers are 450
Ben Splatboy08
Hi Miverse, im on a tight schedule so all I need is A MILLION FOLLOWERS!!!!!!
monstre quentintheret
Ben getgrow
I Love to play Minecraft: Animal Crossing: tomodachi life: Splatoon: Mariocart: Minecraft pocket edition: Mario Maker: AND TOOOOOOO MUCH MORE!!!!!!! anyway, by guy's!!!
Trent SS octobereve
Some stuff you may want to know, who knows? • I am 13 • I am a christian »—†Яς—› • I don't do WiiU chat. • I am part of the WW & mkp clans. • I started the Summer Slickers clan SS for short. For more info about my clan Look in the comments of my favorite post. • Co of SS: educator2015 • I have a WiiU but I don't do miiverse on it. • Out of post Yes() No(√)
(o^o) renzo0225
BRUH oh did not see you there my name is renzo im good in tumble in mincraft im a nice friend so Lets be friends see ya bye that was my profile. why are you still LEAVE NOW
◆røi zebru SeigneurSkull
salut c est clément j'ai 11 ans je suis en 6ème j'aime les console jeux vidéo les dinosaure les animaux les véicules je voudrais avoir maximum 30 amis et objectif 480 abonnés je fait parti des teem ◆ et røi (la miene) gentil★★★★☆ méchant★★☆☆☆( sauf si on m énerve ) humour☆☆☆☆☆ pasian★★★☆☆ intelligence★★★★★ amitié★★★★☆ bizare★☆☆☆☆ drôle★☆☆☆☆ stupide★★☆☆☆ voilà vous savez tout sur moi
Potato Internet_Potato0
Wolfspαrky browniechicken
Confusion can be a vary powerful tool, if used right. You should go follow α☆Arrow, and m∞nyDaWolf Pointing out illogical errors sense 2012.
Tim My13th
Profile comment hidden by admin.
goin owen Chuey58103
hi im owen i have a friend named seven! we no each other very well and in real life. age: not telling you!!XD top secret: not telling ya!!!!
Julian UrsonJr
Hi everyone, I'm a Mario Maker addict from Germany. My name is Julian and I love making and playing levels
Чάmэκσ zizou711
♥♡•…‹_~ºHello !°~_›…•♡♥ ¥¦¶ My name's Чαmέκο~ I 11 years old ¶¦¥ ★˜~* I love Pokémon, Mario and Acnl *~˜★ ¤$∞▲ I speak French and English ▲∞$¤ §⇔♀♥ I'm a girl ♥♀⇔§ →†— RIP Miiverse. We love you :'( —†←
RyanGTTV ryankid426NO2
Whats Up You Inktastic Inklings?:D ♪Kens Theme (Type B)♪ Just to Let you know this is my Second Account. My First account got banned, Which Sucks D-: About me: SSB4 Main: Little Mac Splatoon Rank: A Splatoon Level: 40 Pokken Tournament Main: Machamp Favourite Koopaling: Iggy Here are Some of My Friends! Mikey Liam Carter Ethan Dani Monty Ryan Aizey² Marty Thunder C Jeff And Joe GoodBye!
Terry TLoomis
Cale☆Cake★ BorisBatim
*Proceeds to scream like a maniac* You poked my face! Anywho, thank you guys so much for 250+ followers, I can't believe you enjoy my trash that much.☆ Follow my peeps↓↓ Blucario Red ★11 ☆Online ★Taken ☆Palapa ♪☁︎♧♨︎♧♨︎☁︎★♧♧♨︎☁︎♧♥︎♤♢♨︎★☆♡♡♪ ضصبشيسقثذظدزلفابغرتعهورىمنخحجةكًًًً ৌোেংমনলৈিাুূীসশপবরযকগহতদজচটড্য ЯъвтеруюпоиащсшдлфкгйхзчьмцнжбᏯᏔᎧᏩᏯᎿᏜᏀᏍ ᎦᏝᏓᎭᏌᎳᏆᎹᎾᎥᎡᎤᎢᎣ 是說明他愛上帝也很難想像空間結構調整的失業率參考消息了?有限責任
Tyler Tylerrsv
Ready to play
Dan Brand1738
What's up Dudes
★Rubio★ Siempretequedre
Hola! Sigueme si quieres ser un rubito como yo!! ∞ ★ACNL★ ★Mario Kart 8 Deluxe★ ★Kirby★ ★Pokemon★ Cosas Preferidas↓ Jugar videojuegos ,jugar con amigos ,las peliculas de terror y drama y estar con la famila Espero que os guste mis publicaciones ×2 ●▼▲● Gracias por todo rubitos!! ™
cff Brantley2007
This user's profile comment is private.
mathis carrefour59
Evan Evankip
Subscribe to Amiibo Royale
Mungus MergingSeeker29
Wot is Up Miiverse! I see You have just tapped on my face! welcome to my profile page!! I am 15 years old... And My Favorite Game on Wii U is Minecraft (I know, not the best platform to play minecraft on)... I have a build team and it is filled with swag... if you want to friend me, ill have you know that I have a detailed look at your Miiverse page and make sure you're not a squeaker. -Mungus.
mami john~ MaMi_JoHn
aye ~video games ~sometimes anime ~14 ~ugly ~doesnt do wii u chat ~doesnt chat at all !still a child in my own kind ~artist ~lover ~loves u ~hates rude people ~bye. i said bye
AmnaSayyar AmnaSayyar
This user's profile comment is private.
KingEnder DiamondCrafter67
Krishi krishi29
raphael!! PigBlalock
miiverse is almost gone! im so sad about it i love mencraft loz disney infinity donky kong returns and nintendo land please follow me! and i dont acsept blank friend requests unless i have to and friend me if you want! enjoy my page but i dont acspet anyone to like it gooooooooood byyyyyeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!
ggog drac159
Lesinge01 Domigeek
(Salut je suis Domiguilli sous autre compte ) j'ai la x box one s,j'ai la ps3, la wii, la ps2, 2 ds normal et une 2ds si vous appuyer sur suivre vous rejoignez la Team des Geeks
Hey there! •Name:Aiden •Age:15 •Likes: Food, gaming, drawing ,animals, and my friends •I play: Pokemon Sun, ACNL, Pokemon Shuffle, and Team Kirby Clash Deluxe •I take drawing requests Please follow: yungbreezy Alli ШЩ/ßÐ Hannah MemeWizard
たも taeyuryoshu
Noah sammyegail
CassMaster CassMaster12
Hey! I play Smash Bros on my nintendo 3DS. Go follow my other account ,TreDubs. C U
Hello! I'm just a 13 year old waisting his life in his basement
I mainly play Super Mario Maker,...
Hello! I'm just a 13 year old waisting his life in his basement
I mainly play Super Mario Maker, Smash Bros., and Splatoon, but I play a few other games on occasion.
Thank you guys for almost 200 Follows.
No blank friend requests, please
No Wii U Chat. At all. Ever. Josh, I'm looking at you.
That's about it. Bye.